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Everything posted by firecat69

  1. I dont believe that's what he is saying at all. First 2 of the busier GoGo bars were closed because of problems with police. The combination of very bad weather and lack of boys for various reasons led to the other GoGo bars being closed. I think a couple of bars planned to open but when they saw no boys showing up and the very hard rain they decided to close. Far as I know the Beer Bars were perfectly within their rights to stay open. This was not a religious Holiday .
  2. I have done it in Mexico. Not very interesting to me. Actually Boring. If you do it make sure you go in the morning when the water is calm.. Because every time the boat bounces that is transmitted to you up in the air and not all that pleasant. Nothing like the calm of a parachute !!!!!
  3. And some don't know what Objective means?? The rating that the music is low enough to have conversation is an Objective Rating. Your likes or dislikes of that kind of music are your preferences. If a Bar is rated as having Low conversational music then that is not the Bar for you. And thus having that information would allow you not to waste your time. Likewise if the music is rated at the level of Nab , I won't be caught dead there. Same as someone saying clean is a Subjective rating . Does anybody here not know the difference between a toilet that smells and is filthy versus one that is clean and smells fresh. Of course there are varying degrees of clean but really these are Bars. I think most of us know the difference between Clean and Dirty in a General sense.
  4. Amazing yet you are one of the first people to take someone else"s recommendation for a restaurant and many people here take your reviews and use them to choose where they will eat. What is the difference???
  5. I have to admit I am at a loss to understand this argument. Most of the Bars have a mix of Boys especially in Boystown. There are no muscle bars like Tawan in Bangkok. You are just as likely to find the type you like in almost any Bar in Boystown. Except if you are looking for little boys. That being the case the Bars that provide a clean, safe etc etc etc should be the ones that people gravitate to. The proof is in the pudding as they say. FunnyBoys by any measure is probably the most successful Bar in Boystown at the present time and offers all the things I listed as important to many people.. They also happen to have a variety of Boys. What other Bars in Boystown do posters here think offer similar atmosphere etc and as well run as FunnyBoys.
  6. Not true at all, There are subjective points about Bars and Objective points. 1. I think most of us understand what a clean toilet is. 2. I think most of us understand whether we can have a conversation in the bar because the level of the music is proper. 3. I think most of us understand whether there is a fast or slow rotation of Boys. 4. Prices the Bar charges are definitely Objective. 5. Whether smokers were observed in the Bar 6. Are extras such as cold towels or snacks provided Theses and I am sure more are not really open to that much interpretation . And I think would be a good start on which Bars would move to the Top of my list to visit. I agree the quality of the boys is very subjective but most of the other things I care about are not, I think if a large % of people said where a Bar fits on the above and any more people would care to suggest, it would be very helpful to people in prioritizing where they go first.
  7. You better read the article again. The reporter was very specific that the undercover agent paid a 1300 baht FEE and was taken WITH the BOY to an upstairs room. How much more specific can he be????? It was also very specific that the underage boys were employed by the Bar. http://www.pattayadailynews.com/en/2010/07/24/underage-boy-bar-raided-in-organised-sting-operation/
  8. It is not very hard but they are incapable of understanding what is important to the customer or they are just plain stupid. Go down to Walking Street and they can find how to run a GoGo Bar but they would rather go out of business and complain about how hard it is. 1. Reasonable level of music 2. Variety of Boys 3. Fast Rotation of Boys 3.Mamasans who say "I don't Know" rather then lie 4. Clean toilets 5. Reasonably priced drink and Special Drink nights etc. 6. Boys who actually smile and do some dancing instead of just standing. Now how hard is that???? Feel free to add the things you think are important???
