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Big C Scam Pattaya Big C SCAM! A "heads up" for you and any of you who may shop at Big C. Over the last month I became a victim of a clever scam while out shopping. Simply going out to get supplies has turned out to be quite traumatic. Don't be naive enough to think it couldn't happen to you. Here's how the scam works: Two handsome 18 or 19-year-old guys come over to your car as you are packing your shopping in the trunk. They both start wiping your windshield with a rag and Windex, then take off their t-shirts to dry the windshield. It is impossible not to look at their lean muscular chest and ripped abs. When you thank them and offer them a tip, they say "No" and instead ask you for a ride to Beach Road You agree and they get in the back seat. On the way, they start having sex with each other. Then one of them climbs over into the front seat and performs oral sex on you, while the other one steals your wallet. I had my wallet stolen May 4th, 9th, 10th, twice on the 15th, three times just yesterday, and very likely again this upcoming weekend. Again - please beware!!
I have now had IP Star Satellite system for over a week. It is fast, reliable and I am very happy with it. The dish is small and the only time the net is slow is went it is cloudy and rainy. Other than that, I get very fast access and it has been excellent. It is not good for VOIP. I have tried both Vonage and Skype with it and neither work well. I think the delay time makes the phone conversation fuzzy. Downloading from Itunes and other places is lightening speed for Thailand. It works very well when downloading movies or music. I had ADSL before and since I don't yet have a phone line this was my only option that worked. Truth is, it works better than my old ADSL line from TTT.
I am with you Cat. I really don
The Bars in Boyztown and Sunee have been hit or miss lately.
We are trying to get more information on our closure and the site. We will need to hire a law firm in order to do this.
It seems we have been taken under by the Cyber Inspector in Thailand.
I had a conversation with my Thai "boyfriends" last night. They seemed to prefer the word boyfriend. However, after much talk, they came up with a new word that I think fit what I was looking for. Sponsor Yes, that is right. Sponsor. I like it. It does not have negative connotations for me and they seemed to agree it says more than just fuck buddy or friend. And, perhaps appropriate?
What I have seen done many times is to use a cell phone and bluetooth to connect to the internet. If you have a GPRS compatible phone, and your phone and computer both have bluetooth, simply go to the link the bluetooth together and you have instant internet. Often the speed is better than dial up. If you don't have this, get a PCMI care that allows you to put a sim in it. DTAC and 12Call both have internet packages. Then, you have the ability to have your computer use the network. The PCMI Sony Erickson card is good and is about 5k baht. The Sony Store on TutCom Floor 1 has these options. DTAC is on 2nd Floor at Carrofour and will set the sim up for you if you want. Good luck!
First off, I have not even met one of my neighbors. It is a very restricted community. The seem to come and go in cars and drive into their carport, shut the door and not come out again. I was beginning to wonder if I lived somewhere where there were no other humans. I still have not met any. I saw one coming home last week in a car and I chased it. Security tackled me before I got to their door. I would say the next day I looked like Rodney King did the day after. But, that may not be the case. I did break a fingernail. Jep. Also, while I am no Martha Stewart, I can bake just a little. Last night I cooked a mean spagetti. The Thai boys that live with me ate it with slow glee. After a few White Russians, they devored it to the last drop. It is amazing how much better things taste with a bit of alcohol.
I tend to agree with most of your statement. But, in this case, they came to an agreement. The agreement was breached by the Thai Boy. The agreement was then invalidated by the breach. I didn't see it as treating the boy like a piece of meat. I saw it more as a smart move on the farangs part. He knew there would be trouble ahead. Why spend more money in order to come to the same conclusion? That being said, the Thai boy was a great catch. It appears they both missed out on a good thing. But, what could have happened could have been easily avoided if the Thai boy had not wanted to try to get another 1k baht short time. But, that is just my opinion and I am sure it is not the popular one.
Very well put!
