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Birmingham boy

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    Birmingham, UK

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  1. I've heard that majority of those cases of HIV under prep were attributed to those taking the pills inconsistently or breaking the schedule 🤷🏻‍♂️ I guess there would be some cases where ppl aren't responsive to prep as they should but those cases must be rare. I guess it would be a nice precaution to get both prep and condom if you feel like the person in front of you could be at risk..
  2. Thanks for the tips, read the text in the link and it says Granada is no longer safe which is concerning as that's where I'm going to be based. Well,I'll try to fight it off but generally speaking are there actually any other safe areas apart from Granada and San Antonio? Looks like I'm going to be running circles on the same 5 streets during my 3 weeks there😬
  3. Glad you had a great time, I envy you😅 Soz for a stupid q, but what was the point of giving them prep if you're on prep and they can't get it from you? Also, I was planning on getting doxy prep from local pharmacy, would you say it's generally safe to order medicine from Rappi or is it likely to be fake? 🤔
  4. That's all very concerning, how meeting in public would help though?:) I thought they can pretend everything is fine until they reach your place and rob/kidnap you? What would you say should be the steps for meeting a guy there? Going to the neighbouring street or meeting at a completely different crowded place and walk home together? Considering my non existent Spanish i bet that would be an issue. Also does it all apply to escorts / regular guys for Grindr or is there a perception of ppl from mileroticos being generally safe🤔 I know I sound stupid with these questions, but any advice is appreciated.
  5. Ah happy for you both, glad you had a great time👍 Were they both speaking English or was It more of a spanglish?:) I'm failing at Spanish (had no time to study) and a bit concerned that I might not learn much before the end of Jan for my trip. Also, how was Cali? The safety and communication?
  6. You can tell I can't wait for my trip as I'm investigating options on Grindr:) Can somebody bring some light to those signs- wtf are leaves standing for? And a parrot🤔 Is it weed? Does it mean they sell it or want you to smoke while you fuck? I'm confused😅
  7. Check Youtube-there are lots of videos covering this topic.
  8. i'm a bit sceptical about that point as i've just googled how many tourists were killed in London this year ( out of millions of visitors) and the answer is 0 which sounds drammatically lower vs 30 tourists killed in Medellin:) But i get your point about staying in safer areas to reduce the chances;). i'm in Florida in the early-mid Jan, so my Medellin part of the trip is going to be around 25 Jan- 3 Feb. Would be great to catch up if you're still there!
  9. Any thoughts on this guys? If anyone has been recently to Medellin - how the things have been recently? Looks like it's not specifically about gays but the news are really alarming to the point where I'm thinking I should swap Medellin for Bucaramanga or a smaller town? https://www.google.com/amp/s/english.elpais.com/international/2024-06-24/29-tourist-deaths-trigger-alarm-bells-in-medellin.html%3foutputType=amp
  10. Haven't seen a single attractive taxi driver there, but that might be my taste in men is different to yours:) Maadi was okay, but too quiet and far away from everything central, however the Thai restaurant was good enough for me to go there a few times. No hammams for me, too shy for that:)
  11. Great, thanks, I actually probably need this one for my own house too!
  12. Where do you attach this? Replace the shower head with it or is there another place to connect it?:)
  13. Fair point! Would you say winter prices are usually higher or lower? I mean after the Xmas madness etc?
  14. Ugh that's not good, looking forward to hearing more details!
  15. No, I've checked as I thought he meant 100COP but he got really offended 😅 Can I order a motor taxi for them just like Uber? Do you know the apps for that?
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