  9. RIch LB You been around a little too long to believe what you are saying. A fine and upstanding establishment??? Please!!!! I was there 3 weeks ago and they easily had 40 boys (40 or 50 who cares) I left at 930 and they had at least 20 customers at that time. I agree 40 sounds a little high but it was a weekend and late so maybe. I assume and I could be wrong that the 1300 was for the room, boy and off fee which is about what i would expect. Now the chance of anyone using a room upstairs at any bar unless the boy is underage is very small. Most bars in Pattaya have a 17 year old or two but 15 and under is crossing the line in my opinion. I hope they catch him , close his Bar and put him in jail. By the way you did fail to mention the 5, thats 5 underage boys. Lucky for him they didn't raid his other Bars where in some it would be unlikely to find anyone of legal age.
  10. Flyertalk has all these Delta promotions where you earn double MQN and double or triple miles. Where do you find to register for these things and the requirements. I can find none of them on DL website
  11. I looked a couple minutes ago and still available in November. Great deal for someone going to West coast USA not so good for East Coast. Also you have to be ok with the long layover in HNL and maybe ICN also. Plus of course Business on Hawaiian Segment is Domestic business class seats so nothing special. But if someone finds getting an 8 hour flight in Korean business is worth all the hassels then I'd say go for it. Maybe spend some time in Seoul???
  12. One Last Question Is it possible to use the website to find fares that are upgradeable with miles. I do not see it. If I request coach fares it just keeps saying not upgradeable. Again it was very easy on NW website/?
  13. I went and played with the website exactly the same as I did 2 months ago. Either they have improved it or just added seats because I am finding the lowest available in a lot of months I look. Does not appear to ever be Business available on NRT to BKK. Don't understand why they don't offer you business jfk to nrt and economy nrt to bkk at a reduced level. This is what NW always did and it allowed you to get your trip with the longest leg in Business. There are definitely Business seats available JFK to NRT. Impossible to use award ticket only to Narita because buying a RT ticket to BKK from NRT will cost almost as much as a ticket from JFK to NRT. Also why is it not possible to find upgradeable tickets with miles on this website when clearly there are seats available at times?
  14. Did you use their website or call? I have looked for tickets nine months out with nothing available for months. By the way I am Gold and was Platinum or Gold for many years with NW. Have not looked in last month because I got sick of nothing being available. I have plenty of miles and would like business class some time. Absolutely nothing available in any month for 9 straight months at the 120,000 level. I have no intention of using 240,000 or 360,000 miles. So is it because I am trying to use their website or that in the last month they have started to add seats??? BTW I would rather walk then take China Southern.
  15. Good idea Jim Too bad you will never find a RT ticket on Delta for 60,000 miles. Not easy to find it for 120,000 miles but next to impossible for 60,000. The airline mileage given is a joke. They give away all these miles and then effectively double the miles needed for a ticket. Delta is among the worst, almost no seats ever offered at the low mileage.
  16. Unless things have changed in the last 2 weeks which I doubt, drinks are 300 baht at Boys not 500 baht. If someone was charged 500 they were robbed. Off fees in most bars on Soi Twilight are 400 baht but wouldn't surprise me if Boys charged 500 baht?
  17. Yes, the prices do go up on the weekends and to be fair it is only Boys that charges 300 with all the rest at 250 I believe. You were in Solid one day after me and it seems we agree they had a nice group of boys. Do you remember the Boys name or number from Kanchanaburi.??
  18. Bet you can't beat me in Ten Pin or Pinball???
  19. Certainly there is a bigger pool of customer but likewise there are 10 times as many bars so it evens out. True some bars have changed management but none have closed for a long time except for Future Boys. I happen to think there is much more money to be made by lowering prices and selling more drinks but these greedy idiots are not very smart. The last time I was in BOYS for the show they had a packed house and I could not find a single boy who was bought a drink or a single customer who re-ordered during the course of the 1 hour show. When you have a 90% profit margin per drink, your bottom line would be far better by dropping prices by 25% and increasing your sales by 50%. And of course the boys would do better also except I don't think they care about the boys. Sooner or later the smell in there was going to force them to close. I am sure you will see someone move in there in the near future after they have torn it apart to find the smell.
