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Everything posted by Dannyxxx

  1. I just read through this whole thread on my flight home. What a wonderful and detailed trip you had despite CCP fiasco.
  2. All in all i would say it was a pretty successful trip. More-so than my previous attempts at hiring an escort at a park in Vienna where i propositioned a drug dealer. He was sexy and at first he offered me drugs. Then women. Then i said that i’m actually looking for a guy. He was stunned but got a sexy look on his face. He asked me which of them i wanted. I motioned at him. At this point i got cold feet because i felt like i was about to get robbed so i just got out of there. Then an escort bar in Prague where i swiftly realized i was being treated like an escort by the clientele there which amused me. I was maybe 35 at the time of these two instances. Now to get home and run the full gamut of STD tests. I think next time i go on a trip like this i’ll be on Prep. Better safe than sorry. I’ve been pretty much voluntarily celibate for a few years now so getting this much action was pretty fun even if my bank account suffered
  3. Thank you. Wise words there. My guy in Tokyo actually paid for things on 3-4 occasions. They were usually minor costs that couldn’t be paid with credit card. He never fussed about being reimbursed. I mean I was paying quite a bit for his company and i covered all expenses possible besides those few charges but nonetheless it was endearing of him to treat me well like that. The last hour before we parted ways my phone needed charging and he was determined to get me powered up. We sat at Starbucks for an hour charging and he could start to notice i was having issues making eye contact with him. I’m just trying to be grateful for the good times we had. Yes the cost was ridiculous. Lesson learned!(hopefully)
  4. You’re very welcome. I got the sense that typing about it would help me process the emotions i was feeling and move on in a more sensible fashion. I’m feeling somewhat better now locked away in this cute little capsule hotel room. I’ve always wanted to try it so i did do something new today that was on my Japan list. It still kind of pulls up emotions in me when i use the phrases that he taught me in Japanese. That will fade with time.
  5. Decided to stay in for my final night in Osaka and hunker down at a hotel in the airport. Been having stomach issues the past couple days. I think lack of proper sleep is impacting my mood. I’m usually pretty chipper and am able to roll with the punches but i just feel kinda drained. Now i must decide if i’m really gonna fly all the way back to Japan in a few months on the chance that my straight guy escort buddy in Tokyo will still be working at DG and is able/willing to see me. I hope i didn’t weird him out. I could see it hurt him to see me like that. Thankfully i found my composure and we exchanged warm ‘byebyes’ as he told me that sayonara is the forever goodbye so he prefers to say byebye instead. Ok that’s enough gushing about him.
  6. Yes i think it would be better by train. My problem was i had a $200 flight credit with Peach airlines due to a flight that i cancelled from Bangkok. The flight credit expires in six months so i thought i’d use it up now to cover the whole flight. I would have preferred the train
  7. My guy in Tokyo was booked up for the rest of the weekend so that was the last of him for now. He was wonderful. To take my mind off of him I decided to get a guy from the same company but from it's Osaka location. The communication was swift and competent. I wanted to book an overnight so I could have a guy and a room immediately on arrival. Unfortunately my flight arrived at 10pm and by that time the train takes much longer. In order to shave an hour off the commute I splurged on a taxi which was my first mistake. The taxi ended up being 29k yen from Kansai airport to DG for a 48 minute ride. I arrived and a sketchy dude found me downstairs and brought me up. I knew the system so was ready for my options. Sadly there were only 5 choices of boys at this location. I selected the one hottest guy from the 5. They said he was available overnight but this was inaccurate. They removed him from the list because he was not available for overnight. It was down to four choices. The manager recommended one and said he's here already. I declined that one in favor of another dude on the