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  1. It'll be a lose lose for everyone.
  2. Luckily it'll probably be called after nine holes, and in two years his incompetence from the first round will be remembered. He was handed a growing economy by Obama, and then he completely tanked it with his pandemic incompetence. America, what we survive, makes us stronger - fingers crossed he doesn't blow us all up.
  3. How many days until the "President" starts on his enemies list and his lap dog Senators start investigating any patriot that speaks against him?
  4. Will the new "President" wear a robe trimmed in fur?
  5. You have to put up with a lot of intentionally ignorant comments. They are a sad lot, the former defeated President's apologists. Apparently short selling on DTJ is sold out. The investors aren't believing the defeated former president's bullshit like the low information Trump diehards on here.
  6. What we know of Trump is that he says he admires Hitler, he says he'd govern as a dictator. Enough about the great incompetent and weak former defeated president though. Harris needs to be talking about the economy every day. Trump was handed a growing economy from Obama, and Trump's incompetence during the pandemic destroyed the economy. As one of his award winning biographers has said about Trump, everything Trump touches dies.
  7. Vengeance is Trump's air, without it he disappears in a cloud of sulphury smoke.
  8. Sun light is the best disinfectant. She needs to speak about reality, to a section of the American people who get very censored and biased news from FOX and other right-wing partisan media sources.
  9. Next I expect her to go on Joe Rogan. She isn't afraid to go into unfriendly territory. The defeated former president is showing his weakness being unable to do interviews from non-fawning journalists
  10. Very interesting to see how Bret Baier turned an interview into a partisan debate. (Trump has been afraid of facing Harris in another debate.) She handled the speechifying, and questions, well. Harris should do more interviews with Bret Baier at FOX. She showed she doesn't need media safe spaces and support journalist as Trump has needed for months.
  11. With Moses it's best to translate everything into Russian. It has an easier time understanding.
  12. your BFF Vlad
  13. and killing his opponents
  14. and killing his opposition.
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