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Everything posted by firecat69

  1. Most of what you say is true . However like it or not you are a 60 day wonder to this Forum and have no idea what goes on here because you have not been here long enough to have any idea. Now you can say you were a long time lurker but I would not believe it because with your strong opinions you could not have lurked for years. You show your ignorance when you say most of the talk is about paying the boys as little as possible. There is lots of talk about what is fair and the accepted minimum and just as much talk from members who are more generous. So spend a few more years here before you start to comment on other members and how they treat the boys!
  2. For the life of me I don't remember a single post in this thread about the Monarchy. It was about the death of the King who definitely was uniformly admired and even loved even if some of us fail to understand it.
  3. Well gee in 1987 after how many centuries of no restrictions you sought not to ban guns but make them much harder to obtain. Frankly I applaud you for that and maybe in as many centuries as it took you to act, maybe the USA will wake up. Also I don't remember how successful you were in restricting guns when the Irish were killing many British citizens. Wasn't N Ireland part of the UK?
  4. Pretty easy not to have death by guns when you don't allow guns and are surrounded by water. That is not a criticism since I already said I am in favor of restrictions on the 2nd amendment. However let me remind you that the strong historical reason for USA to have guns was was to kick Imperialist countries out on their asses as we did to the British. Some things die hard and in another 200 years I suspect guns will be much less important in the USA.
  5. I'm no big supporter of the 2nd amendment because I think the Supreme Court has allowed it to extend too far . However those who banter around the gun violence in the USA without understanding the numbers should do a little studying. 2/3 of those gun deaths are suicides and I am sure they would have found another way. So really it is 11,000. Now compare that to the number of people who kill themselves in cars and of course cars win 3 to1. Should we ban cars? Of course not. The other things people need to understand when they might think their own country is so much better is that USA has 350 million people and trying to compare it to countries that don't even have the population of California is hard to do. Again I support gun laws being stronger just like I support those who drink and drive or text and drive being thrown in jail. There really is no difference in the fatalities. Dead is Dead!
  6. Anyone who googles something like that and does not realize large portions of what you get are things fed into googlesphere by idiots like Breitbart. That was the kind of BS Rudy G said to Google about the health of Hilary. It would be nice if some of the people who want to blame her for everything has only been in Elective Office for 8 years in her life and the rest of the time took orders from others. She has never held an Executive position where she made the Big Decisions. Hilary has got plenty of faults but her decisions have seldom not been from her Bosses.
  7. I fail to understand how calling it stupid for a certain group to complain about a result when they failed to participate in that result in the same %'s as other age groups a voting preference. If you don't participate by voting then yo have no right to criticize the results and if you do then you show your stupidity by the fact that you did not vote.
  8. Colombia has Massage places doubt if they have GoGo but they certainly have gay bars. Been 2 years since I visited who knows what else has popped up.
  9. It is amazing to me that somebody who last contributed I think his only post in this thread on August 25 cares whether this thread continues. Just don't click on it. The Tawan thread has gone on forever and it holds no interest for me and I just don't click on it. I would not think of posting is it not time for the Tawan thread to die. There are members who are interested. This is a discussion Forum. You don't get to mute it just because you don't enjoy the discussion. Just Don't Click On It!!
  10. You make so many ridiculous statements, it is hard to keep up with them. I certainly come here for the cute available cheap sex but over 15 years I have come to realize just how important the King was to the Thai people. Far too many reasons that I don't understand fully but I recognize the love and the feeling of loss that all Thai people feel. As far as cheap available Sex not being comparable anywhere else in the world, you probably better travel more. Brazil, Cuba, Mexico, Colombia and many other Asian countries where it is just as available and if not quite as cheap that the distances to travel are much shorter and cheaper. Now if you wanted to preface your argument regarding those that like Rice Queens make a slight bit truer. But then Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Vietnam , Bali and more all fit the bill. So basically your argument is ridiculous!
  11. I notice you didn't give a link to those supposed reliable sources because they don't exist!
  12. I love it when someone who has been a member for 60 days criticizes a member of 7 years . I wonder how many times he has attended the Kings Birthday celebration and procession down the river. I wonder if he has any knowledge of the deep love that the Thai people have for their King. Anyone who thinks this Forum is only about Sex fails to read the thousands of other posts commenting on the culture , religious beliefs etc etc. It is true there are many posts that pertain to Sex but there are many other Topics for anyone who manages to read the various posts . Anyone who has been visiting for years understands the importance of this King and many members of this Forum have BF's and find other topics at least as interesting as the pure Sex Topics. I'll admit the trip sex reports get the most views but most of those views tend to be from non- members . The many long time members here that actually understand the people as well as they can, along with the religion and culture understand how devastating the loss of the King is. Moneyboys will continue to exist in one form or another for years but at least I am one who likes posts that understand the deep loss and not worried about when the GoGo Bars will be open with live Sex etc.
  13. See if you can get someone to explain this to you. 18-24 are responsible for the result because they did not vote. Not only did they not vote but millions were too lazy to register. They had the most to lose and did nothing except complain after the vote went against their interests. http://theconversation.com/heres-what-would-have-happened-if-brexit-vote-was-weighted-by-age-61877
  14. Unbelievably stupid comment. The young people did not vote and then they complain about the result. Of course they are responsible and any reasonable person understands that.If they had done their duty and voted Brexit would not have passed and they would have nothing to complain about. That you don't understand anything so simple is unbelievable! How far did you get in school about 8th grade?
