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Everything posted by Bobcrankypants

  1. Yea, I thought I remembered that was a thing but I don't seem to see that option anywhere now. I suspect it went away with Covid. I think Danshi Gakuen's Japanese site might offer it but it's not on their English site.
  2. Usually the guy's profile has his availability and I think they only release the following week's a few days prior but no harm in trying and they'll tell you if it's too early.
  3. 1. Yup, kiss and suck. They are gay4pay and just there to earn money but like most Japanese, they'll give it a good go because they're predisposed to providing good service but I find they aren't really good at doing either so I only go for a straight guy if he bottoms too, personally. 2. If ◎ or 〇, almost always. If △, depends on how big you are. I think all the sites have a disclaimer that the boy has a right to refuse if their butt isn't in good shape that day or if you're too big, but I've only been notified once (out of ~20-30 visits) and even then he did it.... Oh wait I just remembered there was one other time and that guy didn't do it. I was disappointed, yup, but we did other stuff. I believe both were △. Oh I like picking out my faves in advance too, lol. Certainly adds to the anticipation of the trip.
  4. All the ones I've used have been good with foreigners who don't speak Japanese. For your first time, it'd probably be easier for you to go with one of the ones with an English website with an English reservation form - they'll reply to you in English. As for the boys, I've just been using Google Translate to converse with them and it's been fine.
  5. I'm just heading home from my Japan trip. Here are my notes: I used their private room (and their butts) each time. Most places used rented apartments near the meeting points. Jam Tokyo - cute fit young guy, looked like his pics. A little inexperienced (coz young I guess). An Independence Tokyo - cute short guy, looked like his pics, but a little too porny for my taste... He's been doing it a while I guess and even gave me a business card, lol. I was supposed to email them when I arrived by the meeting point but no one responded so after a while, I walked to their store (which I had been to before) and knocked and got it sorted. They had been good the last two times I used them though. Dojo Nagoya - the guy did look like his pics, which didn't show he had teeth missing, lol. But he was otherwise cute, and quite into me, and I had the most fun with him because it didn't feel like I was paying for it. Dojo Tokyo - I went with a faceless guy because his reviews said he was handsome, lol. His body looked like his pics and he looked pretty good, though not exactly my type and I wouldn't have chosen him. Still had fun though. He knew conversational English so we chatted a bit. Heros Tokyo - Oh this guy was as handsome and super-fit as his pics. I got an email from them 2 hours before the booking saying that his ass wasn't feeling well and he couldn't bottom that day (most stores have a disclaimer saying that might happen, but it's the first time I've gotten that email). I didn't notice the email till my booking time so I just took the booking anyway. Good thing I did coz since I'm not hung, he said he was fine to take it, and wooooo, what an ass. This apartment had the smallest shower though, and couldn't fit two, so I didn't get to shower with him. Most places want you to call when you're at the meeting point (except the ones that send you to their store), but if you explain that your phone only has data, they're fine with an email instead. Most of the guys don't speak English but they're familiar with Google Translate and it's enough to get across what you want.
  6. I'm pretty sure that's just the japanese site for Tokyo Kids.
  7. I made my own legend. バックタチ タチ Top バックウケ ウケ Bottom ノンケ Straight ◎ Good At 〇 Yes △ Maybe 絡みタチ Dom 絡みウケ Sub 生フェラ Oral
  8. Oooh, thanks for that. Did not know about that site and that cutie looks just my type. Hmm, it's a bit confusing as whether he bottoms though. The profile says possible and the calendar says no.
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