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About Draden

  • Birthday 02/10/1984

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    5 foot 8
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  1. aight, well this still seems like the craziest massage parlor in the world but I'll give it a try definitely looking forward to the walk of shame through a line of american kept wives getting pedicures on their girls trip to asia
  2. Thanks for the advice, all. Long story short, he wasn't, so I'm glad I didn't ask "how much."
  3. When you go in, do they ask if you want a male massage? I won't just randomly get a woman who wants to give me a manicure, right? Ha!
  4. BKK Okay, good to know - I guess we'll see!
  5. Not taking sides one way or the other on the underlying issue here, however, technically Defamation is only a criminal offense in 17 U.S. states. And even in those states, it can only be criminally prosecuted in narrow cases (generally involving malicious and false accusations of sexual immorality) and rarely is ever actually prosecuted. In the rest of the U.S., Defamation is a matter for civil litigation. If this restaurant were in the U.S. it would probably have a good case for a tortious interference lawsuit provided it could prove the individual conspired with other people to leave reviews, knowing they'd never eaten there, and with the objective of interfering with the commercial success of the business.
  6. Somewhat related question ... I have a meetup tonight with someone from Grindr. Their profile says "No MB," doesn't mention massages, his pics didn't include any thirst traps, and price never came up in our chat. Is it going to be rude for me to ask him "how much?" or am I (relatively) safe in assuming he's not a MB?
  7. I probably didn't use the correct word. By "alley" I just meant a pedestrian walkway (at least I think it was, I didn't see any cars, but it was dark). That might have been the same one I had.
  8. While we're asking questions ... I have a couple! At places like onespa where you can sort by "available now" I notice a few of the guys I'm interested in are never available. Is that because they're only on call or are they just photos to plus-up the roster? If the former, what is the normal protocol for those guys - do I just message the Line # and ask for a certain guy at a certain time? When messaging a parlor, is it customary to do it in English or should I message them using a translation app? Thanks, in advance!
  9. LOL - I also was told I was "big" and am also average.
  10. Thanks @roughjock and @floridarob! Those replies satisfy my apprehension quite a bit. (I'm not really the hang-out and get to know you type so it sounds like what may not be a selling point for others, may work for me!)
  11. Are massage parlors a safer bet than bars? I think I've mentioned this in another thread, but I notice like Onespa and K-Man label the guys clearly Top or Vers. Just wondering if "Vers" means "Top but will unenthusiastically Bottom with a 5X markup." Ha.
  12. Thanks for these great reports, @roughjock. Question for the group ... my past experiences with MBs were in Japan and Taiwan where, if they're sold as open to bottoming, there's really no resistance or backpeddling at the moment and they usually at least give the appearance of being into it. Will I have a noticeably different experience in Thailand? (I notice that rough jock has had a few sub-par interactions.)
  13. Wait - so what do all these mean?
  14. Thank you all very much! Aside from the question of specific type availability, is there typically a lot of haggling involved? I just note that, in some reports, a user will say that they struck out at XYZ place or, at the end of the massage, no specials were offered by ABC masseuer.
  15. That was maybe unnecessarily vague. At the risk of being crude, maybe I can phrase this as an equation ... say I have an extremely strong preference for bottoms in their 20s-early 30s without tattoos (or only lightly tattooed) who are 170CM or less in height. If I were to take four trips to BKK massage parlors looking for full service extras that fit that criteria, what percent could I expect to find something like that would you think? (Hopefully I threaded the needle correctly between vagueness and graphicness in this one. And hopefully I'm not coming across as some kind of sociopath!)
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