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Everything posted by firecat69

  1. Not being that tech savvy I fail to understand what Cloud does for you. You have to have a way to get to Cloud on your computer and thus law enforcement can demand access to Cloud. What am I not getting?
  2. Some seem to talking about streets and most vendors are on sidewalks including all the food that it seems most everyone loves. It has been 11 months since my last visit so am I to assume that there are no longer food stalls on Surawong etc and many side streets off Silom and numerous other streets to numerous to mention. Or are we just talking about Silom Rd.??
  3. Last I knew you can delete anything you want but they are still there somewhere in the computer if they choose to use a sophisticated program to find them. But others may be more tech savvy then me.
  4. I see nothing inconsistent with my post and your post. If Thai officials decide to ask tourists questions about what they like like then it is their country and their decision to ask the questions. Just like it is their decision to do what they want in their country whether we as visitors like it or not. I for one am not in favor of them turning BKK into nothing but Glitzy Malls with fancy shops and restaurants with high prices. I can find that in a number of other Asian countries. At any rate whether we get to chime in or not is their decision and we will get what they want!
  5. Bottom line unless there is a Thai national on this board which I don't think there is , it is none of our business how the Thais manage their streets and sidewalks . We all have our own opinions and I am sure none of them are factored into the decisions of whether Thais are allowed to make a living selling stuff to tourists. I agree a lot of it could be termed junk but there are some things worth buying and over the years I have brought back things to friends that they enjoyed . Right now I am looking at 3 watches that have kept time perfectly for years and even some jewelers have mistaken for the real thing. I much prefer this type of streets to pristine perfect streets of some Asian countries . Anyways if they start cleaning up the streets from vendors where will we go for that fabulous street food?
  6. Great report. Eagerly waiting for next installment.
  7. Oh I get it . When you do it, it is discussion and when I do it , it is an attack. Grow Up!!
  8. What you fail to understand in many of your posts, you are not a citizen or even a resident of the USA and thus your views are not based on anything except your biased opinions. I can find many things to insult the Canadian government and Constitution and many other things . The difference between you and me is I lived in Canada for 6 years . However I don't feel the omniscience that you do and recognize that I am not a citizen of Canada and thus should not be commenting on their Government and documents. You on the other hand come across as an expert on the USA and its Constitution because you are smart enough to Google info a large % of which is always worthless except to people like you.
  9. Then stop making snide remarks about a country and a Constitution you have no personal knowledge of. Just opinions and you know what they say about them!
  10. Your ignorance is stupendous!
  11. Same as I've told others like you. You have contributed nothing to this Forum and I could care less what you think!
  12. If you had any idea about this Board you would know it has more new members then ever and many who contribute fabulous trip reports , suggestions for places to stay and eat. What it does not need are new members who have contributed nothing criticizing the way the Board is run or members who are responsible for imparting their knowledge to others. Members who come here and immediately start posting about things they don't understand ,by when their own admission have never been in Thailand instead of asking questions of the many members who have are no loss when they go away. Also anyone who is chased away away really does not understand the dynamics of a Forum and should probably not join if their skins are so thin.
  13. Exactly!
  14. Go back to where you are before. You have contributed Zero to this Board and I could care less about any opinion you have! Rappaa , IWH101 or whatever dumb name you want to call yourself.
  15. I wait for something worthwhile from you with bated breath. Amazing how you know nothing about about this country but still have strong uneducated opinions about the Thai people and those of us who have spent time here . There are many members who have lived here and have BF's here and enjoy the culture and the history. Unlike you my first trip to Thailand had nothing to do with Sex. I was traveling around the world and Thailand was a 10 day stop among many Asian countries and I had no Sex on that visit . We don't have to worry about that with you because by your own admission you are coming as a SEX TOURIST . Nothing wrong with that except when you put your big foot in your mouth commenting on things you have no experience or knowledge of. Hopefully you will get some!
  16. I can't wait for you to contribute something worthwhile to this Forum like a trip report. Probably I will be waiting many years!
  17. The US Constitution is why people from all over the world would like to become citizens. Pray tell what great Democratic Country do you come from?
  18. You are laughable Vinapu and know nothing about the Vietnam War. In fact Vietnam is still under the yoke of Communism (just hidden).They are no more a representative government then China is! And the only reason Vietnam failed to fail was that the Chines sent 100's of thousands of soldiers into the battle and the US did not want to take a chance of expanding the War directly with China.
  19. I make you look like the Fool you are and you never respond because you cannot. You brag about 17 Likes when you actually have 2 but no response because it makes you look like a Fool and there is no response . You think I am bothered being called a Sex Tourist . I am not . Everyone here is or was or wants to be. That does not mean that an individual with a brain cannot comment on things other then Sex. Especially members who have spent years visiting or living in Thailand and have forgotten more then you will ever know.
  20. People who continue to make these inane comments that the USA should change the 2nd Amendment need to take a Civics Class. I would love to see us do a better job vs guns but we have something called The Constitution . Witness how many amendments have been made in almost 250 years . It is very difficult and in fact almost impossible because of the type of Government we have with 50 separate states and populations that have different views on the matter. We have states with very strict gun laws, Makes no difference when surrounded by states with the Gun Culture. As an example we have many rural states where gun deaths are as low as some countries who like to brag about their superiority . When you have a country with the land mass of 1 of our states or a population that barely exceeds some of our states things become a lot easier. And always is the historical fact that our right to have guns is the reason we were able to kick the British Army out on their asses. That is why the 2nd amendment exists i the Constitution. It has become bastardized over the years but it always comes back to that. The Right to Bear Arms! It will not be changed in my lifetime!
  21. Its almost impossible you could be that Stupid. But you are. In fact you got 2 Likes from the same members over and over again. Possibly you 3 should start your own Forum because combined you have not offered anything valuable to this Forum!
  22. You continue to make juvenile responses and show your mis-understanding of how the US Government works. Secretary of State makes no final decisions but proposes policies that may or may not be implemented. Perfect example is Syria. Well known that Hilary was in favor of attacking Syria when they crossed the Red Line laid down by Obama. Obama decided not to do what he promised to do and now Hilary has to listen to idiots in the USA blame her for the mess in Syria. Sorry the decision was not hers to make . She gave her counsel and was over ruled. Not really that hard for a thinking person to understand the difference between Executive Powers and Cabinet Secretary.
  23. Possibly you'd do better worrying about the financial problems in Australia. Your $ is tanking as is your economy!
  24. You are even stupider then I thought . I posted photos in the photo thread of Asians. Nobody has anyway of knowing where they are from and certainly I have no idea .They are available to anyone on Tumblr. You would have no idea what I have posted unless you are a former member banned, so crawl back into your hole and leave this Forum for the intelligent members who have something worthwhile to contribute which you do not.
  25. Be so kind as not to take my quotes out of context. No interest in a tourist is a response to whether changes in entertainment venues would change my mind. The context was after 15 years I had been to all the tourist destinations and thus no longer had any interest.. That does not change the fact I have been to the Palace, Many Temples and all the other Top destination in numerous locations. I have also been along the river multiple times during the Kings Bday celebration and seen first hand the outpouring of love toward the King. But the bigger question is you are either a liar or a fraud. I have not posted a single sex post for 13 months and you have been a member for 60 days . Now I doubt you have been here as a non member for years and never joined due to your strong even if wrong opinions. Another possibility is you have been a member here under another name and have been banned. So I guess I'll send a message to Scooby to check to see if you have been banned or have multiple memberships which are not allowed.
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