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Everything posted by firecat69

  1. Good first trip report and I'm sure boys enjoyed your generosity! And yes the total cost would probably be quite a bit lower if you buy the boys beer. HeHe
  2. The only way to watch it is by threading all episodes together and watch them in succession. Otherwise you have no idea what kings are dead and which are still alive. Did they really have that many Kings?
  3. Polls at this point are meaningless. Dump will not get more then 190 electoral votes and he will swept back to his golf courses. You cannot win an electoral election in the USA with White men only.
  4. Your joking right? He has been anything but private in the stories of his trip and we have all enjoyed it.
  5. +1
  6. Just a ridiculous plan since since in the USA many addicts are hooked on prescription drugs for which the companies make Billions.
  7. See PM I sent you
  8. The best thing to do if possible is go into another store and get a big bag of stuff even if you have to stuff it. Then go back in and say this could have been your bag. Pretty Woman (movie) at work.
  9. Pattaya would dry up and go away. Bottom line a large % of the action has moved to apps so doubt hey'll try to do anything about that or the other. Just a lot of words to get more Tea Money.
  10. A lot to comment on here. I certainly don't believe clothes make the man. And in fact anyone in sales has many stories of someone losing the sale of $100,000 piece of art, car jewelry because they ignored someone not dressed to their standards. Next I did use 20,000 baht as my context and certainly the number of people may narrow when you talk about 30,000 baht per month. Next my perspective is from the USA and my knowledge of Europe is limited to visiting as a tourist. That said in most cases it does not cost someone from Europe any less in most cases to make 3 or more 2 week trips to Thailand then it does from the USA. So certainly it is still a fact that person has disposable income . My comments are certainly not about someone who makes his first trip to Thailand and thinks he has fallen in love. Rather it is about someone who has made multiple trips to Thailand and therefore has some financial ability to support a lover if he cares to. Lets face it most young people spend a large part of their disposable income chasing love or sex. So when they get older they may find better ways to use their money for fulfillment . Their choice!
  11. Just like how much is variable , the ability of some to pay is completely variable. 20K is $600 in the USA . For a middle aged to older person who has never had a family and kids to send to college $600 does not represent an impossible amount of money. In fact it probably represents much less then he spends on restaurants, movies and drinking per month in his home country. So then it becomes does he get more rewards from giving money to a Thai Boy or going out to Bars etc . Most of the men who take on BF's have quite a bit of disposable income or they could not afford 3 or 4 trips a year to Thailand which adds up to many hundreds thousands of baht.
  12. And thus my point. It would be hard to find a more unusual situation then Michael has with his 2 boys . It works for him and is unlikely to work with most others. Of course it basically also comes down to how successful financially you have been in your life and how willing you are to share that with others. I am completely familiar with Michael and his BF's and am quite sure his rewards come in many ways and Sex is just a small portion of those rewards.
  13. Even if they had it would have little meaning because of the variables. Where does the boy live. BKK or Pattaya , one is much more expensive then the other . Does the boy intend to back home to Issan where of course everything is less expensive. Is the boy currently in a University etc. Most importantly does the farang intent to live in Thailand or be a sometime visitor.. Is the boy expected to not have sex with Thais, farangs etc. Way too many variables for any reasonable answer to be offered. IMHO
  14. Perhaps the OP needs a guide to help him since it is apparent that there is not a problem for many others finding Tops in Pattaya.
  15. I have no idea why A447a has not offered some input on this question since I don't believe he has any problems finding Tops in Pattaya.
  16. So there is no mis-understanding, I certainly was not questioning your generosity , but the fact that you may have made different decisions if you had not drank so much. It is pretty clear to see that you treat the boys generously and with respect.
  17. Well we certainly could not count on you! HeHe
  18. There are certainly not a lot of boys receiving monthly stipends and of course the amount is between those 2 people. I have never asked any of the people I knew supporting boys every month. It is none of my business. Same I have never asked any of the men I know who have Thai bf's . what it costs them. I do know it varies according to whether the farang expects the boy not to have sex with anyone else or any other restrictions most of which cannot be enforced. HeHe
  19. A447a. You just make my point for me. There are a very few that make that kind of money and for a very short time. They are the Tiny Minority. Some have farangs that send them money every month. Again it is the minority and the continuation of that stipend usually stops. The lucky few get someone who takes care of them forever or at least many years. Even a tinier percentage. Take a look on Romeo how many boys there are 18-24 in Pattaya. and hoping to survive. Not to the mention the boys on Hornet, Jack'd Grindr etc that are not on Romeo. In pattaya the many boys in the massage shops who are lucky to get 2 customers a week. I recognize that you have lots of experience in Thailand , but some of the comments on how much the boys make and what they own etc come from posters who have no idea what they are talking about. They have never been in a boy's room when he lives with 2 or 3 boys and if lucky they have a fan to make it less miserable. They have limited experience but pretend to understand the lives of the boys . They do not!
  20. Your argument is no better because of some ridiculous article in a publication that has little real knowledge of the country. Also again you show your lack of knowledge by comparing male workers with female workers. In BKK there is an entire street dedicated to Japanese men only who pay exorbitant fees for the best looking women . I have walked down that street with very hot straight friends that could not even get a smile from the girls because he was not Japanese. And then there were times when Japans economy was in the dumps and girls were happy to smile because they had no money. Anyone who thinks a boy can earn 6000 baht a week 52 weeks a year in Pattaya has his head up his ASS. Try walking in the Bars mid April- November and see how many boys are there at midnight hoping for a 20 baht tip so they might get some street food when done work. And that doesn't count the hundreds or thousands of boys on Romeo and other Apps. Are their exceptions during high season for 5% of the boys ? Of Course. Are their exceptions in BKK for certain types, again of course. But in general the ability to make that kind of money is absent for the overwhelming majority of boys in the sex trade. It makes some people feel better to think boys are doing great rather then admit to themselves they visit for 1 reason and that is for cheap sex that they could not have in their home countries. And certainly I am guilty of that but I don't try t make myself feel better by inventing a fantasy of how wonderful the boys are doing.
  21. Numazu, As you discovered there are no rules when liquor and money is involved . Boys drink to keep Bar Happy and agree to most anything in order to make money. The best way to avoid those type of problems is by having a clear head and making clear what you expect from each boy but only when they have the ability and clear head to understand. Even then things may not work out and IMHO boys still deserve the minimum tip. It is the chance you take when you take more then 1 boy from the same Bar and don't have a clear head yourself. Truth is the money is not worth worrying about and I'm sure if you were sober , you would have gone into the safe and given Tboy 1000. After all it is only $8 difference. Believe me boys have been treated much worse , but even the most experienced have to learn new lessons.
  22. Same goes for you!!! Only argue your opinions and never facts!
  23. Zoning does not allow it.. There once was a bar that sort of cheated. Host Bar in from and behind the curtain GoGo Bar. They did not last and I have no idea if it was the Boys in Brown or economic that they closed.
  24. So what is your point. Dead is dead? I guess that is correct but people who are killed by a terrorist attacking people in stable country and a beach community are not the same as enemy combatants in whatever country that has been at war with both its own citizens and outside groups . Do you think I feel sorry for the millions of people killed in Japan during WWII . They brought it upon themselves . Sorry but I do not just like I don't feel sorry for millions of Hitlers Gestapo Germans that were killed . I feel sorry for the 6 million Jews killed by the Germans . If you don't get the difference I don't care !
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