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Everything posted by BjornAgain

  1. Who doesn't like a pogo!
  2. Can't see the secondhand books idea being much of a success, as seem to remember from my youth, before digital media became the norm, condition greatly effected sales, as pages were often stuck together! Music is key, if you want to play to your Australian heritage, then if you create an '80s Aussi Bar, you've got me as a regular, as that's my favorite music. If you go for a double unit, Bar and 2nd business. Then suggest as a double entendre, a hairdressers called "Blow & Go". As @floridarob said " Dealing with permits, labor and corruption in a third world county? " , is not for the novice. I would suggest having a face2face with some of the other Farang bar owners in Pattaya to gain a better understanding, that this isn't for the fainthearted. Also, is Farang type customers a viable business model? Saw an interview with a bar owner in Soi Buakhao who's diversified to opening a Thai nightclub as that's where the money is. Good luck.
  3. Having spent some time outside on the bench after the 23:00 show watching the comings and goings of the boys, there was very much a 'family' atmosphere of the place. The management were eating and drinking on the big table by the street, and everyone had a good sense of camaraderie. No sense of hierarchy in terms of who sits where or talks to whom whilst the boys had their outside kitchen cooked meal. So I think you're second point makes total sense. Also the fact everyone wears their QR coded ID badges, gives the impression of a professional, and potentially trustworthy outfit. (Wouldn't make the same the comparison of UK / USA companies I've worked for, but a small bar / club in the back streets, to me seamed unusual). So paying via the electronic till would keep a record for the boy and bank the funds until personally needed, or as you say @bkkmfj2648, X-Boys expenses deducted. If the QR codes are linked to a clocking in/out system, then 'away time' whilst on shift is logged and their percentage of general tips could be calculated more fairly. Will inquire more from my waiter friend in coming weeks. Also The French Connection intrigues me.
  4. Well he is from "The land downunder".
  5. Sorry, was there last week, however business and associated social engagements meant I had no time to go a wandering.
  6. Correction, not wanting to be pedantic, but it was a CheeseSteak with pickles and tomatoes, big difference.
  7. Not sure if your BKK hotel is part of a chain or franchise, but if so, ask to do a swap.
  8. They were only 6 inches, so large by Asian standards.
  9. Met up with @floridarob at Ambience this evening. As he mentioned previously bit of building works going on next to reception, had a quick guided tour and looks a nice clean and budget friendly location. Headed to Nano's CheeseSteaks and Burgers in Soi LK Pavilion for some pre alcohol soakage. Both had CheeseSteaks, first one I've ever had, and would definitely recommend. All freshly made on the premises, beef is Australian Ribeye. Next headed across to Nice Boys, 20 boys on offer according to the Mamasan, however only counted 9! One other customer present sandwiched by two boys, so 7 on stage trying to grab our attention, despite video (mobile) and White-Sachet stimulation, none rose to the occasion. Sizes on the Thai average scale, with one obvious silicon job, certainly nothing to write home about from my opinion. Bit of an international crowd whilst we were there, couple of Japanese, 1 Korean and 3 European types came and went. Spent our time giving descriptive names to the boys on stage to help pass the time. Weird eyes was @floridarob's favourite, however complete lack of hardness and power, despite some chemical stimulation, curtailed any possible encounter so forced us to head over to XBoys to catch the 23:00 show. Arrived just as the show started to a packed house, with the only seats left being on the front row at the shower end. The MC kept the commentary in English due to the type clientele present. Sound system needs some work, as was mostly distortion. Found the show more entertaining than over at XBoys or when I was at DJ Station in Silom a couple of weeks ago. Simulated anal, breakdancing, a singing Diva (actually miming), hard dick bongo playing, big dick mini golf, dancing, massage of Top became Bottom, big dick parade, Who's the Thai father, mutual shower and actual anal. Plenty to entertain everyone. For 300THB and a drink, excellent value for money. Stayed put after the show drinking and talking, which got the boys on stage all excited, to the point they put on a private display trying for our effection. Me colleague inquired into one of the dancers, however what followed bordered on comical in terms of excuses. Sorry he's taking a shower, sorry he's on the phone to Bangkok, sorry he's busy, sorry he's speaking to someone. All that was missing was, Sorry he's had to rush home as his Water Buffalo is sick. Turns out he's the only one who's not offerable. One of the waiter staff took a fancy to my packet of snouts, so went outside and sat on the benches for a cough & a drag and whiled away a good hour and a half talking and being entertained by the boys on their breaks. Definitely a place to revisit. Got the Line of the waiter for the future. A cracking good fun and enjoyable evening. Thanks @floridarob.
  10. Key thing to note when using AirBnB in Thailand is lack of TM30 reporting by the property owner. A legal requirement by any House Manager or Property Owner to complete within 24 hours of a guests arrival. Hence why when staying in hotels you're always asked for your Passport during check-in, as the Hotel updates the Immigration Database with your details. Fine to the property owner for failing in their duty is 1600THB. However, if you're caught in a 'misdemeanour' by the Boys in Brown (BiB) or randomly checked, the fine is likely to be on you, rather than your AirBnB host.
