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FunFifties last won the day on August 31 2024

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About FunFifties

  • Birthday 07/10/1973

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    Travelling, food, history, dates, hook-ups, cute guys in their 20's and 30's

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  1. Thanks. I found the information useful and have no issues with catchy headlines.
  2. A week before I arrived I used the roaming function on Grindr that allows you to appear in another area for a limited time. I contacted him and we kept in touch by whatsapp.
  3. Please do!
  4. Kep - Crabs, Climbing, Royal Residencies, Rabbit Island and one night in Sihanoukville There is a daily train service from Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville that departs in the morning. I got off in Kep after a comfortable 4 hour ride and then tuck-tucked my way to Kep Beach. I stayed in the Saravoan Hotel next to King Sihanouk’s abandoned Villa, not far from Kep National Park. Nice place with excellent view and access to the beach. Visitor friendly. Abandoned Villas are plentiful in and around Kep. Only the few that were owned by royalty have their gardens tended to so most are overgrown or used as pastures. Crabs and Kampot pepper are famous local foods and in combination they taste heavenly, but if anyone has cracked the code to cracking crabs and eating them without making a complete mess of yourself, please let me know 😂 Kep is a small town and the beach and restaurants were mostly frequented by locals. I quite liked that and I should have stayed longer instead of going to Koh Chang a few days later. Not that there's anything wrong with Koh Chang, but I had the feeling that I could have been on a holiday island anywhere in the world, when I was there. The talent on Grindr was very limited so my feed was also populated with guys from the nearby Vietnamese island of Phu Quoc (might be worth a visit one day). But as Forum wisdom tells us you only need one. I met two guys while in Kep. One was a late twenties Philipino digital nomad. We met for breakfast, a round of good sex and a hike in the National Park. We were both happy to have company on the hike as it was quite challenging. In some places the trail was so steep that it actually involved climbing using ropes that lined the trail at the most difficult stops. The other meet was a quickie with an early thirties local with a twinkish body. Distance was around 12 km, but he was happy to make the trip on his motorbike. I made a day trip to the nearby island of Kaoh Tonsay/Rabbit Island. Not much to do here, but I enjoyed a day at the lovely beaches. It is possible to stay here in little bungalows and it seemed a more hotel-like resort was being constructed on the Southern part of the island. Not sure if I would be able to make the journey from Kep to Koh Chang in one day, I decided to stay one night in Sihanoukville. I had hoped for an afternoon of exploring, but it turned out I had booked a non-existent hotel! It took a couple of hours of communication with chatbot, human and finally a very long phone call with hotels.com to get it sorted. I ended up in the newish SIHA hotel and casino. There was a decent amount of activity on Grindr including moneyboys/masseurs advertising their services. I made a non transactional hook up with a late twenties Chinese guy. Bus trip back to Thailand was hot and dusty as the roads were unpaved for quite a long stretch. A lot of road building activity was going on, so I guess in a few years the trip will be a lot easier. VID_20250131_122133.mp4 I absolutely loved Cambodia and hope to return in the not too distant future. I will probably explore more of the South along the coast next time, maybe in combination with a visit to Vietnam.
