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Everything posted by bobsaigon

  1. I could go, but at my age I'd have to bring my doctor (and maybe a wheelchair) along with me.
  2. Saw it lots of times and never could get a clear explanation from the boys.
  3. bondagefan: I stand corrected. Thanks to Bucky for keeping us up to date.
  4. bondagefan: you asked the same question two times on SawatdeeGayThailand and I told you two times that the place opened last year and closed last year. I guess I did not write clearly. It looks like English is not your first language.
  5. Soi Twilight map (2013) https://www.google.com.vn/search?q=soi+twilight+map&rlz=1C1AOHY_enVN708VN709&tbm=isch&imgil=n44qCpwr6F_A8M%253A%253BAYLVzmNdoagXuM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.bangkokeyes.com%25252F2013jul01.html&source=iu&pf=m&fir=n44qCpwr6F_A8M%253A%252CAYLVzmNdoagXuM%252C_&usg=__OCCOVNBKVgyxvWYfjV39VZIJL7g%3D&biw=1280&bih=605&ved=0ahUKEwjrg42zxefUAhUL2LwKHfs-BzYQyjcIOQ&ei=uExXWevHAouw8wX7_ZywAw#imgrc=n44qCpwr6F_A8M:
  6. I just read Fountainhall's Bhutan posts. Really first rate.
  7. Interesting that the novel was written by a Frenchman: The Bridge over the River Kwai (French: Le Pont de la Rivière Kwai) is a novel by the French novelist Pierre Boulle, published in French in 1952 and English translation by Xan Fielding in 1954
  8. Steve, I have not tried yoga pramayamas as a way to improve lung function. If you saw my latest lung function graph, you would know why. But thanks for the suggestion. You are obviously in much better shape than I was in a few years ago. I hope it will continue that way.
  9. Can’t generalize about this since each of us is different. Can only provide personal experience: At 63, I had to stop tennis and bowling after the doctor diagnosed COPD, but I still had ten more years of fun in Bangkok and Phnom Penh. At 75, the wheels definitely began to fall off. Several months of bronchitis, a couple of hospital stays. Now I tire very easily and use a nebulizer several times a day, along with occasional oxygen use. Moral of the story: stop smoking now if you want to extend your years of fun in SE Asia. So what is everyone doing to keep healthy and active? · Giving up smoking: No alternative. Damaged lungs cannot be repaired. · Drinking? I stopped that in my early thirties when even one drink gave me a headache. · Exercising regularly? From, 60 to 63, yes. After that, lungs could not support much exercise. · Eating well? Not really a concern. Blood tests all show acceptable levels of cholesterol, etc. · Having more sex? Mentally. OK, now at 77, with reduced lung function, I am afraid to try anymore, with or without Viagra. I do not want to appear on the front page of a Thai newspaper with post mortem photos taken at Bangkok Massage or Bonny’s. Not the memory I would care to leave with my sisters.
  10. A response, in general, to Bucky’s concerns, but definitely not directed at Numazu, since none of us is privy to his intentions; nor are we qualified to comment on his intentions or put any sort of label, polyamorous or otherwise, on his relationships. We can just enjoy his exceptionally entertaining reports. I’m just offering this as an example of how we as human beings, can satisfy our longings to connect with each other: From the Urban Dictionary: Polyamorous = having multiple commited relationships with people you are mutally in love with, and everyone wants it to be that way. This is not to be confused with swinging or multiple relationships, where you are sleeping with the other people or they are friends with bennies, whom you love. That is called non-monogamy, and to say it is polyamory is a lie. "I told Brad I'm in love with him, and my husband Rick is very happy for us." "That's cheating!" "No, we're polyamorous. You can only cheat on rules that exist. We don't have an agreement to be exclusive. But an example of me cheating would be to not tell Rick that I'm in love with Brad, because the rule of honesty is right up there with the rule that the primary relationship comes first"
  11. On Vietnam TV, I do see quite a few fatal accidents involving motorcycles, usually when they collide with a truck or car. I still think that Vietnam would be close to Thailand for motorcycle fatalities. The graph above I guess includes all types of traffic related deaths including those involving cars, vans, trucks, buses, etc.
  12. Perhaps someone was "encouraged" to forget about including Vietnam. Accidents all the time here in Vietnam. Difficult to find a person who does not have scar(s) on leg(s) resulting from motorcycle collisions.