  11. Interesting the Pattaya News article said:- So as with practically all announcements, clear as mud.
  12. Screen grab from the Chang Mai News in English FaceBook post:- There are day and time limits to thus announcement, namely:-
  13. Being a slightly devious bloke, the idea of paying secondary tax goes against my principles. Next egg interest and private pensions, and pending UK State Pension will be paid into UK Bank accounts and luckily (manipulation) are and will be under threshold limits for paying basic rate tax. Luckily my landlady is married to a Brit, and we've discussed paying my rent as GBP into his UK Bank Account as this will reduce my monies into Thailand, I currently pay into his Thai Bank Account, so assume there's no martial issues. Covers their holiday expenses. Furthermore as others have said, using a Travel Moneycard for day-to-day expenses, so pre-load via mobile App to booster my Thai wallet. To cover some of my tracks, then transfer the odd couple of hundred from the UK into my Thai Bank Account. Simple mechanism to draw cash for hand-to-hand expenses, i.e. Bolt, Bins etc. Anyone see a flaw in my logic?
  14. I've seen actual long tails in the Exec Lounge. Your comment is also 100% accurate.
  15. It's not just the "truckloads of shit all creatures living in the seas...", you need to be concerned with, it's the poorly designed / controlled sewage systems that's been installed. This from last year. https://esquare.co.th/?p=2552 With only a 2000THB fine for the hotels, it's hardly a deterrent. I live by the sea and can see clearly the discharge of Black Water after it rains. As for swimming in it, a definate no no for me. For an enjoyable near pollution free swim go out to the islands off the coast and use the west side of the island, i.e. the side furthest from Pattaya or Jomtien. Furthermore if you snorkel or dive you'll see some actual authentic colourful sea life.
  16. The map of Australia is interesting, there's a wacking big desert between Adelaide and Perth, yet it's as hairy as Iceland. Melbourne which is the world's 3rd largest Greek city, looks nothing like it's Mediterranean homeland. Accurate? No.
  17. Yes you can use Bolt. Make sure you understand and agree the motorway toll charges before you set off first. Did Jomtien to Silom Road last week. Wait time from booking was only 10 mins, same when coming back. Normally I use Pattaya Cabs. Never been let down over the last 2 years.
  18. Above attachment from The Sun was taken from The World Population Review's 2024 report. Interesting at the other end of the scale...
  19. Would strongly agree with you @bkkmfj2648. I regularly have to visit TukCom and always get my Bolt from the back door. The boys at the massage shop across the Soi are always head down on their phones, of if they put their head up, it's because they're having a smoke. Same with the shop next to the French Restaurant round the corner. No concept of trying to connect with a potential punter. If using Google for investigation / reasearch purposes, no recent reviews to give the impression they're actually open for business, or they've improved since their last review back in 2017! Also find any guys offering Massage services on TF or Grindr, soon as you push them for details of their facilities, you're then acknowledged with silence. Get the impression the concept of Marketing is viewed as a farang thing out here, so must very bad.
  20. Was in Soi 4 as well last night. Things did pickup, as there was 3 people in the winebar when I left to wander over to Soi 2 for the show at DJ Station at 23:00.
  21. Wait till she joins a Rugby club and gets into some serious drinking. Bumped into quite a few lasses using the urinals over the years. And as Michael Caine often relates the advice John Wayne gave him on his first trip to Hollywood, the girls adhered to his advice of "don't wear swede shoes"!
  22. Maybe adopting a single unisex approach could have other advantages, in that women will see the lack of queues in gents toilets is down to following a simple routine. Walk in, take a slash then walk out. Simples. The time they waste talking before selecting a cubicle, sitting down whilst on their phone, washing hands, talking again whilst checking their phone again, applying makeup, talking again, checking their phone yet again, taking a selfie so they can check their makeup, if no corrections required; then leaving, no doubt talking to the queue as they leave.
  23. There was an interesting article in yesterday's UK Daily Mail, about a TicToc influencer who did a camera review of the iPhone 13Pro, 14Pro, 15Pro and the 16Pro. Mounted all 4 phones onto the same tripod and took a variety of photos on all 4 phones at the same time. The conclusion was there's practically no difference across the 4 models in terms of photo quality. Therefore, the latest model isn't always the best. I stick with Samsung, Galaxy A32 (2021) , Galaxy S9+ (2018) & a Galaxy A20e (2019). Thailand, UK & AUS phones. All bought second hand, normally 2 years after their release, the A32 was only 2500THB in Jan, currently retails at $250 new in the USA. All have excellent built in cameras. All take brilliant pics for digital photo album or uploading to e-mails etc. As @fedssocr said above, (The photographer is typically the most important variable in any photograph. ). Follow the basic rules on how your subject is illuminated and you can't go wrong. @Olddaddy, if you want to score a good second hand phone in Bangkok; visit Fortune Town by Rama 9 Station, or Tukcom if in Pattaya.
  24. Was at Swampy in March on my way back from The Lucky Country, whilst waiting in the baggage hall, did notice an AIS kiosk. Can't remember if there was a True one or not. If not, pretty sure there is one after customs.
  25. I suppose 'Try B 4 U Buy' refers to the assistants as oppose to the clothes!
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