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Everything posted by bobsaigon

  1. 06 Jan '22: "I just back from Dreamboys now. The government ordered the closure of high-risk places indefinitely from tonight. Silom soi 2 and 4 a lot of people have Covid19, Also in Dreamboys around 8-10 people have Covid19." This is from a long time Dreamboys employee. I've known him for 20+ years. He is usually reliable.
  2. With all due respect, Nonsense. And no way for me to substantiate since I'm not in Bangkok. The source I quoted has always been reliable.
  3. Got this today from a long time Dreamboys employee: Last night i go to meeting at Dreamboys. Wait and see how is the Business. Very very bad. Only Staff, no customers. Last night in Dreamboys have only 3 Customers. Open from 8-11 pm. And, at Silom Soi 4 right now they have a lot of staff have Covid-19. I go to work at Dreamboys in January. I go for booster shot next Wednesday ( Pfizer ). My hospital called me to come for booster because Omicron very bad for people who have HiV.
  4. Sunday evening 28 Feb, from a capitan at Dreamboys: “I just back from Dreamboys after a very Big cleaning for opening this Thursday [04 March]. Now only 3 Bars will open - Fresh Boys, Hotmale and Dreamboys.”
  5. I've had the same problem for the past 24 hrs (Fri-Sat).
  6. Monday, July 8, 2019 Taiwan Same-Sex Marriage Limitations Taiwan recently became the first country in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage. Many consider this as a significant momentous event that could kick start a similar trend in other countries in Asia. However, the new legislation has not come without restrictions. Both Taiwanese and non-Taiwanese same-sex couples who are interested in marrying in Taiwan should be advised that the new law only applies if both parties are citizens of countries where same-sex marriage is currently recognized. For example, if one of the parties is an Australian citizen and the other is a Taiwan citizen, the marriage would be legal in Taiwan because both Australia and Taiwan recognize same-sex marriages. However, if one of the parties is a Taiwanese citizen and the other from a country that does not recognize same-sex marriage, such as China, the Philippines, Thailand or Vietnam, the marriage would not be legal in Taiwan because same-sex marriage is not legal in those countries. These limitations are especially important in the U.S. immigration context as in order to immigrate to the United States based on marriage to a U.S. citizen or enter as a non-immigrant dependent (i.e. L-2, O-2, H-4), U.S. law requires that the marriage is valid in the country where it occurred. Moreover, under current law in Taiwan, two foreign nationals in Taiwan may be limited to a civil notary marriage which may not be recognized as a valid marriage in Taiwan, and thus, not a valid marriage for U.S. immigration law purposes. It is possible for two foreign nationals to obtain a court ordered judgement of marriage but requires special procedures.
  7. That implies you still have an apartment in the USA, and stuff stored there. But why? And who pays the rent? ChristianPFC, I don't see that implication. I do not own any property in the USA. I sold houses and car a few years ago as part of my effort to release myself from material concerns. .
  8. I fully intend for US Social Security and my bank to be notified of my death, after I have been cremated. I'm just trying to devise various ways of preventing local Consular staff from showing up at my apartment after I've gone.
  9. Perhaps you might explain just how your partner is going to handle disposition of your remains (which, no doubt, will end up in a hospital morgue) without a release from the embassy/consulate (along with police release and payment of the hospital charges) and without a valid Will that gives your partner authority to make those decisions. - My partner will pay any outstanding hospital charges and will arrange for my cremation. -Sorry, I still don't understand why there would need to be a release from the Consulate. I must admit that I have not investigated this aspect. -There will be a valid will appointing my partner as my legal representative with power to make all decisions after my death. My main objective is to avoid having anyone from the Consulate show up at my apartment, claiming they have the right to send everything I've left behind to the States.
  10. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/while-abroad/death-abroad1.html appears to indicate that lacking a local legal representative, the US Consulate will be arranging for repatriation of all personal effects of the deceased American citizen. I am still not clear about who is going to notify the US Consulate if the deceased has told his partner not to do so. I am looking at this from the point of view of someone who has already sent siblings their financial legacy, to avoid the need for probate. I've also arranged for all real property in Vietnam to be in the name of my partner who is designated as my legal representative. My US relatives will be informed of my death through my US business partner. I don't see any need to notify the American consulate.