I was watching TV the other day and a mafia movie was on. The guy was in love but wanted to tell his new lover about his past life. She stopped him and said, "what happened in the past is the past. It is what happened since the day you met me that is important." If we all come to the table with this mentality I think we are a lot better off. People will become the person you treat them. If respect and love is shown, often they will respond accordingly. When I was into the NYC escort scene I had many customers tell boys that before they met them all they were was a whore. Once that is said, those words cannnot be taken back. If you treat someone like a hooker, that is what you will get. If you treat them like a friend you are likely to get that in return. My Thai friend was treated very well. But, it was new to him. The treatment was new. The possibility of a new life was dazzling. He made a bad choice. Hopefully, he will learn from that and not make others.
OMG Do you mean all these years of telling my family I had different roommates in a few different countries that they actuallly knew the truth? I hope I am now able to cope with the family Xmas party. Do you think when I took my ladyboy boyfriend home one year that they actually knew it was not a lady? I have to rethink my next trip home to meet the family. Thank you for the heads up Cat!
Last night I had a Thai friend I have known for a while to my place. He is sweet and adorable. He is also very sexy and intelligent. He is a great combination of many things. He came to me for advice. I was hoping he had come to me for more than just advice but I take what I can get. He is a student in Bangkok and only comes to Pattaya when he has a long vacation. He met a farang who he took a liking to and vice versa. They were only together for less than one week. The farang told him that he would take him off from the bars permanently and he would not have to work his regular job when he returned to university in 2 weeks. The boy was happy. The farang offered to pay for tuition of 80k baht per year, a monthly stipend of 30k baht and take care of all other expenses related to living in Bangkok. In return, the farange got weekends and the only requirement was for him to spend 2 days on weekends with him and to never go with another customer again. The deal was set and all was great with both parties. The boy went back to his bar to get his salary for the month as was told another customer was waiting for him and it was one of his regulars. He decided to see him one last time and went off from the bar. According to the boy, the farange that had offered to take care of him had paid his off for the bar for that night and had given him 3k baht to be with his friends. Since this was a regular customer he didn't want to be rude and say no. He went with the customer. The farang found out about it and said to him, "Here is 1k baht for you and I wish you a good life." The boy was heartbroken and the tears flowed. When I spoke to the boy, he was still sad and he said that this was the opportunity he had been waiting for. It was his chance for a good life with someone he had a good time with. When I asked him why he went customer after having such a sweet deal presented to him, he said, he did not want to be rude. He also confessed that he went to an area of town that he didn't think the new "boyfriend" would see him. In truth, the new "boyfriend" had someone see him and then confronted the boy the next day. He admitted his mistake and said he was sorry. To the farang, he was no longer interested in a relationship with someone he could not trust. To me, I have tried to instill the value of honest in all of my "boyfriends." It is a hard concept for many of them. The nature of the business is often to tell what you think others want to hear. When you run across an exception to that rule, you don't know what to do and you don't know how to handle the situation. I have one Thai boyfriend that has been living with me for one year now. He is not the perfect boy in any sense. He is sexy. He is funny. He is sweet and he has one of the biggest cocks in Pattaya. But, he is not gay and I much prefer someone with me that is gay. He has made it with me so long for one reason. When he tells me something, I believe it. He has proven this to me over and over. When he has something that I don't want to hear, he still tells the truth. To me, this is far more valuable than other qualities. I once asked him why he never lied to me. He said it was simple. When he first moved in with me I told him as long as he told me the truth that I would be OK. He said he believed me. I told him that he was right. I have been through my fair share of other relationships since and yet this one is still with me. Why? It is not the fact that when he shoots a load, it goes over his head and hits the wall behind the bed. It is not the fact he used to win big cock contests. It is not the fact the he is fun to be with. It is the fact that no matter what he does or says, what he tells me is the truth. I sat in a bar last year with an English man who wanted to meet a dancer. He looked to the boy and said, "my friend tells me you have a beautiful ladyboy." I had not told him any such thing. The boy nodded his head and said yes. The man then gave him 100 baht and said, "Go away. I don't want boyfriend with ladyboy." The boy was crushed. His honesty, even though by trickery, caused him to loose a potential client. I called him over and apologized and made it clear that this guy was not my friend and I had only met the guy that day and I did not tell him anything about the ladyboy. I tipped the boy well and looked at the man and said, "you are a asshole. I hope you get the "boyfriend" you deserve" and I walked out of the bar and never spoke to him again. I see him occasionally and he has a "boyfriend." The boyfriend has one of the most beautiful ladyboys in Pattaya. But, he said the right words to the man and the believed him. The game continues. It is often hard to believe what someone tells you. I have learned to believe little of anything I am told by Thai boys and by Farangs. Most of what comes out of their mouth is fabrication or fantasy talk. But, on that rare occasion when an opportunity of a lifetime presents itself, all the past games and lies will factor into what decision each party makes.
