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Everything posted by Thickarmour_softpretzel

  1. It’s good for both. It’s just a good portion of us commenting our stories are bottoms lol. Manny is the hookup for all your desires!
  2. I love that for you! When trips leave the forum and enter the airport 🙏🏿😊
  3. Lmaoooo well I wanna be a slut like you when I grow up then. Manny has said that February is busy and the best time to come. Based on my finances, June is going to be better for my next time. Yea I was searching high and low for Manny’s number and I hope to never lose it! I also sing those same sentiments that Manny is the man and will not fail you! I hope the guys listen and I definitely want to stay in the colonial zone moving forward, but I will keep Hotel Palacia in mind for the future! I hope we get to meet in the DR one of these times!
  4. I have heard it’s a bit expensive, but I trust your statements so I guess it’s Colombia for me in the fall. Will definitely need some of your recommendations to pull guys.
  5. YES! Use WhatsApp! That’s the best way to contact him
  6. Brasil at the end of March. Maybe I’ll squeeze Colombia in the fall, but I want to do Vegas 😌
  7. Are you sure there are none because I saw and have like 4 saved to go and see 😅. Thank you for the cruise beach one. Did you go and what’s the best times?
  8. Does Danilo provide services as a guide in São Paulo still? Can you put me in contact with him?
  9. Manny can recommend you an air bnb for a good price. Message him again and ask for the link.
  10. Hey guys! So I plan on going to São Paulo and Florianopolis at the end of March. I found that I posted too late in another forum and missed a chance to meet new cool people and I didn’t want to make the same mistake again. I am an avid user of aviator, but the excursion prices are very different between the two cities. I already have my two hotels and they are literally 5 star spots. I want to know about any recommended excursions, food places, tips, or anything else. I will take all information as I need to have a logistics plan laid out by mid March Thanks in advance!
  11. I did go to Marlowe’s and although I felt some good vibes. I was not particularly excited to return 🫣 sorry
  12. Thank you! I would say pack less clothes. A lot of places aren’t super dressy either and it’s going to be warmer. Go out more and wear less 🤣.
  13. Before I get going on this rant, Manny gave me permission to post his number and you guys can reach him on WhatsApp: +1 (809) 353-9262 and shoutout to @BlkSuperman!!! Bro you’re the fucking GOAT! I’ve checked your post and replies about the DR for some time as I was preparing and I was still not prepared for what I just experienced. A few more disclaimers: I was in a hotel. I used bottle water for brushing my teeth and washing my tooth brush. I used the hotel faucet water to douche and I was okay. Uber is affordable and Manny can also take you places. For data, I used a plan from Airalo and it worked, but I found that I needed 5gbs and should have gotten that initially. Whether you are in a hotel or Air bnb, you are going to need some towels as Dominican men shower most times before and between sessions with you (read a post about it and found it to be true). A hotel is easier to accommodate, while an Air bnb maybe more difficult regarding the towel situation. Regarding Manny, reach out a month before like everyone says, but reach out again 2 weeks before and confirm at least a day before your flight for him to pick you up (send pictures of your flights times for him). He is not avoiding you, but it’s a lot of us and only one of him and he’s doing his best to make us happy and he has a family. Be respectful! He does charge for airport pick ups, but be advised it can be a very far drive (40 minutes from SDQ to my hotel and back). He also charges a finders fee for the guys so be prepared. I’m sure I forgot some information, but ask me and I will answer if the next part isn’t good enough 😁. I took my DR trip to Santo Domingo for New Years and just got back this weekend. I wanted a mix of things; culture, excursions, local food, and most importantly a healthy amount of DOMINICAN DICK. I almost got all of this, except the food. So I guess let's start there, someone on tinder gave me places to eat, but they were too American! I want DR local cuisine and I got it on my third day and beyond. Manny also took me to Bambino where I wanted to get fucked my one of the waiters, but ran out of money 😔. When I come back I want to eat more local because the local food was amaz-balls. Let’s talk about the excursions! I canceled two of the three for different reasons. But the water tour was canceled the day by the company. Manny hooked me up with a great prices and the tour was amazing! I have never experienced water and sand like that in my life. I also got to explore caves and learn about the history and that was also great! The people were friendly and I used a lot of Google translator when I was struggling. Duolingo and YT would definitely help and the more you know, the better. I’m actually looking