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Everything posted by RockyRoadTravel

  1. Biden made Reagan, the second oldest President. Trump made Reagan, the second worst President (although Andrew Johnson was terrible too). Okay, okay in terms of worst maybe it's Andrew Johnson, then Trump, then Reagan.
  2. That didn't answer the question of what do you want, and I'm happy to let that question drop. I read this sub-forum and see there are people trying to work through various opinions and trying to figure out, in their own minds, how to move forward, as well as the odd Russian bot. It's a dangerous time, particularly for the queer community, with these right-wing Christians legislating from their Supreme Court bench. It's essential to have an alternate goal.
  3. I was thinking this was going to be about Reagan's attack on middle and working class Americans.
  4. No, the article was in the New York Times. No one quoted One America News, Breitbart, FOX Opinion (the FOX News team doesn't make up stuff like the opinion side of the station), or the Call of the North. It was from a news source that prints a retraction when it's pointed out they go something wrong in a story. You know - a real news source.
  5. You really need to stop pointing out Trump referring to Nikki Haley as Nancy Pelosi. You go on and on about Trump's mental decline and constant word salads.
  6. Why do you keep pointing out the economic collapse that Trump orchestrated? Yes, the economy collapsed under Trump with his incompetence and complete bungling the national response to the pandemic. Was gas cheap, yes, of course, the economy fell apart under Trump. The USA had amongst the worst death toll, and economic suffering under Trump during the pandemic when compared to our allies. Trump was a weak leader. We all know that, why do you keep reminding us?
  7. What is it you are hoping for in November 2024? I haven't been on this board long enough to figure out whether you are a complainer in general, or if there is an objective you have for the USA government and who you want to win. Thanks,
  8. He is an on-going gaffe machine that's for sure.
  9. I'm only saying this to frighten you. Harris/Machin.
  10. Okay. Thanks
  11. What are you suggesting/thinking is the way forward?
  12. Did they also declare that it's hot out? The sky is blue? Up is up and down is down?
  13. At the NATO Summit today, Biden didn't push anyone out of the way to get to the front row. The defeated former President was constantly embarrassing with his fragile ego.
  14. Just to belabor this. If past is prologue, Biden not being able to nail Trump's Jello to any cohesive narrative tree over the last four years, he's unlikely to be able to do it in the next four months. I've seen Gavin Newsom be able to critique, and encapsulate in a couple of effective headlines, Trump's shit storm of lies in a single interview. Joe the world ain't fair. You can govern. What's needed is a campaigner.
  15. Steve. Biden can govern, he's done it more than competently for four years. Can he campaign? Can he create and deliver an effective narrative exposing the shit storm of lies of the defeated former President. So far, he has not been able to. Over four years he hasn't been able to deliver a critique of Trump's incompetence. Of course Merrick Garland hasn't helped, he so cautious (in normal times probably a good thing) and has so fastidiously kept to the rules and a very narrow interpretation of the law, which hasn't been effective against Trump as a street fighter con man.
  16. Scalia died 265 days before the election - no Senate hearings for you President Obama. Ginsberg died 45 days before the election - and we get stuck with Amy Coney Barrett (the 2nd time she'd take a politically manipulated judgeship). The most blatantly hypocritical Mitch McConnell has ever been (I think, there's probably other awful examples).
  17. That would require Supreme Court reform first. It's ironic that two Supreme Court justices, who were personally friendly - to the extent of taking family holidays together - from far different legal orientations (Ginsberg and Scalia) both had their seats stolen by Mitch McConnell.
  18. I think his poll numbers went up because he kind of shut his mouth for a while after the debate. Americans' like Trump more when he's got his mouth shut.
  19. It's good to see that there is some focus happening on Project 2025. Remember in 2020 Trump forced the GOP to have no election platform, Trump doesn't like things being written down (was it Don McGahn or Pat Cipollone who Trump chastised for TAKING NOTES in a legal meeting?). In Trump's mind written stuff equates to evidence. As terrifying as Project 2025 is in it's attacks on the middle class and working class Americans, civil liberties, women and LGBTQ communities - Trump might be even more afraid of it. It's written down. He can be held responsible to one of his hateful positions. He'd be hampered in his constant mealy mouthed avoidance of taking responsibility about anything at anytime, any where. Real believers of the Christian Right and/or Conservatives, who aren't suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome like his MAGA minions, won't like Trump's denials. Will they do anything about it, or kiss the ring/ass of the defeated former President? (Sorry, that's a very gross image, forgive me.)
  20. Imagine anyone within this GOP trying to confront Trump about anything.
  21. Often times my best conversations are with conservatives who recognize a set of facts (and don't just cherry pick ones that support their preconceived bias) and just come to a different conclusion than I do - based on a set of real world facts. I value honest opinion. Making shit up, as the defeated former President and his minions do daily, undermines representative democracy, civil society and the rule of law.
  22. Again.
  23. I tried to delete a triple posting
  24. I'm going to go back to the administrator versus the campaigner. Biden is a competent administrator, and less so a campaigner. The defeated former President, was incompetent and loves campaigning. In my opinion in 2020 it was less about Biden winning than it was about Trump losing. Biden didn't so much defeat Trump as Trump defeated himself. The majority of Americans were tired of the chaos and the incompetence of the Trump years, his weaponizing the Justice Department, his self dealing, picking fights with everyone but dictators and authoritarians who he loved. Trump defeated himself. It's four years later and Americans have forgotten, somewhat, about the chaos and incompetence of Trump. Is Trump going to defeat himself this time? I don't know. However, this time, the Democrats need to be running someone who can campaign and defeat Trump (if Trump doesn't defeat himself again).
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