Internet Options in Pattaya 1. Dial Up and ADSL
While in Pattaya, sometimes I find it necessary to use a sleeping pill. My favorite medication of choice is Tylenol PM. For me, it works better than anything else. However, I have been unable to find it anywhere in Thailand. When I go back to Canada or the US, I am able to get it easily. When I run our here and I need something to help put me to sleep, I have used Thai Valium and Xanex. Both seem to work great and do the job. However, I am not really sure how safe they are and I don
In Thailand, the word boyfriend often brings many different reactions depending on what experiences and motivations one has. I have not quiet fully understood the Thai meaning of boyfriend yet. I keep looking to learn more and I do keep trying to grasp what the word means to a Thai guy. I use the term boyfriend often in Thailand. I realize that in other places, that the paid companion I have would not be considered a boyfriend. But, in Thailand, many often use the word to represent one that is living with you or someone you are taking care of. In another thread, I was asked why I limited my "boyfriends" to having an open relationship with other Thais and younger guy and a closed one with any other farang. I was unable to answer fully the questions because many factors come into place. I have had guys I enjoy and take care of only when I am in Thailand. When I leave, I expect them to go back to work and earn a living. I realize this and I know what they do for money. As long as I am not paying the bills, that is fine for me. I have trouble with "boyfriends" of other faranges that work in the bars. Often they have a customer that comes here once or twice a year and during that time period, the boy is taken care of and is considered not available. When the farange leaves, the boy goes back to work and starts business as usual. That is fine for all concerned. I have seen more than a few times a few farang "boyfriends" come into town at the same time and feelings are hurt and anger flares. I have known boys that tell their farange they are the only one and the farang sends them money on a weekly or monthly basis. When they run out, they look for a way to earn more. This is another type of boyfriend. I have met boys in bars who were the boyfriends of another Thai boy or Ladyboy. These guys are only looking for short times as they have another life and are not looking for the long time off. I have seen boys in bars that are the boyfriends of the bar owner or mamasan. These are also odd, as many times the boyfriend does not want the Thai boy to work and only to be put on stage as eye candy. As long as the Thai boy is at the bar and at work, they don't go off the premises with the customer but often during the day, they will contact other faranges. I have often wondered if a boy is working in a bar and is the boyfriend of the owner if the owner or mamasan really expects when they run into a potential gold mine that they will not succumb to that possibility. I have known many boys that play the role of boyfriend very well and it is outside of the bar that they look for other possibilities. I know one owner who has his boyfriend for years. He has taken great care of him and the two are very happy together. I have seen one couple that took on a Thai boy many years ago and they have a long-term commitment. They seem to be very happy in the 3-way scenario and it is great to see those friendships develop. There are boyfriends of farangs who actively take care of them very well. These are the ones that have the most to loose when they stray. I met a boy that wanted to go home with me last week from a bar. I told him OK. When he got to my place we finished sex and he showered. His phone rang and he answered. It was his boyfriend. This was news to me. He promised the guy he was not with a farang and only loved him. He smiled at me the whole time he spoke. It was quiet uncomfortable for me and I felt guilty. I asked if he had a "boyfriend" and he said yes. I asked why he worked in a bar and he said that his boyfriend did not give him much money when not in Pattaya. I did not see the guy again but I did develop a friendship with him. It turns out that the guy gives him over 30k baht per month and his last trip to town he gave him 100k baht to take care of himself for a few weeks while he was away. I was shocked why the boy would risk loosing such a good catch and he said, no problem, he loves me too much. He has also made it clear that he enjoys sex with others and that he would never jeopardize his relationship with his "boyfriend" but what the farang doesn't know won't hurt him. I really don't know where my term for boyfriend comes in all of this. I have a "boyfriend" or two that I adore. I am not in love with them and vice versa. However, we have been together for a long time. I use the word boyfriend often. The more I learn about Thailand and the more I learn about myself in the LOS, the more my definition changes. It is not the same today as it was last month or last year. When I talk to family I often use the term "special friend." In my mind, that is really more what I have. I have some amazing special friends that I adore, care for, worry about and enjoy.
