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Everything posted by RockyRoadTravel

  1. What does Biden do next? In the Harris term, two years as the US Ambassador to the UN? His mind is fine, and they have elevators.
  2. He clasps onto individual polls, like a drag queen clutches her pearls in a lip synch. The drama
  3. The difference is that Biden has showed he's governed with complete competence over the last four years, and Trump has mentally declined so much that even FOX is afraid to televise his word salad rallies anymore. Sharks and getting electrocuted by an electric boat come to mind about Trump's ravings.
  4. With the "double haters" (the era of American politics brought to you by the hater-in-chief Trump) Harris probably has more growth potential than the defeated former president. Trump has a 54% disapproval rate amongst Americans according to the poll amalgamations on 538, while Harris has a disapproval rate of 50%. In the before times (before Trump mainstreamed hate in American politics) neither would be good. Now, who knows, a 4% advantage is a 4% advantage.
  5. This Supreme Court decides increasing numbers of cases on the shadow docket. Theonomy.
  6. Your world view is based on hearsay. The first step is awareness my ill informed friend. Congratulations with your admission. You have made progress.
  7. How long before the defeated former president tries to wiggle his way out of the scheduled debate he'd agreed to? No one is ever going to accuse Trump of bravery.
  8. Only if there is Supreme Court reform, and the extremist Christian Sharia-like Theonomy of the super majority is broken.
  9. I think #4 is the attempted Coup plot. Do I win something?
  10. It was reported there are about 1,000 people either in or connected with the White House, who would receive care from this doctor. So, eight visits in a year for referrals from close to 1,000 people, sure, that sounds reasonable.
  11. You do believe anything the Dear Leader has to say.
  12. Have you ever seen the play Shirley Valentine? About a middle-aged English woman who sneaks off to Greece to find herself. Opening of the 1st Act she's talking to a wall in her kitchen saying "hello wall". The 2nd Act, in Greece, opens with her saying "hello rock". You're Shirley and Emmett's the brainless rock. Good for bouncing sound off of, and little else. He can't even acknowledge Trump is a rapist, he's as fragile as his Dear Leader.
  13. And an easier candidate for the left and right of the party to unite behind (as I said in another post in another thread) than Shapiro.
  14. Don't you want to witness Trump being beaten for a 2nd time? (Okay 4th time if you count 2018 and 2022.)
  15. I think the left and right of the Democratic Party will have an easier time uniting around Senator Mark Kelly, than around Governor Shapiro, even though I think Shapiro brings better balance to the ticket.
  16. Meh. You've done better. You're not getting an Excremee Award nomination for this post.
  17. Barely. His voodoo economics is still the basis of attack on middle and working-class Americans.
  18. When Trump sucked the last fumes out of the Obama recovery, before leaving us fighting over toilet paper. Man, Trump was incompetent.
  19. One is about self-enrichment off of insider dealing. The other is about public service.
  20. Old resentments can emerge at a time of high stress. There's been some reporting that Biden resented the Democratic leadership backing the historic choice of Hillary, as the first female candidate for president by one of the two major parties, rather then the sitting Vice-president. Is this true? Who knows, at the time I remember him being quoted that his grief after losing his son Bo to cancer was why he didn't run. Maybe he was reading the room. If Joe had run in 2016, he'd likely have beaten Trump. We'd have a 6-3 majority of non-extremists on the Supreme Court. Washington DC might be a State (larger population than Wyoming and Vermont), we wouldn't have all this Trump court drama going on (okay, there would be Trump court drama, people taking The Donald to The Court is a story old as time). I can see how resentment about, what could have been if they'd only believed in me, could color the man's current thinking.
  21. For me he's a short cut to the MAGA conspiracies and half-truths. I don't have to venture into the MAGA echo chamber. You don't want to put too much fertilizer on the garden, but a little is good.
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