list. This was my fatal error. So infuriating I should have just said no thanks and walked out. I was thinking they would let me see him to confirm first but I was clumsy and didn't press the issue. I ended up paying for 10 hours and a private room upgrade. Once the payment was processed the boy came in. Fuck me it was bad. It was the guy that initially brought me inside. His pics were definitely enhanced and now that I look he is very careful to not show his teeth, for a very particular reason. I'm sorry I don't want to be mean but these teeth were in various states of discoloration and at various angles it was jarring. I was like a deer in the headlights. I had already paid and now this guy that I found revolting would be trying to suck my face and cock all night. I tried to think positively about the situation although that was stupid. He's also gay, my first definite gay guy for the trip and yes it was the worst guy. I ask him if he's hungry and can we eat somewhere with Osakan Japanese food. He takes me to a place and I say order what you like bro. I was trying to make this okay for him. I was just gonna have a meal and go to sleep and leave at first light. He ordered the food that I wanted but he ordered nothing for himself except for Red Bull. He just chiefed on his little vape cigarette combo device that seems to be popular in Japan. I was repulsed. I could smell his Red Bull breath and he was sniffling. Maybe he didn't wanna eat in front of me because it wouldn't be pretty. I'm sorry but he has no business in this line of work and this company should not be doing this to people. Once I realized he was just gonna be smoking and drinking Red Bull all night I was even less enthused. Walked to the apartment but not before stopping to buy more cigarettes. Got to the apartment and used Google Translate to say I was dead tired and just wanted to sleep. He seems happy guzzling another energy drink and vaping while I lay in bed thinking of how stupid I was to have made these decisions. I should have just stayed at the airport one night and came in to Osaka today. That would have saved me the 29k yen taxi fair and over 30k yen for overnight with the guy. I made sure to secure my valuables and have them right next to me. I slept clothed so as not to encourage any funny business. I went to sleep as he persisted in drinking energy drinks and vaping into the wee hours. He says he has a high tolerance and that energy drinks don't affect him. I could say they definitely have effects on his teeth. It really sucks for the guy because he might be totally nice but those teeth are an absolute deal breaker. They even come with sound effects. At about 6 in the morning I wake up in bed and he's next to me. I can tell by the noise coming from right behind my head like a demon is about to gnaw through my skull. The cavernous grinding sound was repulsive. I had told him I was running to Osaka Castle at 7am and he thought I was crazy. He made his money so I hope he's happy. He was a nice guy but I feel l was swindled. At 7am I gathered my belongings while he was passed out and escaped. Now I'm about to book an airport hotel and fly out in the morning. I think I was making stupid decisions yesterday because I was trying to forget my Tokyo guy and I was kinda tired. Main takeaways for me are, 1)Never pay before physically seeing the escort 2)If they aren't showing teeth in the photos it's probably for a reason, 3) Don't trust the photos, always inspect, 4)Always be willing to leave at anytime prior to paying, never feel committed out of social norms or politeness. These guys are trying to separate you from your money and you better get a sexy guy in return. There you have my incredibly idiotic end to my trip that cost me around $400 extra. What a complete waste. At least I have fond memories of Bangkok and especially Tokyo. My guy in Tokyo says he'll probably keep doing this job on weekends for another year so I'm welcome to book with him on my next trip. I have 15 hours in Osaka before flying home and trying not make anymore costly mistakes. I bet there are services with hot guys in Osaka that I could use for a 2 hour course. I won't use DG again in Osaka for obvious reasons. It's crazy how wildly different guys I got in the two cities. Night and day. Oh well I hope you enjoyed this shitshow P.S.- There was a clear cum stain on one side of the pillow and the mattress sheet was stained.