  15. "Why you think that students are particularly stupid? Have you never been a student? You keep criticizing people for doing ZERO, yet you have no standing, no reference from any accomplishments YOU have reached in your long life. Criticizing is cheap. " Pretty good personal attack I would say and besides what have you ever accomplished and please enlighten us to how old you are and where you have lived so we can see that you have no idea what you are talking about.
  16. During normal traffic periods, you just walk out the back way from the Hilton and it is a 10 baht 3-4 minute ride to BT Return is even easier . However they do have a reputation for not allowing guests. Not sure it is true because I'd much rather spend 1/3 the price next door at View Talay 6 and get a far nicer room in many respects . I never had a problem at any Hiltons in BKK and I am a Diamond Member but it is an individually owned Hotel and they may not want a procession of Sex Trade.
  17. A very sad day for Thailand!
  18. Now you show what a moron you are by attacking me personally which I have never done to you. I just attack your ridiculous view of a man who has been feeding at the elected trough for more then 40 years. You have no answer for the state he has held multiple office in being one of the worst in all his signature topics. I state facts like 18-24 age are pitiful in their participation in voting and by far the worst of any age group. And not that is any of your business I have both Bachelor and Masters Degrees from different Universities. Brexit happened because all the stupid uninvolved young people did not bother to understand the proposal and then did not vote. And then afterwards were the loudest complainers about what was going to happen. And yes I was one of those students who failed to vote when younger although it was much shorter time period since you had to be 21 to vote. You were the one who started this argument with your ridiculous assertion that Bernie almost beat Hilary. Not sure about your math skills but 57%- 43% is a trouncing and could never be referred to as a close race.
  19. Many of the responses are different because of trips and days spent in Thailand . I have been visiting Thailand for 15 years . Lived there for 2 1/2 years . Most of the other years I spent between 90- 180 days in Thailand. I have seen all the temples etc that I ever want to see. Thus when I visit now and for quite some time it is because of cute boys and cheap Sex. I also visited many other Asian countries and Australia and New Zealand on trips to Thailand. When I decided not to move there permanently it was because I like everything I have in the USA much better except for the cheap sex. I have a far nicer condo for a lot less money then something similar would have cost me in Thailand. Far better roads. Although I enjoy Asian food , I like western food better and it is much better and cheaper in the USA. I am now on Medicare so my heath costs are much less then they would be in Thailand. Thailand however sells many drugs at a lower price. I live inAtlanta and like the weather much better overall. It is an individual decision for everyone and my visits have now started to slow down as I enjoy seeing other parts of the world. I'm pretty sure there will be cheap `sex available for many years in some form and when I feel the need I'll endure the 26 hours in silver tubes and return.
  20. You are the one that You are the one that is comical. You are unable to present 1 Bill that he started and got through Congress. His whole campaign was based on free tuition when the state he has lived in for 40 years has one of the highest tuitions, one of the lowest minimum wages and one of the highest overall tax rates. What has he done other then feed at the trough and spew his ridiculous ideas that he can't convince anyone of except stupid students who vote at the lowest rate of any age group. Get real!
  21. Not quite sure the Beer Bars or as you call them Host Bars would face extinction at least in any initial crack down.. I know a number of Beer Host Bar owners and anything they pay the police is minuscule compared to GoGo Bars where boys dance with little or no clothing etc and are easy to prove they are open for Sex only. Of course they could close everything massage parlors , host bars , GoGo Bars and then find tourism tank, I just doubt it!
  22. Here is a comparison of taxes on residents of Vermont vs. its neighbor. No comparison Vermont residents are taxed double or more then NH residents. Good job Bernie . 40 years in Government of a state that taxes its citizens at one of the higher rates in the USA. http://www.howmoneywalks.com/new-hampshire-vs-vermont-a-tale-of-two-state-tax-plans/ Oh and by the way Hilary won 57% of the popular vote in the primaries. If she does that in the Election she will get over 400 electoral votes. Also 35% of Bernies votes in the primaries came from Deep deep RED states that always vote Republican and Hilary did not waste her time even visiting. So this baloney about Bernie coming close is just plain laughable.
  23. What a joke. All those links are produced by Bernie Sanders supporters and al they can come up is he put a lot of amendments ( usually co sponsored) on other Senators Bills. Please point out any bills with his name on it . In other words something he initiated and pushed through either the Senate or the House. In 30 years he has accomplished zero except putting his name on other peoples work Oh and by the way University of Vermont has the 11th highest tuition for a state institution in the entire country. Great job in helping students in the state you have fed at the public trough for 30 years. But he was great at telling stupid students they should get free college when he has accomplished Zero in his own state. I forgot I'm still waiting for all the work he has done in increasing the minimum wage in his own state. If he did any work his accomplishments are meager!
  24. Nice report and especially your generosity in increasing the size of the agreed tip.
  25. Who are you kidding ? I doubt you ever visited Jomtien for a night or spent any time in Soi 4. They actually have real restaurants there and not many Chinese tours?
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