  5. We chose the one closest to the bathroom grabbing an extra pillow from the middle bed. Your bed was left untouched
  6. Phnom Penh - Killing Fields, POC Lounge, massage Arrived early evening. While on Tuc-tuc taking me from Bus terminal to OK Palace Hotel (convenient location, spacious room, visitor friendly as reported from by other Forum member), I opened Grindr and a lot of messages started pouring in. One was from an early 30s Indonesian tourist: We agreed to meet, went to the area in front of the Palace, took a walk along the River and had dinner before we ended back in my room. All in all a very pleasant meeting and we agreed to keep in touch the next day. In the morning of the next day I visited Killing Fields/Choeung Ek Genocidal center. The Audio Guide was excellent and gave a chilling account of what had happened in this location and in Cambodia in general. Some of it based on personal accounts of survivors and their relatives. Was back in the city centre around noon and met with fellow tourist from previous night for lunch. After lunch he joined me for a nap. It was a nice nap, but the before and after nap activities were even nicer We agreed to meet again later to check out POC Lounge (Pride of Cambodia), a gay bar close to the hotel. I arrived a little before 9 and shortly after that my nap buddy informed me he was going to arrive later than expected. I spent the waiting time chatting to a couple of the staff members who readily accepted my offer to buy them drinks. There were 4 kinds of staff members; fully clothed bar men working behind the bar, guys in shorts and tank tops, dancing boys (all looked very young) in only shorts and sneakers, and drag queens. The guys I chatted with wore shorts and tank tops. They advertised that they worked upstairs in the massage place called Paradise. I exchanged whatsapp number with one of them, as I was interested in getting a massage the next day. Nap buddy arrived a little after 10, just as the Drag show started. It was a great show with Asian songs and outfits as well as the more standard lip syncing to gay anthems that you would expect in a Drag Show. After the show, nap buddy and I went back to the hotel for a sleep over. Since I had been travelling for almost two weeks by now, I decided that I needed a slow day before the next leg of my journey. I had my nails and feet done at a nail salon in the morning, and the masseur from last night’s visit to POC Lounge got in touch asking if I would come by for a massage and extras. Massage was good. Extras were also nice, but a bit mechanical. I guess I had been hoping for something that felt a bit more personal since I thought we had a good connection the previous night. Massage was 15 or 25 and I gave him 60 including tips and he seemed pleased with that. After the massage, I walked around for a few hours until sunset. Had another dinner and sleepover with Indonesian guy. We woke early next morning, as I had a train to Kep to catch and he was bound for Siem Reap.
  7. Battambang - Bat Cave, Bamboo Train, Bicycle Tour, Circus School, and a Close Encounter with the Clergy I made the journey to Battambang by boat crossing the Tonle Sap Lake and then going up the Sangker River until it became too shallow to navigate. We were then transferred to pick-up trucks for a 30 minute drive into town. There are much faster alternatives by road from Siem Reap to Battambang, but it was a great opportunity to see floating villages and different methods of fishing along the way and I quite enjoy slow travel. I stayed in in Seng Hout Hotel. Cheap, clean, decent room, visitor friendly, but no breakfast option. It has a pool, but it is not staffed so you have to bring your own towel and drinks if you want to hang out here. Tourists come to Battambang for the Bat Cave just outside town, the Bamboo Train, the Phare Ponleu Selpak performing and visual arts school, and the French colonial architecture. At the Bat Cave you can see thousands of bats exiting at sunset and there are also a few pagodas as well as a temple/murder cave in the vicinity. It is well worth an afternoon’s visit. The Bamboo Train is a really fun ride. The bamboo carts can be assembled and disassembled in very little time to allow for other carts to pass or to change direction on the one track railroad. VID_20250122_102310.mp4 Phare Ponleu Selpak was also worth the visit. The school was founded in the 90s in Cambodian refugee camps in Thailand. The idea was to let children process their trauma through the arts. Today Phare Ponleu Sak has branches in Siem Reap and Phnomh Penh where artists trained at the school give performances. I enjoyed a tour of the school and a show. In addition to the must-sees of Battambang, I also went on a half day bicycle tour of the surrounding villages with an outfit called Soksabike. It was an interesting tour with focus on local production. The guides were very pleasant and looked very nice in their bicycle outfits. Hook-up wise, I wasn’t overwhelmed with the amount of attention I got on Grindr, but I did manage to secure 4 meets. One was meh, one was ok, one was good, and one was very good. The very good one was a bit of an adventure actually. It was in the morning on the day of my departure and a guy that I had chatted with a little the previous day sent me a picture and his location. The picture was of him in monk’s robes and the location was a temple a 15 minute walk across the river. So I went there, met him in his cell/office - a small room with a desk, a bed and an ensuite bathroom. He was mid thirties with a great body and we had two rounds of really good sex. In case you were wondering, he didn’t wear anything beneath his robes ;). In the afternoon I got on a minivan to go to Phnom Penh. I considered the train, but it only runs once a day and would take considerably longer and only arrive in Phnom Penh after midnight.
