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Stable Genius

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Everything posted by Stable Genius

  1. And some want to give this shit hook the nuclear codes?
  2. And if Biden is gay? Where's our resident Klown?
  3. By the day of his sentencing and the Repiglican convention 4 days later, tRump is going to be a complete mess. He looked like utter hell during his Friday “press conference” so imagine what he’ll be like with 6 more weeks of no sleep and stress. I can’t wait!
  4. As a convicted felon, tRump cannot go to Canada or UK. He can go to EmmetK Land!
  5. Convicted felon, check. Twice impeached, check. Liable for sexual abuse, battery and defamation, check. Braggart about sexually assaulting women, check. Went bankrupt running a casino, check. Found to have defrauded US on hundred of millions on business taxes with father, but revealed well after statute of limitations, check. Ran fraudulent university, check. The list goes on.
  6. Mewonders if Blanche will be part of the appeal process, since he did a stellar job.
  7. So much for Trump could shoot someone on Madison Ave in broad daylight and get away with it. He can't even cheat on his wife and lie about it successfully.
  8. How about Trey Gowdy?
  9. "If you can't stay awake in your own criminal trial, you might not be the best person to run the country." Joyce Vance
  10. "Supporting Trump is such an unforgivable moral failing. It calls every bit of your judgment and character into question. Nothing about you should be trusted if you can look at this man and think “that’s the one for me”. - A. R. Moxon
  11. Methinks hung jury is coming in.
  12. Did Donnie have sex with a porn star? ✅ Did Donnie pay her to silence the story? ✅ Did Donnie do it to interfere with the election? ✅ Did he falsify business records to cover up the payment? ✅ Is there money transfer receipts to prove this? ✅ Bye bye Donnie 🔗🔒
  13. Burning refugee women and children sheltering in tents with American supplied weapons does not cross Biden's red line. Let that sink in!
  14. Ooops. “IDF takes every possible precaution not to hurt civilians.” “Thoughts and prayers.” Again and again and again and again…. Facing Global Outrage, Netanyahu Calls Civilian Deaths in Rafah Strike ‘Tragic Accident’ The strike on Sunday, which Israeli officials said targeted two Hamas leaders taking cover near a civilian encampment, ignited a fire that killed 45 people, according to the Gazan authorities.
  15. The only poll that counts is the one taken on Election Day.
  16. If the Orange Turd thinks that this was a rough crowd, wait 'till he hears from the jury next week. Trump loudly booed at Libertarian convention when he asks attendees to ‘nominate me or at least vote for me’ https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/25/politics/libertarian-party-trump-convention-speech/index.html
  17. The former first lady announced on Instagram Thursday the launch of her new jewelry line "The Fortitude Collection" The gold plated and stainless steel pendants are for sale on the USA Memorabilia website at $175 and $125 a pop, respectively. https://usamemorabilia.com/fortitude The Trump Family, where the grifting never stops.
  18. The standard is beyond reasonable doubt, not beyond any doubt. Is it reasonable to think that Donald Trump did sleep with stormy Daniels? Yes. Is it reasonable to think that Donald Trump did pay off stormy Daniels? Yes. Is it reasonable to think Donald Trump did this in order for the information not to be released prior to the election? Yes. Is it reasonable to think that Donald Trump wanted to treat this as a deductible tax expense so he can save a few dollars on his taxes given how miserly he is? Yes. Is it reasonable to think that Donald Trump did not know any of this was going on under his nose? No. Is it reasonable to think that Michael Cohen was a rogue operator who uses his own money to pay off stormy Daniels without knowing that Donald Trump will reimburse him? Hell no. Is there any reasonable doubt that Donald Trump did not do any of the crimes for which he is charged? Hell no. Emmet Klown?
  19. Jamie Raskin: Justice Alito turned the flag upside down. Donald Trump turned the Bible upside down. MAGA turned the Capitol upside down. The Roberts Court turned the Constitution upside down. Let’s set America right side up in November.
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