  13. The Island Caprice owner told me that his biggest challenge was to get the “actors” to abstain from drugs for a few days while he was filming them. One of the “actors” told me that they frequently had to pause in filming in order to give the cast time to “re-activate” their erections. The boy said he got 30K baht per film, but I tend to doubt it was that much. Nothing risky or immoral in taking the nude photo of a consenting legal age sex worker if no one except yourself is going to see it, meaning no BIB, no customs officers in your home country. As already said, the Thai government would love to have the opportunity to prosecute porn film makers or anyone else who has “porn” on his cell phone or laptop. There have been several cases of the police arresting men who were involved in under age sex (notably the former owner of a well known Pattaya boy bar) and not surprisingly, the police said they had found extensive porn on the computers of the suspects. But being arrested just for having nude photos of sex workers is not something that has been in the news. What I found amusing, maybe even hilarious in this thread was when the irate finger pointer took umbrage at being designated a sex tourist rather than a sexpat. And while I agree that it doesn’t help to calm the waters by quoting Scripture, the admonition restricting stone throwing to those free of sin is certainly apt in this case. Whether we are porn producers or porn consumers, and whether we enjoy the opportunities in LOS to have commercial or non-commercial sex, we are all in the same boat, which does not need rocking. Peace! (or Pax Tibi, to steal a phrase from the Latin Mass)
  14. BTW, I got this today from a capitan at Dreamboys in Soi Twilight, " Dream boys very low. I have Salary there and Extra money for drinks for boy, 2nd drinks and introduce boy to customers. Before, Extra money they pay every 1st Saturday of the month. But now didn't get that. Very very Bad. And, Customer very low".
  15. OP means "Original Poster", that's you, the person who started this thread. Soi Twilight is off Suriwongse Road, not off Silom. See this map of Soi Twilight and then look for a street map of Bangkok, especially Silom / Suriwongse Streets. https://www.google.com.vn/search?q=soi+twilight+bangkok+map&rlz=1C1AOHY_enVN708VN709&tbm=isch&imgil=n44qCpwr6F_A8M%253A%253BAYLVzmNdoagXuM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.bangkokeyes.com%25252F2013jul01.html&source=iu&pf=m&fir=n44qCpwr6F_A8M%253A%252CAYLVzmNdoagXuM%252C_&usg=__JUkr6fVBoMpBFTYM8pmPq-pfJcI%3D&biw=1280&bih=605&ved=0ahUKEwiLzYS5l8TUAhVIKJQKHZqMAssQyjcIUg&ei=6cJEWcu0JcjQ0ASamYrYDA#imgrc=n44qCpwr6F_A8M:
  16. Thanks, Vessey. I'm sure you're quite right. Both good boys!
  17. I forgot about the Priority Lane for us "old timers". Now I recall going past it once when there were 20 youngish Chinese tourists filling up that lane, with not a clue about Priority. A young female immigration officer tried to re-direct them, without success.
  18. Those of us who are VERY senior request a wheelchair to be waiting for us on arrival. This gets through immigration quickly in the fast track lane. When I reach baggage claim, I have enough energy to negotiate the rest of the arrival without the wheelchair. No charge for this service with Thai airlines, I assume all airlines are the same. Of course the fellow who pushes the wheelchair, sometimes quite a long way, doesn't mind an expression of gratitude.
  19. He may or may not be a troll but he's definitely on the wrong forum, whether here or at SGT. Notice he didn't try GB where the photos in his thread would have lasted only 1 or 2 nanoseconds if he used the same ones on SGT.
  20. Anybody know what "0 Warning Points" means ? It appears below the number of posts that I have made, starting with my first post on GT.
  21. Well, if "A" is more genuine and less embellished than "B", that must mean that "B" is to some extent, in your eyes, less genuine and more embellished. As you wish.
  22. Steve, how can you judge that a post is lacking in genuineness or is embellished? You should include some evidence to support an opinion like that when you bring it to a thread. IMHO.
  23. Oh. Yes, we are definitely not on the same page, but I wish you good luck.
  24. Steve, Thanks for your explanation (a role model of smart, pragmatic living combining pleasures with productivity in a way that is good for us and for those around us). You and I are of a similar age but it appears we are far from being on the same page about gay life. Someone who is young enough and energetic enough to spend considerable time and resources in structuring his sex life while at the same time earning a living appears to me to be a fine “role model”. It worked for me (minus the Songkran and disco activities) even when I was in my sixties and early seventies. That would cover the “productivity in a way that is good for us” part of your explanation. “In a way that is good for those around us” ? That’s where you lost me. Someone participating in numerous commercial sex encounters is contributing to the financial well being of the sex workers. I don’t see why anyone would object to that. They know he’s there for fun and they know he’s not looking for a long term relationship. A few years ago, there was a bitcoin charlatan on one of the other boards who said he lead a polyamorous life, which to him meant that he could pick up and later drop any number of partners, and claim it was all in the name of love. The last we heard from him was that he was attempting to bring a boy from Myanmar to the States as his fiancé and based on the description of his previous relationships, the boy was likely to find himself discarded within a few months of arriving in the Promised Land. That, I agree, is certainly not “good for those around us”. So, maybe you and I can agree to disagree about how younger gay men should lead their lives. I suspect that there is a good number of board members who would love to be able to lead their lives exactly as OP in the other thread is leading his right now. Cheers
  25. Steve, you say: "While I also read and eat Numazu's literary candy, I am critical of the element of excess in it, which in my opinion disqualifies him from being a role model." A role model of what? It seems a term very foreign to a gay forum.
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