HaHa He did tell me about this farang ladyboy he was with. He said he had a fun time with her and that she was so bendable, flexible, moveable, unbreakable that he thought he may have left her tied to the rafters in the celing. But, since you are posting, I will have to tell him you worked yourself free. BTW: the lipstick stain you left on his Versace shirt was a chore to get out. Loved the color dear!
hehe. Those are just my rules. My bf is not gay. He has a ladyboy. He is very well taken care of. If he wants to work while I am away that is fine. But, I won't support him financially for that. If he doesn't want to work and only do school and live the good life, I'm willing to support that. Why? I don't know. I am comfortable with that and I pay the bills.
What do you use? I am preparing an article on my struggle for the Internet. I have a satellite on order for next week and will report back. What is your experience?
There are many new boys at the bars recently. However, I have not seen too many customers sitting there. I went to 4 bars in Boyztown and there was only one or two other customers in each bar. Last night, I was in Sunee and not only were there a lack of customers, but there seem to be few boys on stage. I know it is low season. For those of you who have been here for a few years, how does this compare to previous years? On another note, I found a great guy at Gayuga in Boyztown. He is only in town for a week as he goes back to University in Bangkok next week. He is one of the sexiest guys I have seen in recent days. He was tall, muscular and well defined. He has a beautiful smile and perfect complexion. He was 22 and new to the area. I spent some time with him and had a good time. It just goes to show that even in times of drought, there are amazing things in the Oasis.
I have moved into a new house in Jomptien. I love the house. I am quite happy and content. I am unable to get a phone line and getting Internet access in the house has been impossible. Many have told me that it is easy to get. However, the phone companies are sure they don
I have often wondered where the line is drawn when it comes to friends and their boyfriends. When I was in America, I had a policy not to get involved with those petty games. I once had 2 great friends that were lovers and together for many years. One of them had an indiscretion and because I did not tell his lover about that, I lost him as a friend. I did not think it was my place to get involved. I also hated losing a good friend over my silence. To date, I still think I did the right thing. In Pattaya, things are different as the situation is often more one where money is involved as opposed to just lovers. I have a friend who thinks his paid companion does not see anyone other than himself. Yet, I have seen the guy working the crowds and streets looking for extra income. The question is, what is my role? If this is a friend that I value and enjoy, do I speak my mind? Or, do I risk loosing the friend in either case? I know I have gone away on a few occasion and I wanted to know if my
I think you have a good point TeePee. I do understand that many people distinguish between Sunee Plaza and Boyztown. I understand this. I pay the same rate for all guys in Thailand. I tell them I will pay 1,000 baht for a short time and I do tip 200-300 depending on how good they were. I also give them motorbike taxi to return home. I don't do overnights too often but when I do, I pay them 1500 baht minimum. I pay the same price for guys in Sunee as I do other places. I am very upfront with the boys I take off and I tell them what I will pay in advance if it is someplace I am not known. If I go to a bar I frequent, I don't have to discuss these things. I also treat them with respect and offer then drinks and food to eat. Last week I offered a guy something to drink and he asked for wine. I opened up a bottle of wine. Should I have taken that out of his fee? NO. I guess everyone comes to the table with different expectations and experiences. I have sat around with Thai boys who talk about the cheap farangs who only pay 500 baht. Don't fool yourself and think that the boys don't talk bad about this. They do. They talk about us as much as we talk about them. I also know that the farangs that pay the 500 baht knocking at their door. Many think it is because a boy likes them so much. Actually, they are broke and need cash. When in a crunch, they have to do what they need to do to make ends meet. That does not mean that someone should take advantage of this. I have heard many farangs say, "rent is due and I'll get the boys cheap this week as they are hungry." How sick. This is just my two cents worth and I know not the majority opinion.