into taking classes this year for myself 😊. My story telling via typing isn’t as illustrious as B.Superman so let’s get to the best part of the trip… DA DICK DADDY 😮‍💨. bitch…biittCHHHHH…BIIITTCCCHHHHHHHH, I have never-I ain’t never, had dick touch me like that in my life 🫨. To open this section, you will not walk around the DR for more than 15 minutes without seeing a hot man! If you do, you are the problem 🤣. I had several dicks and even tried pussy. Manny has all of your answers. Now I will say that the pricing can vary! I’ve seen you guys talk about $50 usd (3000 pesos) and yes you can pay that price, but premium guys cost more and they are worth it ($100 usd or 6100 pesos). Now I paid different prices depending on the type of guy I like and Manny has them all. Be honest and specific about what YOU LIKE, NEED, AND CAN HANDLE! So I put the top 5 guys I had or they had me (whatever you like). First two guys are 10/10 (will be in rotation when I return) and the next three are 9/10 and they will knock you down a few times so be prepared. I found that as a bigger guy, maybe I wasn’t their…natural attraction, but this throat and coochie changed their minds 😈. They were respectful and I even had a guy stay the night. There was one mishap that IS NOT Manny’s fault, but he is a man of his word and made up for it without asking and that redo was excellent! The dicks are HUUGGE and they will dig you out. I’ve had some hard, big dicks and they are all a joke compared to these guys. Dominican men will reach inside of you and touch your innermost anatomical parts 😜. I was thoroughly satisfied every time and figured I need to turn on some music so my neighbors didn’t hear me yelling and complain to reception. I did link with one Grindr guy and that was good too and I only checked Jack’d on my last day and there were guys on there as well messaging me. If you set your locations to Dominican Republic you are going to get hits. BUT, beware, as some are looking for an opportunity as life can be very hard in the DR. I almost made a mistake and Manny made sure to remind me of this and keep things on my terms at my hotel room. Speaking of hotel room, you know those ho’s-tel 😀 (get it…okay, maybe not). I would not stay at a hotel again if I planned to have multiple guests over as the hotel I stayed at charged me $15 usd a person and while it wasn’t a big deal, that’s extra money. So the protocol is if you have 2 guests listed under your reservation then that’s fine. But having multiple guys in your room is going to draw attention as they need your from key or you need to come and get them to your room and they need an ID (Cedula in Spanish) and the front desk photocopies the ID. I know when I go back in June it’s gonna be a fuck fest and I don’t need the hassle and the eyes watching and judging. HOWEVER, it is good security protocols and is good for a first timer if you are not sure and are not using Manny (which you need to). I have been to Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Mexico, and now the DR and none compare to the DR! The sex tourism is booming, but be safe! I didn’t feel unsafe, but we did go to Juan Binbin and Manny pulled out his tooly as a precaution. When I went to Cine Lido he also advised, I be very careful, and other posts said to order your Uber inside and once it comes, go outside. I am also ready to smack the taste out of a bitch mouth if they play with me so there is that part. In terms of my own personal health, I take PreP and I doubled my doses for the days I was there (I have extra), I also purchased a week supply of Doxypep and only used a two day supply as a precaution (take two every 3 days) as I did have raw sex with two guys. I am also not opposed to raw sex, but I’m a risky bitch, what can I say…actually it’s hard to say anything when you’re sucking big dick 😇😌. If you are questioning if the DR is a good destination…GO! Manny and Blksuperman has also mentioned that February is a great time to come and it is next month so look at those flights and stay off those Boeing ✈️. Airbuses me please (JetBlue, coughs 🤧). Please ask questions and I will reply when I see notifications Thanks
  14. You did nothing wrong lol. Reach out to him 2 weeks before you leave. Manny is great and is the hook up. He is just always helping guys like us.
  15. Hey I was there for 6 days and 5 nights and I stayed in a hotel. The water quality was not an issue for me. I will say that I used bottle water to brush my teeth and wash my mouth. To douche, I used the faucet water and was fine
  16. OMG! I never saw this post and I would have loved the company and meeting new people. I’m sad I missed this 🙃
  17. I’ve been inquiring about places to go for NY and people have ragged on Marlowes as a whole. I’m surprised because you spoke so highly of it 😩
  18. Hey guys, I’ve been shadow reading all your amazing stories. I got in contact with Manny, thanks for that as well! Is anyone going for NY’s? I would love to hang out and meet new people and I have a few activities lined up if anyone wants to join.
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