  8. Recently completed my first trip to Cambodia. I absolutely loved it, so here are a few highlights, starting with 6 days in Siem Reap. I traveled over land from Bangkok by train to Aranya Prathet. The train is 3rd class only, so it was a warm and dusty affair, but really cheap. I forgot the exact price, but less than 100 baht for the train ticket. There are two trains a day - one early morning and one around 1 pm. Train departs from the old Bangkok Central Station and is scheduled to take 4,5 hours, but I was warned that there were often delays. I was on the afternoon train and it was only about an hour late, so I had time to cross the border at Poi Pet before it closed at 10 pm. I crossed the border and had a meal while I set up the e-sim I had bought to access data in Cambodia. VID_20250115_124544.mp4 I then proceeded to find out if I could get to Siem Reap the same evening, and was squeezed into a Phnom Penh bound sleeper bus that dropped me off in Siem Reap around midnight. A few days before my trip started, I had tried Grindr’s roaming function to see if I could make any contacts before arriving to Siem Reap. I made a few and one of them, an early twenties college student, was very eager to meet me and we kept in touch as my journey progressed. Since I was a day early, I asked him to call my hotel to see if they could accommodate me already. I stayed in the King’s Rock hotel thanks to @vinapu's recommendation from a previous trip report. I found it good value for money, conveniently located, and visitor friendly. I spend 6 nights in Siem Reap. First day I explored the town itself with college student as my guide. The next three days I had booked a private tour of the big and small temple loop on the first two days and a trip to Kulen mountain on the third. I booked through Affinity tours and was very pleased with the experience. In the evenings I went out with college student for dinner and drinks and he slept over most nights. On a saturday evening we visited Bar Code for the drag show which started at 9 and finished around midnight. It was not as polished as Stranger Bar in Bangkok, but more camp and equally fun. Besides college student I hooked up with two more guys I met via Grindr. One mid thirties with a great body whom I met twice, and one early twenties cutie who asked for 20 usd which I was happy to give him. There were also offers of massages on Grindr, but between all the sightseeing and me enjoying the company of college student there wasn’t really time to check out that scene. My next stop was Battambang - plan to report on that stop in the near future.
  9. LGBT+ rights are no fun if it means we have to adhere to boring heteronormative concepts like monogamy
  10. I have made similar experiences. I seem to be getting more attention from guys in their 20s and 30s than when I was their age. I don't mind
  11. I asked in this post - perhaps it will be helpfull for you too
  12. Day 2 Breakfast at Furama is plentiful with both Western and Asian options. The Western options seem of the cheapest industrial quality whereas the Asian ones seemed more fresh made. There is an egg station, so I could get a decent omelet and there is also fresh fruit. Had a tailor’s appointment, visited an optician and did a bit of shopping. I will report on the tailor and optician in the post I started on that topic when the items are in my possession. Sleepover date came over right after work, so we had a round of not sleeping in the bed before going out to dinner. We rode his motorbike to Chinatown for dinner and back to Silom for drinks and a drag show in Stranger Bar. Show was excellent. Queens were polished and professional. Crowd mostly other tourists, most of them relatively young. Show ended at 2 am, so we headed back to the hotel for sleepover. Day 3 Date had to get up for work around 7, so I got up as well to join him for breakfast. I had had a few too many the night before so I required another round of sleeping. In spite of smoggy conditions, I opted for a long walk to Lumpini Park where I stumbled upon one of the little dragons devouring a bird. I then proceeded to the Benchakitti Park. The latter is definitely the nicest of the two. While in Benchakitti I checked in on Grindr and was contacted by a nice looking late 30s guy. We met at the exchange tower and took a grab back to Furama. We arrived at the hotel at around 4 to find that the room had not been made up yet, so that was another item on my list of Furama Silom disappointments.The two hours of copulating, cuddles and conversation I had with the Grindr guy were not disappointing, so he is definitely on my “would like to meet again list”. I had to jokingly kick him out because sleepover guy was coming back again for another round of dinner and sleepover. Dinner was at a place on the river called NAAM 1608 where a dish of aubergine, pork and Thai basil deserves favourable mentioning. After dinner he took us back to the hotel and we had another nice sleepover. So lessons learned this time around are; Furama Silom is not a four star hotel. I know they don’t charge four star prices, but they shouldn’t be advertising as such and I have stayed at many three star places with higher cleaning standards. S level massage places with focus on massage can unexpectedly but pleasantly offer a H level service. Grindr works well for me when looking for non-transactional hook-ups. Especially when not in Silom where the ratio of moneyboys and fellow tourists on the app is quite high.