  8. So here's my update. Please be gentle. I made some serious mistakes and I'm going to just put them all out there so I don't make them again and hopefully it will help you guys avoid this kind of situation. I ended up booking another 24 hours with my guy from DG. He was incredible. It was like having a close friend in Tokyo that was excited to show you anything you'd want to see in his city. He seemed to really enjoy communicating with me. He knew more English than I did Japanese but with the help of Google Translate and DeepL, we were able to have great conversations. He also enjoyed getting me to better pronounce certain Japanese phrases and seeing me use them on people that we interacted with. He was cracking up at many of my failed attempts but it was worth it to see his reaction. We went to this bar called LOST in Shibuya that was created by a famous expat Youtuber. I was really wanting to go so we went. When we entered he was told that he would be id'd in order to make sure he was of legal drinking age. He was allowed but I was a little taken aback by the request. The customers were all expats my age or older. He was the only Japanese guy and he was definitely the youngest at 20 years old. We ordered margaritas with the name "Go Fuck Yourself". He was having a super intense reaction to the sour and salty tastes and it was so fun to see him squirm. We really enjoyed that. We also swung by my old hotel to pick up my heavy backpack. He was such a gentleman throughout always making sure I was cared for and often insisting to carry my bag which I usually denied him but acquiesced a bit because it was pretty heavy. When I booked him for 24 hours I paid a bit extra for the private unattached apartment which was nice. I only had use of the apartment until 1pm the following day even though our time together expired at 3pm. He wanted to take me to a big park in Shibuya but it was closed. I wanted to take him to Teamlabs Tokyo but it was sold out that day. I had mentioned shrines and temples earlier and I had seen something about Yasukuni so I mentioned that to him. We got a taxi to the Yasukuni shrine. I knew of this shrine because among Japan's neighboring countries it is controversial for various reasons I will not get into here. It was definitely a beautiful place. There were restrictions on photography and behavior in certain areas. There were guards there to make sure everyone behaved. My guy enjoyed showing me the different exhibits and making sure I did the various shrine specific rituals the correct way. We then went out to a Western/Civil War era themed steakhouse which was tasty and fun. I like that he takes me to these places where I'm the only obvious foreigner instead of the more touristy spots where foreigners are ubiquitous. We went back to the apartment for a shower and then raided the local 7/11 for beers and munchies for the apartment. We feasted and watched a famous Japanese movie that I recommended to him called Battle Royale. He'd never heard of it but was clearly enjoying it. Sadly I was tired and as we were getting ready for bed he took awhile brushing his teeth and I passed out. The next day we had some fun in bed and showered. Got breakfast at a tasty cafe nearby. For lunch we ended up getting some delicious Gyoza. We grabbed my bag around 1pm from the apartment which was sadly not available to me anymore. At this time it started to dawn on me that my time with him was soon to come to an end. My phone was low on battery so he rented a powerbank from 7/11 for me. I know I have an issue with getting emotionally attached to people I like too fast so I really had to try to keep it together. Even if it's just losing a paid friendship like this I find it difficult. He could tell I was struggling. I powered through it and we parted ways with a hug and kind words. He told me I was always welcome in Japan. What a guy. Apologies if this is a bit disjointed I've just had an ordeal in Osaka so I'm kinda fried. Sitting at the airport typing this and deciding if it's worth going out one last time in hopes of finding someone sexy before my 6am flight. I'll be posting a summary of my first night in Osaka soon. It's pretty awful so hopefully it's entertaining to read. Also, I did not go to King of College. I was preoccupied and the guys mostly didn't do anything for me just from looking at the pics on Insta.
  9. The straight guy I hired in Tokyo did not blow me at all. I didn't ask him to but I wondered if he would. He would give me a handjob and would kiss including tongue and play with my nips. It was fun because he didn't mind me blowing him. I had to break out the porn on his phone in order to cum which I enjoyed. He also let me kiss him all over although I stayed away from his hole because I didn't wanna do that without prior permission.
  10. Yes you got it right. It was definitely a sub optimal decision on my part. I was worried about the nice hotel I was at have an issue with a visitor going to my room. I was under the impression that Japan would be more strict about it than Thailand. I don't wanna falsely romanticize the room we had but I kinda liked it. I would definitely opt for the hotel service next time. Lesson learned.
  11. Just put in an inquiry for a 24 hour charter course with the same guy. No response yet. I’d like to go sightseeing with him and more of the same stuff as last night. Charter course is around 60k yen and it seems like it doesn’t come with a room like the 12 hour does. I asked if i could still have the room so i wouldn’t have to spend on a hotel. Hopefully it works out! Here’s the view from my window. Mt. Fuji is barely visible i think. On a clear day it definitely is visible. Here’s the Hakata-Fukuoka style Tonkotsu ramen my guy took me for.
