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EX Navy Dad

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    Moving to Thailand in 2024

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    6 foot

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  1. Don't be so pissy? What an dick.. fear not my account will be deleted when the admin get round to it, admin is very lazy so it may take a while. I don't eat cornflakes. This is not how forums work. This is how this forum works, in which case, I can happily live without it.
  2. I won't be replying to any further comments on this thread. It is a shame forum discipline doesn't work in this forum and threads go off topic. I have not asked for advice on buying houses I have never mentioned I am buying a house I don't need to be told where to live or what I should be doing. I started this thread to find out if anyone else might find themselves in the same region as me next year. One person has been in touch and for that, thank you. As for the rest of you going on about undercover police and things not related to my original post....... Forget it, I am done with this thread.
  3. I would be grateful if you would stop giving me advice. thank you

  4. Enough. I have not stated I am going to buy a property. I have no intention of buying a property.
  5. Already on it, but thanks.
  6. Thanks for the comments on my post. I would be grateful if it could remain on topic. Retired in Thailand.
  7. Thanks for taking the time to write. Who knows, this time next year we might both be there. That would be something. I have to remember I am retiring, not back packing, not a tourist, so I want to be somewhere a little off the tourist trail for a quiter life. Apparently there is one gay bar in Hat Yai but very little in Songklha from my google searches. I think for any boy entertainment I will be relying on the likes of grindr or other apps.
  8. Out of curiosity I wonder how many members of the forum might be retired in Thailand as I hope to do next year. I would imagine not many as I've found retired folk tend to haunt the FB forums more... I am heading for Songkhla to live, I want to be close to the Malay border and Hat Yai as I have extended family in Penang and friends in Hat Yai. I will make the trip up north for Bangkok and the tourist traps and find me a boy bar in Pattaya for a gin and tonic or four but it doesn't appeal to me to live up there. If any forum members reside down south where I am hoping to be, please do strike up a conversation with me, I am up for some friends. I am planning on being there late 2024, November probably. Leaving the UK late August '24 and doing a couple of months in Penang first.
  9. it better not be, I am going to retire there next year!
  10. Really horrible, I'd also point out you quoted me before I made an edit, suggesting Myanmar when it should read Cambodia, but both countries have questionable behaviour towards younger chinese and taiwanese tourists.
  11. A report on early morning BBC news also report one of the reasons for a drop in younger chinese (and Taiwanese) tourists is the risk of kidnap and taken to Cambodia where there is a large and thriving trade in organ harvesting, and also human trafficking is a real problem for younger chinese (also reported in the Guardian newpaper in the UK) Kidnap is a real problem for younger chinese tourists, that's why the numbers fell off a cliff, believed to be made worse by Chinese Tourist Vlogs scaring the pants of thier fellow nationals by reporting it on social media.
  12. I can almost see the smile on your face. A good day out for sure. Can't wait to read more.
  13. And you could like like a real proper arsehole farang on your youtube channel. Good luck with that. Do us a favour, leave the forum.... You have no respect for the boys.
  14. No point, move along, nothing to see here. Tik Tok? I mean no.... don't do it. don't even have Tik tok on your phone. Go back the day after, buy the boys a drink and let them know someone cares about them Don't do that tick tok shit. no one benefits from that riubbish.
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