  13. Recently spent three nights in BKK on my way to Cambodia. Here is a report: Day 1 Arrived early in the morning. Immigration took about 30 minutes of standing in line, which was perfect timing as my bag literally appeared on the baggage belt, the moment I arrived to collect it. Next order of business was getting to Furama Silom. I opted for train and metro (blue line to Silom) and then a 15 min walk to the other end of Silom road. I wasn't in a hurry since my early check in was only available at 9 and after 10 hours sitting in economy class I enjoyed moving my limbs. I also stayed in Furama Silom on my last (and first) trip to BKK a little over a year ago, but it wasn’t quite as nice as I remembered. The carpet on my floor (14) could really use a good cleaning or replacement and around the ac vent in my room were little spots of mold plus there was the remains of a dead bug in the kettle 😕 I was too tired to complain, but will definitely consider other options for my stay when I come back from Cambodia. On my first trip to BKK, I learned that the perfect way for me to cure the aches and stiffness induced by a long flight is a two hour hot oil massage. So around 1030 or 11, I went to the same place expecting more or less the same thing as last time. It is a place that is considered soft and last time I went, the massage was excellent and the body to body extra was meh. So I had decided beforehand to turn down any offers of extras. I was the first customer and it seemed only one masseur had shown up for work. He looked very young and a bit skinny (to be fair he was lean/athletic, but the baggy uniform made him seem smaller), so I was afraid I was going to be disappointed with the massage since last time it was a bulkier late 20’s masseur. I was not disappointed at all. Massage was even better than last time plus his hands and fingers kept getting closer and stay longer near my groin and every time he got a bit closer he asked “are you ok?”. I was indeed ok, so when he had established that I was in the mood for extras he whisperingly offered a body to body massage for a minimum tip of 900. The flesh is weak, mine in particular, so a moaning “yes please” was the only answer I was capable of. Body to body massage turned into full on intercourse of different positions and intensities on the massage table and when we had both climaxed, I expected the session to be over. He hadn’t finished the massage, however, so he proceeded to finish the job. I was very impressed with that level of professionalism. I tipped him 2000. After extras he explained that he is not allowed to have sex with clients and asked me not to tell anyone, as he could get fired if anyone found out. To respect his request I am leaving out his name and the name of the place in this report. Since my last visit to Bangkok, I have kept in touch with two of the guys I met and I had let them know of my plans to visit and told them where I was going to stay. One was available to meet me and we had already agreed that he would come after work on my second day for dinner, drinks and sleepover. He texted me on day 1 already and asked if he could come by as he would like to go to the pool. I agreed on the condition that there would be no sleepover, since I needed a good, long sleep to avoid jet lag. We went to the pool then across the street to Pullmann for a sundowner in the open air bar on one of the upper floors. We had a quick bite to eat and around 7 pm I was ready to go to bed alone. Before turning in, I opened Grindr and soon got a message from a very cute young Indonesian guy looking for a quickie. I obliged, he came over and we had a very nice half hour session. Went to sleep at 8, woke briefly a couple of times, but managed to sleep 12 hours. All in all a perfect first day and night in Bangkok. Need to catch a train to the cambodian border in a few hours, but hope to update on day 2 and 3 soon.
  14. I spend a few days in Singapore 14 months ago. There was more than enough non-transactional local talent on Grindr to keep me entertained, so didn't explore saunas or anything like that. No issues with guests, but I did stay in a not so nice (by Singapore standards) neighborhood where rooms were sometimes let on an hourly basis.
  15. Glad to see you found a solution. When I was travelling SE Asia in november 2023, I had an eSIM from a provider called MobiMatter. I paid 14 usd for 30 GB of data and Grindr worked without issue in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.
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