I’m here this weekend hunting and I’ll use this topic to tell my tales, paying it forward for everybody that shared so much info in the past.
Background: I’m in my mid 30s and straight unless I’m traveling abroad for fun. I like other straight men or whoever will pass for straight enough. Santo Domingo might be paradise for that.
Early impression: as in most conservative cultures “straight” men abound. And most men have a peculiar shade of brown skin I just can’t resist. This is heaven.
First night: went to marlows late. Felt like it was just leftovers around at that time. Took a guy beautiful young Afro guy to the back for 2k but he wouldn’t get hard and didn’t want to let me fuck him, so I gave him 1k and left. Found another guy, super straight acting, gorgeous body. I convinced him to let me fuck him for 2k, he was high as a kite and clearly had no bottom experience which turns me on. He was desperate to not have his friends see him get fucked which also turned him on. And he’d would complain all the time while getting harder and harder and eventually cumming without touching his dick. This was amazing. Also, I don’t know what they put in the water here but the dick size situation is out of control. I’m a top but was planning to bottom a bit, but it might not be possible haha. Even comparing to Brazil or Colombia the size situation here is out of control, even for the lighter skin guys. Not complaining that much.