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Stable Genius

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Everything posted by Stable Genius

  1. Trump Falsely Claims Kamala Harris' Rally Crowd Was 'Fake' And AI-Generated
  2. Meet SofaLoren! https://www.thedailybeast.com/jd-vances-campaign-wont-deny-thats-him-in-viral-drag-photo
  3. *He was always of Orange heritage, and he was only promoting Orange heritage. I didn't know he was White until his press conference yesterday when he happened to turn White, and now he wants to be known as White. So I don't know, is he Orange or White?"
  4. Tя☭mp's missteps notwithstanding, those who continue to support him know that he rejects the US Constitution, hates democracy and this country, attempted an insurrection, hates the military and most American people, and proposes to release violent, convicted criminals. They also know he lies and cheats with absolute abandon, and is only interested, ever, in benefiting himself. Now, they also know that he is further psychologically and intellectually diminished, acts erratically and against the interests of his country and even his party, and is filled with little or nothing except grievance, vengeance, anger, and self-pity. Yet they still support him, knowing these things? This says far more about THEM than it says about Tя☭mp.
  5. 1. Trump Steaks 2. GoTrump 3. Trump Airlines 4. Trump Vodka 5. Trump Mortgage 6. Trump: The Game 7. Trump Magazine 8. Trump University 9. Trump Ice 10. The New Jersey Generals 11. Tour de Trump 12. Trump Network 13. Trumped! 14. Trump Taj Mahal 15. Trump’s Castle 16. Trump Plaza Casinos 17. Trump Plaza Hotel 18. Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts 19. Trump Entertainment Resorts 20. Trump the President
  6. The wrong plane crashed today. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13729377/donald-trump-plane-diverted-billings.html
  7. There was no "Trump shooting." There was a staged event in which some cult person was killed, likely for plausible denial.
  8. The Orange Ogre at his 'press conference' today at MAL: "Nobody died on 1/6" "She had 1500 people at her rally and I could have had 100,000" "They want to take away your guns" "They want to take away your social security" "Harris' move to candidate is anti-consitutional"
  9. The campaign no longer matters to the GOP. Post election ratfucking is what they are counting on now. Votes don't matter when you can manipulate the certification process, and they've put bad actors in place to steal the antique Electoral College.
  10. The nagging sound in the back of my mind is the Year 2000 Supreme Court that STOPPED counting of ballots, cold, and CHOSE a president for the nation. Back then, NONE of the justices flew flags or hired Riot-Busses to drive to the capitol.
  11. MAGAs in 2020: "Joe only picked Harris because she's black!" MAGAs now: "Harris isn't black!"
  12. Balls to the Walz! 25 years enlisted in the Army National Guard, Army Field Artillery, retired as Command Sergeant Major. No bone spurs. No need to suppress his grades. High School teacher. Didn't cheat on his wife. Didn't hang with Jeffrey Epstein and prostitute young girls. Is not a convicted felon. Freely and honestly elected to Governorship, served in the House of Representatives. Yeah, he's a crazy liberal...
  13. https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/video/acting-secret-service-head-says-warning-about-would-be-trump-assassin-never-reached-agents-216300613835 Secret Service never set up a Unified Command Post with he locals in Butler PA? As is standard practice.
  14. Donald Trump’s major legislative ‘triumph’ was a tax cut weighted toward the rich. His Republican policies are all about comforting the comfortable and afflicting the afflicted….the antithesis of Jesus Christ. He sells bibles; he doesn’t read them. Jesus gave a moving Sermon on the Mount. Trump wages civil war and insurrection against his own country for personal profit, power and revenge. If Jesus were alive, he would surely remind voters to reject whited sepulchers like Trump and the GOP and vote for decent, compassionate Democratic policies and candidates.
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