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Bingo T Dog

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Everything posted by Bingo T Dog

  1. How can you sleep with bombs falling on Russia? Hope you have a bomb shelter. Putin sleeps in one. Sweet dreams.
  2. Looks like the purple room has a stripper pole.
  3. Isn't the love and adoration of Laura Loomer enough for him???
  4. Quote from article: "In fact, Solovyov went so far as to encourage Russian President Vladimir Putin to extend an offer of asylum to Carlson, as well as MAGA influencers Tim Pool, Dave Rubin, and Benny Johnson all of whom were secretly paid hefty sums of money in exchange for peddling Kremlin propaganda."
  5. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/russian-media-asks-putin-to-offer-asylum-to-unwitting-maga-dupes/ar-AA1q8o0v?ocid=winp2fptaskbarhover&cvid=2dbbbedeb16a4dea993d1d0941dcb6e8&ei=7 @Moses Can Tucker Carlson come live with you????
  7. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/he-s-on-our-side-video-shows-trump-cheering-on-supporter-who-attacked-press-at-pa-rally/ar-AA1pLMA7?ocid=winp2fptaskbarhover&cvid=9e7d122b2a77422fa78c3dfcce182cee&ei=23 PLAY THE VIDEO IN THIS ARTICLE. TRUMP TALKS OF A PERFECT ANGEL THAT FORMED FROM THE FLAGS WHEN HE GOT SHOT. CAN HE BULLSHIT OR WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. @EmmetK What do you think of your leader now? I believe you hold Arlington Cemetery in high regard.
  9. https://www.aol.com/news/trump-staff-had-physical-altercation-020154418.html Citing an unnamed source, NPR reported that when a cemetery official tried to prevent Trump campaign staffers from filming and photographing in an area where servicemembers are buried, the Trump staff "verbally abused and pushed the official aside."
  10. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-mocked-over-new-batch-of-digital-trading-cards-which-come-with-pieces-of-his-knock-out-debate-suit/ar-AA1pwLgf?ocid=winp2fptaskbarhover&cvid=ea8677e9b4604027b57bdfe120be8228&ei=27 Another tacky gimmick Dump is selling. @EmmetK Maybe you can trade in your worthless DJT stock for some trading cards. Trump said that each of the physical cards has an actual piece of the suit he wore for the presidential debate. “People are calling it ‘the knock-out’ suit – I don’t know about that – but that’s what they’re calling it,” Trump said.
  11. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-awards-gala-capitol-rioters-b2600552.html Awards Gala to be held on Sept. 05th at Bedminster for the capitol rioters (J6 Hostages). Trump really likes to throw a party!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/jd-vance-recalls-telling-his-7-year-old-son-to-shut-the-hell-up-during-call-with-trump/ar-AA1obeBm?ocid=winp2fptaskbarhover&cvid=d87c6369d484456fea3bc102e55c817e&ei=23 “My son, who is seven, is in the hotel room with me,” Vance told the political podcast, which regularly hosts conservatives. “And he is really into Pokémon cards right now, he’s going through a Pokémon phase...he’s really into it.” “So he’s trying to talk to me about Pikachu, and I’m on the phone with Donald Trump, and I’m like, ‘Son, shut the hell up for 30 seconds about Pikachu,’” he continued. “‘This is the most important phone call of my life. Please just let me take this phone call.’” I would hope his child would be more important then a phone call. Obviously NOT to this "family oriented Christian man. VERY SAD!!!!!!!!!!
  13. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/jd-vance-has-six-figure-stake-in-online-video-platform-known-to-welcome-neo-nazi-content-report/ar-BB1r3ku0?ocid=winp2fptaskbarhover&cvid=29b2b5710ce64db290e008b61d9f75f2&ei=19 Per TPM, "Vance has had a six-figure stake in Rumble," which "has played host to Russian propaganda and to far-right personalities like Stew Peters and Tim Pool," and "also featured even more extreme content, including explicitly neo-Nazi "One vendor at a nearby table is seen sitting next to framed Nazi memorabilia, including a flag bearing a swastika, and two different Nazi war ensigns known as 'Reichskriegsflagge' and a variety of Nazi war medals. One of the guns on the table Vance is standing over is a Luger pistol commonly used by Nazi soldiers during World War II." "They really did not do any social media vetting or clean up on this guy at all. Kind of hilarious if it wasn't so bleak," Polanco wrote via X, retweeting the photo. images and themes like this song touting the 'Reich' and calling for Jews to be placed in ovens from a 'dissident rapper' with a dedicated page on the site." Last week, journalist Carlos Berrios Polanco brought attention to a tweet Vance posted on September 11, 2021 — without comment — of a photo of himself "holding his infant child while looking at a table displaying several revolvers of various calibers."
  14. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/kevin-roberts-architect-of-project-2025-has-close-ties-to-radical-catholic-group-opus-dei/ar-BB1qFUM9?ocid=winp2fptaskbarhover&cvid=ba358f88fe2a46c6c1ef3b0fe0c2d50c&ei=19
  15. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/did-jd-vance-say-women-should-stay-in-abusive-marriages/ar-BB1qDa90?ocid=winp2fptaskbarhover&cvid=c578c6d7461b42e6ab730445c3df5011&ei=30&sc=shoreline
  16. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/j-d-vance-in-more-trouble-after-writing-blurb-for-book-on-unhumans/ar-BB1qCWtP?ocid=winp2fptaskbarhover&cvid=544e0ea165854899b1879f137f18b2e2&ei=23
  17. I'll bet he is off getting married to a woman and trying to get her pregnant so he can please JD Vance. He wants to fit into the perfect American family life!!!!!!!!!
  18. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/jared-kushner-s-refugee-grandparents-also-relied-on-gov-aid-report/ar-BB1qr0Kf?ocid=winp2fptaskbar&cvid=25e63a6bb6e343329875a33ba9d6dd69&ei=18&sc=shoreline The Washington Post reports that Jared Kushner’s refugee grandparents benefitted from the same types of immigration assistance that he attempted to ban as a senior adviser in Donald Trump’s cabinet. Kushner, who is married to Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, is Jewish, and his grandparents were Holocaust survivors. When they arrived in the United States in 1949, they reportedly had two dollars to their name and no family willing to take them in. Documents from the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society show that Kushner’s grandparents relied on government-subsidized programs for immigrants—including housing, food assistance, and health care—until they could get back on their feet. The Kushner’s showed “a tremendous drive to establish themselves and start off again,” according to a case workers notes on the family with the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society. Kushner said that he has no plans to join Trump in the White House if he wins a second term.
  19. Shhhhh, grandpa is sleeping.
  20. Trump will get so concerned about running against Kamala he will have a heart attack. Old, obese people like Plump need to be concerned about stress.
  21. Tell Grandpa Trump to take his Geritol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Has he figured out how batteries work yet???????????????????????????
  23. And brilliant medical mind. Taking disinfectant and standing in sunlight kills COVID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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