  20. I am sorry but your argument does not make sense to me. 1. I don't care what it costs in other countries. I am in Thailand and I don't like to be ripped off so I adjust my spending to minimize how much I am ripped off. And by the way there are now and have been Nude Boy Bars in Montreal and Washington DC and Ft Lauderdale, Prague, Rio etc that in most cases are much nicer and the drink prices are actually less. Sure if the boy goes home with you it will cost more but your argument for buying drinks is the entertainment and the decorations, sound system etc. As far as Shows go, I walk out when the show starts. 2. If hundreds of Lady Bars can provide entertainment, nice decorations , pay the cops etc and sell drinks for 1/2 the price and make money then the greedy owners of the bars in Soi Twilight could also. Fact is until Future Boys closed not a single Bar had closed in years and the reason is that they have all been making a fortune charging exorbitant prices. I go there sometimes but much less then before but spend the minimum in the bar that I can . That does not reflect what I may tip the boy or pay him should I off him. But any money that goes directly to the Greedy Bar owners , i will keep to the absolute minimum. If you chose to throw your money away buying 250-300 baht 2 ounce glasses of coke for boys then it is your money but I assure you I will not.
  21. Depending on what you like go to Solid. Last night 10-12 boys all on the twink side and maybe 3 ladyboy leaning but relatively attractive IMHO. I took a boy who was great . 2 drinks and the off totaled 540 baht. More then fair. Don't understand why Soi Twilight can't do it or at least more reasonable.
  22. I could care less what the expectation is. I am the Customer. If the mamasan asks I say no and if she persisits which is amost never I tell her because her Bar is greedy and I would rather give money to the boy which also of course is what the boy wants. Do you think the boy wants 20 or 40 baht from the drink I buy him or 100 baht from me in his hand?? In Bangkok that is an extra 150-200 baht left in my pocket. As to the reason people go to those bars in Bangkok. Simple!!! It is the only game in town with one or two exceptions like Solid. I still have no idea why you think that the Bar even in Pattaya should expect that I will buy the Boy a drink. They should hope that I will off the Boy and they will get their off fee and they should be happy that I have stayed long enough to talk to a boy which means they might sell me a 2nd drink. The boy would like to make money and he would much rather get the cost of the drink in his hand then the actual drink. Again I will restate that if it is a Bar that respects the customer by having clean toilets, music levels that are bearable, no smoking, fairly priced drinks and mamasans that don't pester you then it is much more likely I will buy the boy a drink in an effort to support the Bar. Now how many bars in Pattaya do you think meet my Criteria??? Not many!!!!!
  23. I believe this is completely variable depending on where you are. In Bangkok on Soi Twilight., I almost never buy a boy a drink . If those robbers think I am going to pay 300 baht for a 2 ounce glass of coke for a boy after they have already robbed me for 300 baht for a 6 baht bottle of water, they have another thing coming. I would much rather tip the boy and the tip will be dependent on how much time I take of his. If i determine right away that he is not what I want , he gets a 100 baht. If I spend more then 5 minutes with him but for some reason don't off him that night , he will get 200 or more depending on how long I have taken him out of the rotation. Pattaya is different. Since drinks are much more reasonable then Bangkok, I find my self buying a drink especially at Krazy Dragon or Happy Boys where the drinks are 99 baht. But even then I may spend a minute talking to the boy and discover he is not compatible and I will just tip him with no drink. In many cases I would prefer to give the boy the money rather then buy him a drink. I have to admit if it is a favorite bar where I believe the customer is treated with respect such as Funnyboys , I will be much more likely to immediately buy the boy a drink . If it is a bar where the restrooms are dirty and the music too loud, and smoking is allowed it is unlikely that I will buy the boy a drink.
  24. I see no specials listed on website for Bumrungrad or BNH. Just their usual year round packages. Do you have some other place to look????
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