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Stable Genius

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Everything posted by Stable Genius

  1. Plastic surgery disaster. Murderous dog-killing slunt. Class warrior. Republican.
  2. Hope Hicks crying today because it made her aware of exactly the person Trump is: Trump told her that “it was better to be dealing with it now, and it would have been bad to have that story come out before the election.” Yup, Hope, that's the man you adore. Thanks for making the case for NY.
  3. Every layer of the Trump onion is saturated with corruption. Where there's putrid smoke like this, Donnie's scorched earth fire isn't far behind. Buckle up and stoke the popcorn. The sordid Trump Media train continues its spectacular derailing. This explains why rapist hired this firm... He needed a firm that was willing to commit SEC fraud
  4. "The depths of his dishonesty is just astounding to me. The dishonesty, the transactional nature of every relationship, though it’s more pathetic than anything else. He is the most flawed person I have ever met in my life." -General John Kelly-
  5. Let he who hasn’t paid for sex with a porn star just after the birth of his 5th child, with his third wife, cast the first stone.
  6. Meatball Ron has traded in his white boots for white kneepads.
  7. What IQ 45 is whispering to her is, "I'd like you more if you looked like my daughter"
  8. Would you take a check from Trump? Would you let him watch your kids? Would you leave your daughters or wife in his proximity? Would you trust him to pay you for your work? Would you remain loyal even as his bus is running over your legs? Would you even trust him to maintain his political positions? If you can't trust him in these things--why would you give him the country?
  9. Only the GOP celebrates the killing of a helpless animal. Kristi Noem never should have been allowed to have a "pet" in the first place. So much for "the sanctity of life". https://www.theguardian.com/books/2024/apr/26/trump-kristi-noem-shot-dog-and-goat-book
  10. Today is Melania Trump’s birthday. This year, her orange painted meal-ticket husband, Donald Trump, is honoring her special day by sitting in a NYC courtroom while someone named David Pecker details how they kept the porn star and the playmate he was having sex with behind her back out of public view.
  11. The world learned tragically during the 1930s and 1940s that a lot of people are attracted to a deeply unhappy and angry candidate. This is pretty much what we are seeing today in Trump's political base in America this time, not Europe.
  12. Where's Melania!!!!??? Oh, selling jewelry and ignoring Don. She is hawking stuff almost as if she is worried that her income source might be cut off in a few months......
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