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Everything posted by ToTheCore

  1. I'm baffled at the super high prices of almost all the hotels along Copacabana. Prices have doubled for what used to be reasonable, beach accessible, "nice" hotels. I'm all for letting the market forces work but what's going on?
  2. As vague as the term might be, in your opinion, what constitutes a regular? a) from the customer's perspective b) from the boy's perspective
  3. Bingo! @jason1975 wins the "perspective" award. If you budget multiple tens of thousand of baht for airfare, hotels, boys, booze and fun, why waste an ounce of energy fretting over a difference of 100 baht ($3) for a ride into the Center Zone of Happyness!!
  4. 5400 horny sailors? Watch out...
  5. Sadly, without competition, Lagoa will continue to think they're the only game in town. Sao Paulo can and should support another venue to keep everyone on their toes.
  6. You should man-up and tell him your interest is in guys, not girls. If he thinks you're straight, it's deception carrying on with him, getting him high, hanging out in the hot tub, etc. without him knowing you're gay. It's 2024. Playing games, being coy and beating around the bush is creepy. If you're gay, you're gay. Pretending is cowardly and unfair to him. He should know the truth. THEN he can decide whether to continue to hang out as bro's or even tell you he thinks you're cool. And sexy And Interesting. Or not.
  7. thanks for the Bangu info. It's sometimes nice to venture out beyond 117 and Point for a bit of variety.
  8. I ain't gonna let $18 (100 real) dictate whether to rent or refuse to rent something I lust after. After all, lust is the reason I'm there.
  9. Back to Cheap Travel Issues: Is Jet Lag worse in Economy Class going East or West?
  10. Only an imbecile would endlessly argue with an idiot on a "where can I rent hot guys for sex" forum. 😝
  11. Could it be he's on so many ignore lists, no one actually sees his posts? "If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, does it make a sound?" explores questions about observation while symbolizing the ineffectiveness of unheard opinions or thoughts.
  12. or bother to even read. 😀
  13. ToTheCore


    Even if I know a bunch of the HOT guys get 150-200, if the guy I really want holds firm at 300, I'm still gonna go ahead and risk pissing off the locals and blow that extra 20 bucks.
  14. Final Day at Boot Camp: Arena at 2 Discretion guy at 4 (for 4 hours!) O at 9 for LT I fear the Boot Camp instructor himself is the only one fit enough to pass this grueling military training!! 😆 Could any of you keep up??
  15. Actually, Salvador has it's own unique "vibe" of music, cuisine, beach scene, architecture and horny men, all based in an Afro-Brazilian pot of sexy... all worth exploring. Fox and Point might not be 202 or 117, but nothing is. Salvador men embody both their city and culture and have their own way of making your stay quite seductive.
  16. The difference between 400 and 500 baht is $2.72 USD. If you're making decisions as to which bars you're visiting based on drink or off prices, you should be slapped. 😀
  17. Both Ho-Chi-Minh and BKK were among a few select cities around the world with the most number of days this year as being miserably, excruciatingly HOT. Keep that in mind as you plan your travel dates. https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/interactive/2024/heat-index-temperatures-global-cities/ (apologies if this is under a pay-wall for some)
  18. Why veteran like you, well aware of Jupiter game, expect this be different than every other time you go? Wishful hopeful thinking??
  19. There's much to be learned from a traveler's' daily dilemma over which air to breathe.
  20. Best (un)hidden secret.
  21. I don't know why you guys are talking Airlines. The topic is FIGHTS !!
  22. I believe the key to success when hiring anywhere is to confidently know the local market.... and then to finalize a firmly agreed upon price for an exact expectation of performance... before you both decide to walk out of the venue.
  23. Why would you go to Prague looking for Filipino boys?
  24. thanks for sharing your adventures and perspectives, whether good or bad, with the forum. Looking forward to more...
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