  12. Hello fellow connoisseurs of sexy guys. I've had the pleasure of posting and getting feedback while on the first part of my trip in Bangkok. Now that I've made it to Tokyo it makes sense to share my experiences here. Since I'm starting this thread anew I hope you'll indulge a bit of content about my points/miles redemptions. Now let's get to brass tax. I arrived at Tokyo Narita airport at around 6am and my hotel check in at the Hyatt Regency was not until 2pm so I decided to be leisurely and methodical in my movements as not to rush or make mistakes in this place that is new to me. Ate some sashimi at the airport for breakfast and made my way to the train station on the lower level of the airport. Used the 7/11 branded ATM and took out 10k yen in 1k notes. The Tokyo public transit system has a reputation in my mind of being efficient yet potentially complex for newbies. So I went to the ticket counter and was sold two tickets that got me a train to Nippori station and then on a subway ride to Shinjuku. Made it there with no errors. I arrived at the hotel at noon and was told that my room would not be ready until 2pm but that I could upgrade to a similar room with a Mt.Fuji view for only $47 more and that would allow me immediate check in. I took the offer seeing as the hotel was already free for the night because I used my annual Hyatt category 1-4 free night cert. The card has a $100 annual fee so this hotel is worth way more than that. It's soon to become a category 5 hotel so will no longer be in range of my free night cert once the hotel renovations are complete. Alright I'll stop with the points stuff for now. My original plan was to go to King of College and get a better understanding of how their system works. I walked to it from my hotel about 30 minutes away. Once I'd got to the right location I still hadn't got a response from KOC account on the Line app. I sent them a message but there was also an error I was getting when trying to add them on Line. I'll have my Line issues fixed by the next time I come to Asia for sure. The way I think King of College works is that you walk in and if it's your first time then a bartender should tell you how the system works. I think this might cost you 1700 yen. I'm interested if this is kind of like a host bar concept where if you really like one of the guys you can pay to take it further. It seems like you'd be buying them drinks and such also while they entertain you. I'll save this for later because I ended up walking about 7 minutes further to Danshi Gakuen. I could not add them on the Line app so I used their English language website's 'contact us' function. I asked if they were open for walk-ins and that I was outside. They said yes and to press the intercom when you get to the third floor. I preferenced DG over KoC because of the ultra quick response time. I'd say less than 5 minutes passed before getting a response when I messaged them. The response was sent to my email. I went up and talked to the manager and he brought me inside. We heavily relied on Google Translate. He said there were three guys on property and that I could look through an album. I assume this meant that they could try to get a boy from elsewhere to rush over if they were available. I was able to narrow down who was available on their website using the narrowing functions of 1)Workday(who was available today) 2)Age(from youngest descending to oldest) 3) Straight. So going in I had my eye on a couple of guys and it just so happened that one of my picks was already here. The manager had him walk in and smile at me so I could confirm he was accurately portrayed in the pictures. I agreed and said that I would like to book him for 12 hours for 34k yen(about $230) The manager asked if I was looking for anything anal related and I said no which was good because they guy I selected is straight and not up for that. I said I would like kissing and 'boyfriend experience' and he knew exactly what I meant. Once the manager confirmed with the boy I paid in cash at 7pm and they said the 12 hours begins at 9pm and ends at 9am and comes with a room in the building and use of a shower/toilet. I rushed back to my hotel and packed some essentials and rushed back and made it there with 15 minutes to spare as the frozen rain was hitting me. I went up the stairs and my boy was there to greet me. I changed my shoes for slippers at the entrance. He took me to the room and the night began. We got acquainted and he was so wonderful to me. His English was better than my Japanese and he seemed to delight in communicating with me. We soon stripped off and he used the phone in the room to request the use of the shower. I think they do this system as to protect the privacy of the clients because some people do not want to be seen here by others. Also obviously to make sure the shower is not currently being used. After a shower and teeth brushing we hopped into bed. It was freezing outside so cuddling with him was just what this Florida guy needed. We