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Everything posted by RockyRoadTravel

  1. Project 2025 is far more frightening than Gingrich's Contract on America. It takes even more direct aim at killing the American middle class than Reagan did.
  2. The question for American's is do you want to elect a person to government who wants, and is able to, govern? If the answer is yes, then Trump has demonstrated he is not the candidate for you. He is interested, and only able, to sew chaos. Distraction to hide his weakness as a leader. If you want someone who is able to identify an issue, and come up with possible solutions to address the problem, Trump has demonstrated through four years of government he is not interested and unable to fix any problem. Kids in cages doesn't solve any problem. it doesn't really matter who the Democrats are running as a candidate. My dog would be a more capable leader than Trump ever was.
  3. The Republican party has been shrinking for years. One recent poll put it down to 21% of Americans' identifying as Republican. So there's this ever more extreme element dominating a shrinking party inflicting us all with the hate mongering, incompetent Trump. A man who takes credit for Mitch McConnel's stacking of the courts with extremist judges, but has nothing legislatively to point to as a success. Infrastructure? Lol. Trump, beyond the sexual harassment and the blatant corruption and his attempts to steal the 2020 election, he was incompetent.
  4. Biden could of had a very successful one term president. He's done a good job with some real achievements, much like LBJ. Infrastructure - finally happened. Trump was an on-going joke announcing infrastructure week and nothing happened for four years. Better job growth and lowest unemployment rates for 40 years. Trump sucked the fumes of the Obama recovery for his first two years, and then completely bungled the pandemic. Fighting climate change with the biggest investment in non-fossil fuels while at the same time achieving energy independence. Trump failed at both - windmills cause cancer he said. In many ways Biden was a more progressive president than Obama was. Am I a Biden supporter? Not particularly. I wasn't a big fan of Obama legislatively either - where's the public option? It was only in his last two years he started to fight the complete obstructionism of the GOP to anything and everything with more executive actions. Obama came late to the GOP strategy of being the party of not governing and only sowing chaos. Whether we like it or not, the presidential race isn't only about competence and actual legislative achievements. It's also about charisma. Biden is lacking in that essential quality. Obama picked Biden as his VP because of Biden's history and cross the aisle relationships in the Senate, and his ability to be bi-partisan to move legislation along. Not for his charisma. Whether Biden drops out or not, and whether Biden is as competent as he's been over these last four years, the election is still a choice between someone who wants to govern and the GOP's candidate who is a hate mongering, incompetent man who needs to lie about anything and everything.
  5. The base reality is having no president would be better than having the defeated hate spreading former president anywhere near the White House.
  6. While debating isn't how the presidency actually works as a job, and that was hard to watch. Biden was mumbling, and Trump was loudly lying about anything and everything.
  7. Hopefully he remembers he's debating Biden tonight and not Obama. I want the GOP to have a legitimate candidate, and not a complete the complete embarrassment that Trump has been so far this campaign.
  8. Don't forget there are plans in place by the MAGA GOP to intimidate qualified voters, who they have racial profiled, to make it more difficult to vote. In Georgia you there are legal consequences for handing some one waiting, in an hours long voting line up, a bottle of water. A better solution would be for the State of Georgia to open up a lot more voting places. Why is the MAGA GOP so afraid of democracy? Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. The defeated former President resoundingly lost in 2020. A decent man would accept that, and a coward would whine.
  9. Unfortunately, it seems that Trump is trying to be a contestant on Putin's re-casting of The Apprentice, which should frighten any gay man in particular, and those who believe in representative democracy in general.
  10. Question. Will the defeated former President try and preempt being a no show for the debate with an announcement about his VP pick? In between whining about the debate rules he agreed as suddenly "rigged". I'd like to be wrong on this.
  11. True. Trump is under Putin's control.
  12. If you ever step out of your MAGA echo chamber you'll find out it's the direction of most polls. Will the swing toward Biden continue? Who knows, maybe it will or maybe it won't. However, politically it's stupid for supporters of the defeated former President to ignore current reality. And continue to do whatever it is you need to do.
  13. I know this is off topic, sorry. And about Mar-o-lago. If the former defeated President thinks the true assessed value of the property tax is $1 billion dollars, why isn't he paying property taxes based on $1 billion dollars instead of $18 million. Everyone else in Palm Beach could get a big tax cut if he did.
  14. The only drug issue that's of any importance is if Biden challenged Trump, the defeated former President, to taking truth serum.
  15. I'll take your comment about @Bingo T Dog as a vote of confidence. Thank you
  16. Yes. As I said before individual polls are going to go up and down. Thanks for demonstrating that. An honest person would have also posted the recent FOX poll which showed the exact opposite, with a swing toward Biden. Both are just individual polls. Neither poll in itself is as significant as all of the polls taken together. And, if you can step out of your MAGA echo chamber for a moment, I'll re-post for you, as I have before, the polling trends from 538. Who Is Favored To Win The 2024 Presidential Election? | FiveThirtyEight And yes, there is a swing toward Biden - at the moment. Will this continue? Who knows, maybe it will and maybe it won't. If the swing toward Biden continues then we'll just have to continue to muddle along with democracy.
  17. If that were true,, that would be an honorable change of work for him.
  18. You're a big boy. Get out of your MAGA echo chamber and do your own research work.
  19. Argue with Karl Rove, the conservative mind behind Gingrich's Contract on America. Yes, the trend is toward Biden.
  20. Individual polls go up and down. The trend line at this point whether you like it or not, and it could change of course, is toward Biden beating the former President for a second time. Looking at the headlines on this politics forum reflects the larger American reality, there are Americans who are nervous about Biden, but more Americans HATE Trump. This is reflected in how presidential polls for Biden are lagging behind the Democratic Senate candidates, who are ahead in all of the swing states other than North Carolina. If Biden, at some point, matches the support of his Democratic senate candidate teammates he'll win and we'll have to muddle along with democracy.
  21. I worry about the MAGA cultists who've invested in his DJT media company and are going to lose their money by the former President's con and grift.
  22. Lol. Deflect and distract. If you want to fight you'll have to fight with yourself, and Karl Rove.
  23. If/when the defeated former President starts loosing in the debate is that when he'll finally announce his VP pick? Try to deflect and distract ... again.
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