  11. According to the website of the US Consulate in Saigon, all belongings and valuables of the deceased will be taken and sent to next of kin, unless there is a locally appointed legal representative. Also, I don't know how the Consulate "will most definitely be promptly notified of my demise" if my partner does not inform them,.
  12. I live in Vietnam and will probably die here. I've told my Vietnamese partner NOT to notify the US Consulate when I die, otherwise consulate employees will show up at my apartment and want to take possession of all my personal effects and send them to my sisters. Aside from whatever embarrassment that might generate, I'm sure my sisters would not be eager to receive the belongings of their deceased brother. Not a good way to achieve closure.
  13. Today, from a Dreamboys capitan: "Dreamboys Soi Twilight still open until after Songkran."
  14. New Latest Soi Twilight news, from a capitan at Dreamboys tonight (Wednesday 13 Feb):: "Today Dream Boys early close. Because no customer. in Soi-Pratuchai (Twilight) Very Very Quiet. Because have some Bar already close and move to another place. Right now just only Hotmale, XBoys, FreshBoys, DreamBoys and ClassicBoys."
  15. With regard to the boy: Seems like very few Thais want to work for anyone else, unless it’s in a job that is very lucrative. The alternative is self-employment and they are generally quite ill equipped to succeed in that. Hair dressers shops, convenience stores, small restaurants or bars very soon fall victim to mismanagement, poor planning, lack of business acumen, or simply a failure to expend the time and effort that is required to grow a small business. With regard to the farang who is said to have parted with 500K to the benefit of this young man: His money, to do with what he wishes, and as said above, once the money is given, the donor no longer has the ability (right?) to ensure it used in the ways he expected. His only choice is at some point to stop providing funds. If you’re getting near the end of your expected life span, there’s little reason not to share the wealth. Planning for the future: I never met a bar worker who had more than a few hundred baht in his bank account. Many of them didn’t know what bank accounts were for till they found out it was a good way for farang to send money. Because of their circumstances, poor people are often unable to make any long term plans for their finances or their lives. Most of the boys in the game can not see beyond saving enough to pay the rent.
  16. ggobkk --- Love your reports. Wonder if you would consider spelling the name as "Nguyen". That seems to be standard. But no matter. Nuguyen 1 & 2 are great finds.
  17. I've been living with a Vietnamese guy for 19 years. Seems to be working well for both of us.
  18. Because I’m fast approaching 80 years of age, I find myself viewing his Twitter content with mixed emotions. There is the urge to have him in my bed (and/or life) no matter what the cost, but there is also the urge to somehow get him out of the game before the inevitable HIV-AIDS occurs, or before he is thoroughly burnt out emotionally/spiritually. Twenty years ago I would not have been looking to ensure his ‘salvation’, but now….
  19. Start by accepting the fact that they all attempt to be "skilled emotional manipulators". Then one can spend as much time as one wishes wondering "how many of these boys are truly fond of their customers." Note that being fond of their customers does not preclude being emotional manipulators. That is the way they earn their living. And I wish all of them success.
  20. Coincidentally, my Unimpeachable Dream Boys source agrees with the Impeccable Maxxi's source. Great to have two such Unassailable confirmations.
  21. I need use ATMs at around 250/300bt go, so if the banks/government want to take advantage of falang then I see its only fair that I don't tip & their own people suffer in the long run ​Yes, of course. Waiters should suffer because banks charge fees for ATM use. That's clear enough. Perhaps that should be printed in Thai on small cards and a card given to each waiter in place of a tip. They would certainly applaud such financial acumen.
  22. Yes, I got the same from a Dramboys capitan last week. Owner says they'll probably move during the first half of 2019, possibly to a location very near Screwboys. End of an era.
  23. I suspect a conspiracy. lol
  24. Sorry, I have never even opened the Timeless Knowledge forum. Will do so tomorrow.
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