fooled around for maybe 80 minutes. Once we both got off we started talking about getting a meal somewhere since the night was young. This was exactly what I was hoping for. I love getting a local guide to take me around and show me what they enjoy. He ended up taking me to his favorite local ramen spot. He loved telling me about the differences in the tenderness of the noodles and such. I ended up eating a bowl and one portion of extra noodles and he actually had two extra noodle portions. Such a sexy 121 lb guy. He does Aikido and soccer so his body was delightful. A nice touch was that he paid the 100 yen for my extra noodles even though it's stipulated that I must pay all expenses. We talked earlier and he surmised that we had a mutual enjoyment of bowling so we went bowling for two games. I won't divulge our scores because they were lackluster. We were competitive the first game and I crushed him the second. When it was over I insisted on paying but he pulled out two cards and handed it to the cashier. Not sure if they were free certificates but it was a kind gesture of him to do that even though I was supposed to cover all expenses. We then had another enjoyable walk through Kabukicho and Golden Gai passed all the tourists, intoxicated people, and scammers. I loved his commentary and questions. The whole way he held an umbrella over us which I found so sweet of him. We got back to the room at about 1am where we shared another shower and jumped back in bed. I could tell he was ready for sleep so I would not be persistent in nagging him to get sexual if I sensed he wasn't into it. We cuddled and kissed some more and eventually fell asleep. I told him I'll try not to wake him up or touch him overnight and he said he didn't mind. So I was able to caress him and kiss him at various points throughout the night. At about 8:30am his alarms started to go off every 5 minutes which I found comical. By 9am I was dressed and saying goodbye to him at the door. We hugged and I left. I thoroughly enjoyed that experience. I imagine many of you might be more into the sex parts versus my preference for a boyfriend experience and local guide and cuddle partner. That's okay we all have preferences. Now the question is, should I check out of my hotel and book another night with the same guy at DG before someone else does? This option also saves me money that I would have to spend on a hotel for the night so if you factor that into the price of 12 hours for the boy/room it's phenomenal in my mind. I did say that I would go to King of College to scope it out for Vinapu so I need to figure out a plan for that. King of College has an Instagram account and the last two nights around 8:30pm they posted a story that says who is available at the bar. One guy looks tempting but his face is blurred so that's a potential red flag for me. I guess I can always just walk away and pay only 1700 yen. The price at DG for 90 minutes was something like 15k yen so I just ran the numbers in my mind and 34k yen for 12 hours just seemed the most bang for the buck. Well, that's all for now I need to see some cultural sights before choosing my next boy wherever that may be. I don't have hotels yet for my last few nights in Japan so I could stay in Tokyo longer or jump to Osaka anytime.
  13. That makes sense. I’ll post a new thread over there soon. Just booked a stud from Danshi Gakuen for 12 hours overnight so i shall be occupied. My next post pertaining to Japan will be in the Japan forum.
  14. I think there is some conflicting information regarding the opening hours. After using Translate on the website I see that none of the available guys for today get there before 8pm. I sent koc1977 a message on Line asking for clarification but have not received a response. When I click the account it says opens at 18:00pm so i assume that means 6pm or maybe they don’t respond to messages until then. Luckily the Danshi Gakuen shop is only 7 minutes walk from KOC. So i will go wander that area and try my luck.
  15. Will do. Hopefully they let me in. They open at 4pm. Time for a power nap so I don’t fizzle out. I feel like the night may go late with a lot of drinking. I’m not bothering contacting or going to any shops that don’t have at least an English language section on their website. It seems that if they go to the trouble to make an English site, that they want English speaking customers. I’m also interested in Danshi Gakuen, Chance Osaka, Tokyo Kids, and Heros Tokyo. I doubt i’ll get to all of them but they all look like potential options.
  16. Yes I think so. I’d actually wanna go out and do something that they’d find fun too assuming it wasn’t super expensive. If one suggested Mario Kart i would be overjoyed because i’m pretty good at it. But first night i’ll just go to King Of College and get instructed on how their system works. If i don’t end up choosing someone there it would only cost me 1700 yen. Hopefully i’m getting the details right from what i’ve read on here or elsewhere.
