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Gay Guides Forum

Stable Genius

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Everything posted by Stable Genius

  1. Want more of this? Elect Republicans so they can de-regulate inspections.
  2. BoBo is following the Palin playbook: teen pregnancies ...CHECK domestic violence...CHECK loves Jesus almost as much as her guns...CHECK divorced...CHECK spectacularly stupid...CHECK thinks glasses make her look smart...CHECK (disguise doesn't work)...CHECK had more children than she can handle...CHECK circling the drain...CHECK
  3. tRump says he wants to be a dictator the first day. Here's your dic-tater.
  4. I expect Boeing will assign its top accountants to assist in the investigation.
  5. Last visit to Paragonya was Summer of '23. I was somewhat dismayed in the offerings of the providers, very much rough trade. Gone are the days of BelAmi types coming in for the weekend.
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