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Stable Genius

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Everything posted by Stable Genius

  1. There are good people, on both sides. Reich Emmet Klown?
  2. Looks about reich.
  3. Trump's shade turned from orange to yellow. Despite Trump's incessant lies, he was allowed to testify, but the coward refused.
  4. Narcoleptic fart factory, Donald Trump will talk good game about testifying, he'll tell his dimwitted MAGA cult how much he wants so badly to testify, but he won't because he is unable to control himself, and is incapable of not perjuring himself. But most importantly, he is also a coward.
  5. Anyone still waiting for Trump’s “beautiful” healthcare plan, his infrastructure plan, to release his taxes, to testify? Fool me once then bad on me, fool me twenty times and that’s a Trump supporter.
  6. Same Turd who famously claimed: - he "couldn't wait to meet with Mueller", but never did - he "would gladly submit his tax returns if I run for office", but never did - he would "testify" at his current criminal trial, but there is no hint he will...
  7. “So let’s pick the dates, Donald. I hear you’re free on Wednesdays.” Joe Biden re. setting up debate dates.
  8. Republicans: Cohen is a criminal, habitual liar and bully. Me: He was also Trump's personal lawyer for 12 years.
  9. “The late, great Hannibal Lecter is a wonderful man. He often times would have a friend for dinner. Remember the last scene? ‘Excuse me. I’m about to have a friend for dinner,’ as this poor doctor walked by... But Hannibal Lecter. Congratulations. The late, great Hannibal Lecter." Donald Trump 5/11/24
  10. Trump (aka Orange Turd) The “patriot” who divides the country with unproven lies about election fraud. The “patriot” who praises Vladmire Putin and downplays US intelligence services. The “patriot” that steals the nation’s secrets, shares them with others, denies having them then hides them and refuses to give them back. The man so concerned about the border who kills a deal to secure it for his own political benefit. The "billionaire" who hides his tax returns The "genius" who hides his college grades The "businessman" who bankrupts casinos The "playboy" who pays for sex or assaults women to have his way The "philanthropist" who defrauds a charity The "patriot" who dodged the draft The "innocent man" who wont testify The "healthy candidate" who composed a letter saying that he was healthy to be president and paid a physician to sign it. The "Commander in Chief" who ridiculed members of the military wounded and killed in action.
  11. Romney he had it right: “ I’ve never known anyone to pay $130,000 to someone for not having sex with them”.
  12. https://youtu.be/m6uI0TJCS6A
  13. You show up to a guy's place who's invited you to dinner and he's dressed in satin pajamas, you're either the appetizer or dessert.
  14. “Ms. Daniels, is that man with the small orange penis in the courtroom today?” LOLOLOLOL this is going to be lit!
  15. Judge Merchon threatened to jail tRump today. Put Trump in Epstein’s cell!
  16. The 6-Steps of being a Trump loyalist: 1. Reputation damaged or destroyed 2. Ridiculed, humiliated or laughed at by late night tv comedy show hosts like Jimmy Kimmel 3. Have to hire an attorney 4. Indicted 5. Arrested 6. Jailed The scorecard: Navarro: 6, Michael Cohen 6, Lindsay Graham 2, Rudy 4, Manafort 6, Bannon 6, MoscowMitch 2, Rubio 2, Trump himself: 4.5 (fined for violating gag orders), Ronna McDonald 2. Eastman 4, Cheesbro 4 or 5. Pence 7 because Trump’s angry mob wanted to hang him, Meadows 4, Ellis 4, and now we can add Noem 2, Barr and Sununu both 2 for saying they will vote for Trump when previously denouncing him.
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