  17. Just a little update. Made it to Japan. It’s about 9am and my checkin isn’t until 2pm. I’m staying at a Hyatt about 30 minutes walk from King of College. My plan is to go there once i get settled. I need to decide where i am going to stay after this first night. I’m intrigued by the idea of basically renting a room and a boy for 24 hours from one of these boy brothel agencies. I likely won’t do that because spending maybe $300 on one night seems a bit much, especially if the guy and i end up not being compatible.
  18. Thanks @jason1975! Very kind of you! It’s been fun getting tips and feedback from you guys. I look forward to seeing more of your posts and i’m glad things seem to be going well for you. This morning i did my usual wandering farang routine walking around as I like to do in any city i visit. I walked by the closeby shops and no one really caught my eye. I paid I think 600-800 baht to push my checkout at The Quarter Silom to 5pm. Now I’m stuck in traffic going to the airport. Luckily i have five hours before departure. I did stop by The Green at 3pm with a piece of paper with my favorite masseur’s name on it. They immediately got the ball rolling on my request. He walked in right at 3pm and gave me a great massage and HE. I used Google Translate to thank him for making my trip special. I gave him 2500 baht tip and offered a hug which he accepted. Now on to Tokyo!
  19. I wish. He mentioned he’s going back to Laos in April for two months so I imagine he’d lose his number at Freshboys. Oh well
  20. I’ve got about 6 hours til checkout then the airport. I plan to hit up The Green at 3pm to have one last bit of fun with my usual guy. Third time with him if it goes according to plan. I bet he’s really gonna make it special for me since he knows i’m leaving today. That would be smart of him as i do have quite a few baht that i might be tempted to give him as a parting gift but we’ll see how he plays it. We’ve never kissed and i would probably melt if he initiated that😅. I’m tempted to hurry out to Meltspa Thonglor or 15M massage really quick to try one of these places away from Silom before i return for The Green and my ride to the airport
  21. That would be cool but I will be flying home from Tokyo on Wednesday. I scored a fantastic flight home in business class nonstop from Tokyo to New York on Japan Airlines new Airbus A350-1000 for 75k Alaska Miles. Apologies for the points/miles digression, it’s one of my favorite hobbies and allows me to spend more on boys. I did not realize that Tokyo Kids and other similar shops let you basically walk in and you can pick from whose available or even a catalogue and they can find if someone is willing to hurry over. I find the Japanese boys on these sites largely all turn me on so i’m going to chance it and just walk in and have some fun. I’ll do King of College tomorrow. Two days in Tokyo and two in Osaka
  22. Thanks for this. You are right. I’ll be going to King of College in Tokyo to try my luck. I’ll be back here one day and i’ll be better prepared. It’s been a fun time. Four happy endings in four days. Likely another one today before the flight. Will i be able to sustain this pace in Japan for four more days? I think yes! Plus i see in a Japan thread that most money boys in Japan aren’t much into penetration which sounds perfect to me. Just give me foreplay/romance and HE. Now to book a last minute hotel in Tokyo!
  23. It sounds pretty lame but i’m pondering whether to purposefully miss my non refundable flight tonight to Japan in favor of staying here a few more days. Maybe i could surprise him by showing up even when i should be in Japan. I could offer to pay his off fee for two days and have him stay with me. Yeah it sounds dumb because it would add another $300 flight to my trip. Is this potentially worthwhile or should i cut my losses and go to Japan? Lots of hot boys there too it seems.
  24. You make some valid points. It was getting late and i wasn’t as horny as i would have been without the previous HE massage. I was tired but still considering it but once he went back on stage and went outside for a smoke i just didn’t wanna be there any longer. We locked eyes for a split second as i left but that was it. Oh well i’m a newbie.
  25. That makes sense. I already bought an ESIM that works in Thailand/Japan but its data only and no phone number. I think i’ll see my guy at Green tomorrow and maybe that needs to be it. These guys are nice and all but unfortunately i’m getting attached which is likely unhealthy if i want to play this game long term. If he figures out a way to stay linked with me online i would probably do that but maybe i should just let this human connection end as well.
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