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Everything posted by TotallyOz

  1. Is a "thrip" a thruple with rips?
  2. I am sure the Murdoch's care about money but I believe they would happy give it up for their party. They are fanatics.
  3. Even if the full amount is awarded, it will not sway Fox to change it ways. They make many more billions off of the stupid and naive. The cost of this will not hurt them at all.
  4. How do they know if you share?
  5. China does things that is best for them economically. In Thailand, they have build bridges to the future by supplying them with trains, tracks, etc. Their goal is to get their goods out of China to the world. I don't see them doing something that would hinder that. However, a loss for Putin may make it harder for China in Taiwan. That is what they are most trying to figure into the equation. I appreciated that Biden visited the Ukraine and showed that he was resolute in his support. I agree with @stevenkesslarthat Carter was right and now their plans need to pay off. I said the same thing to my Indian programmers many time. If they build the middle class, India could be one of the next super powers. But, India does not know how to do this. Both countries have enormous potential and lets face it, the US is going slowly down in importance. I would say China is next in line if they play things right.
  6. That is great news. Congrats.
  7. Update: the long weekend was great. We had fun. (I had fun) He did not want to go out and eat and just wanted to stay in the building and cook and swim and take photos. One of his photo got 50k views from my place. It was pretty fun for me to watch this as well. Sex is delightful. He is able to do things with his dick that most could only dream of. He took zero effort and did not want any money and wanted to treat me to dinner tonight. It was a very fun weekend. However, I am tired and sleepy. I can't keep up with the late night movie watching so I need to slowly find a way to trim that time back next weekend.
  8. I have never loved Biden but I do think he is OK. He has never gotten me excited. But, I do know that the last election, he was the best hope the Democrats had for winning. I can't think of anyone who could successfully replace him. But, they always find someone. Trump is the unknown factor and the one that troubles me. His support is wild but many will lean toward Biden, and I'm not sure if those in his party would switch sides for Harris. Pete should have a bigger role in this administration. That would have propped him up for a run and perhaps why they didn't do that. For some reasons Democrats like to pass the baton instead of going for who would win the most support. If that is the case, Harris is the likely nominee. I really liked the Castro brothers in the last cycle.
  9. Sometimes life just gets in the way and second or third chances mean a lot to someone.
  10. Yes, she is. But, she is the extreme. Most people from the south are not that extreme. There are lots of moderates from most areas.
  11. Love the tattooed guys!
  12. I think an excellent chance for sure. And, with all the nuts they have in the House, they don't want to risk one nut spoiling it for the whole bunch. I am just shocked at what we now tolerate in American politics. Why was Al Franken forced out? These people today are totally crazy and seem to get support regardless. How on earth could MTG get reelected?
  13. Now, Republicans are starting to worry as at first Santos said he would not run for a 2nd term and now he says he will. That scares them as they know he will be defeated. It also means that all the other seats they took in NY will have Santos in the minds of voters. IMHO, the best thing for them at this point is to get rid of him ASAP. To do otherwise, will spark issues in the next election cycle.
  14. Lookin, I have been there and enjoyed my time there but that was 20 years ago. I don't know what the situation is like. I do have friends that are Russian and they are pro Putin. They also support the war the invasion. I don't understand it anymore than I understand the mass support for Donald Trump. I think so much has to do with wanting a strong leader who in their view cares for them.
  15. Happy to have you more. First political discussion: rainbows or fairies?
  16. Update: the overnight was great. We got along fabulously and watched a movie, cooked dinner together, and good massage (me to him), we went swimming two times, and just had a fun time. Night was very good. He works and had to go back to work after one night, but next week will take 2 days off together and spend the entire weekend with me. Yesterday, I got a nice Valentine's Day gift from him. So, so far, things are progressing nicely.
  17. I hired a group to trace the IP and got a few others involved. Resolved for now, Yes. But, you know as well as I do, once a file is out there, it could always come back and haunt you. People are often naive when they think someone likes them. (just see my thread about my new crush)
  18. This happened to a young cousin in USA 2 years ago. He was mortified. I was able to get involved and resolve the situation. But, he was terrified.
  19. He saw these sitting at my door and we were going to the pool and he wore them down. I have size 14 boots so a bit big for him, but he wore them about as well as I wear Dorothy's slippers.
  20. @kokopelli3 we are not in Kansas anymore!
  21. Years ago, I was OK with a BF staying home and doing nothing. But, the more experiences I have had, I have come to give two choices if someone lives with me. Either work or go to school. If going to school, I'll pay for it all. No worries. But, if not progressing in a career in university, they must have a job. I just came to believe I was doing a disservice to them to let them do nothing but have fun and play and when things break off to have nothing to fall back on.
  22. No one is limited to only one BF. Lots of love to be shared. I like the TV analogy. Correct!
  23. Everyone needs to work. It builds character. My BF of 20 years works full time. He is a truck driver. I can't have someone just sitting around waiting on me day and night. Not good for them and I can't have other visitors.
  24. Yes, 20's, yes and has never asked for money (just a loving husband who caters after him night and day)
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