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Everything posted by kris123ca

  1. Hah, ok thanks, I get it now. Don't feel too bad. Just because being gay is relatively acceptable today, doesn't mean that people don't still have issues and hesitancy about things to do with sex, just like straight people do. And this need I'm describing isn't a huge thing in my life, just something I want to take care of. My sexuality doesn't dominate who I am and color how I feel about the world or my life. Thanks all, for the ongoing advice and ideas!
  2. Thanks all for the thoughts! So what do you use in Spain, Thailand, or here in US? Use some app or website to find someone? Go to gay bar / club where you try to identify someone who you would pay for time with? Bangkok Taiwan muscle club that I saw here? Somewhere in Los Angeles? Are there specific places or districts that you all can recommend?
  3. Hi all, visitor here posting nervously, and hoping for your advice. I'm a pretty closeted, 30 year old guy, have had very few / hesitant relations 1:1 with other guys, and I want to do something about this before I turn in to "who's that gross old guy trolling around here?" (lots of personal issues, I know). I live in California. I am moderately attractive, go to gym, so I'm not lacking in physical appearance or hideous or something. I'm not jacked, but tall, lightly muscular, and my friends note that "you're in good shape". My problem: I'm continuing to be closeted (hard to fix this one), but I'm quite attracted to my straight guy friends, and if I don't do something about this, I'm gonna do something stupid and hit on one of them. What I would like (almost need) as an experience to get me out of this problem, and here is where I'd like help to figure out what to do / where to find it: I want to meet a muscular guy for maybe 1-2 hours, not for sex, but for touching, feeling, intimacy without sex. Shorts could stay on the whole time. Looking for someone who is not roided up, hairy, etc. but looks good, goes to gym often, has relatively nice face. Have a bedroom kind of situation where I can playfully (and hopefully talking to the guy in a friendly warm way) touch his body, feel his muscles, have him flex for me If things progress and he's open to it, I'd like to hug him closely, feel his body next to mine, have our cheeks touch, ears/necks/cheeks against each other (probably no kissing, I worry about STDs) If things progress further and he's open to it, have him straddle me / act like he's going to top me for sex (but shorts on, no sex) and have me feel his body as he does the motions like he's having sex. possibly shower together, before or after. Shorts stay on, or can come off is he's comfortable. I'm not quite sure about this one myself (kind of embarrassed about being totally naked in front of a guy). Help me tell what I'm looking for? Where do you find this? In a club, through an app? Do you have to travel overseas to do this without embarrassment? Can I find this in California or do I have to go to Thailand? I'm worried about what that looks like reputation wise, but at this point I'm open to it. I've travelled to Asia before, no problems, could easily go to any country there. I don't want to stew in my own desires and have no way to experience this and get tempted to let it out on my friends inappropriately. Thanks.
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