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Everything posted by omega

  1. 4 star? Are you sure? I'd ask for my money back. It looks awful, and thats even after you look past the obvious functional flaws. Though worth remembering that many Thais are used to washing their behind with water after they finish their business instead of using toilet roll Maybe they think farangs have long arms or maybe they think it'll encourage us to clean up the 'right' way
  2. I'm not an expert on moneyboys, so this may not be the right terminology but I'd suggest that what you're looking for is the "boyfriend experience". Cuddles, affection and connection. I hope your European guy understands what you're after
  3. The choice is whether you want the transaction done in the local currency or in your home currency. If you choose your home currency, the bank that runs the ATM or Card terminal will charge their exchange fees for doing the currency conversion. Generally its better to chose local currency, especially so if you have a debit/credit card that charges 0% fees on foriegn transactions. (Usually you are just charged the mastercard/visa transaction fee) You might find it cheaper to have it done in your home currency if you have an exceptionally high fee % on your card for foriegn transactions.
  4. Amazing! Thank you @forky123, @vinapu and @PeterRS your suggestions are most appreciated! I'l certainly check out PJ's place and Viangbua Mansion!
  5. well I need to know more 😈
  6. Is this on explore mode?If so, that's always been the case I think. If its just showing your local selection of guys, and only give 3 profiles, that sounds a bit broken.
  7. Also, any must see sights beyond the bars and boys would be really useful info
  8. I asked about the different scenes in Pattaya... I was told that Jomtien has only host bars, no go-go bars. I've been to Pattaya before, but not to Jomtien, so I can't say first hand what the scene is there.
  9. Indeed... But one i was hoping to drop. I guess everyone will be going to a different app
  10. Alas, haven't seen pictures of the owners Kinky you say... now you're just teasing us
  11. I have subscription, so I haven't noticed.
  12. I too was keen to stop by during my visit in December... If you do re-open let us know And yes... barista was one of my motivations who doesn't enjoy a morning coffee enjoying the scenary 😈
  13. Is this an alternative to the canal project aimed at doing the same thing?
  14. Grindr, Hornet, Blue'd, Jack'd appear to be pretty popular ones
  15. I stayed at Amara a few years back, I had no issues with bringing anyone back. I can see why quality hotels wouldn't let anyone just walk in off the street and go up to rooms, but if accompanied by a guest, it shouldn't be an issue.
  16. Is Chiang Mai worth visiting in December? Does anyone have hotel recommendations? (ideally on the more affordable end of good quality) Thanks in advance!
  17. You've asked pretty much exactly this before. https://www.gayguides.com/forums/topic/39613-what-are-the-prices-more-or-less-today-in-thailand-the-short-and-the-long/#comment-358145 You were pointed to this thread: https://www.gayguides.com/forums/topic/39523-go-go-boys-fee/ You'll find twinks in both Bangkok and Pattaya. You might check the apps like Grindr to see what kind of guys are around.
  18. I don't think anyone is particularly wired for monogamy. There is just levels of success at which social conditioning of the monogamous ideal has had on a person. Women just get the double-dose of that social conditioning.
  19. A nominal fee that makes it too expensive to run bots, but is well within the price range of 99% of real users wouldn't be a huge problem, I don't think. Might also tone down some of the trolls if they're having to link payment info to their account
  20. I do owe you an apology. I'm sorry. I was a bit drunk when I posted that. I shouldn't have, it was very rude.
  21. 110kg is a hefty weight. Maybe go on a diet to enhance the chances that you're dream is fulfilled?
  22. I too am questioning the wisdom of Songkhla. My understanding is that the border region with Malaysia is somewhat unsafe, with unrest and violence very much a possibility. Though my understanding isn't at all complete on that, so perhaps you're more aware of the situation and are happier with it. As for your planned party with the twinks... If your worried about being ripped off, you should follow the advice given about using a second hotel room for your little party. Take enough cash for their tips, and leave everything else in your main room.
  23. Is robbery during the daytime a sufficiently different crime? Do they come with different punishments?
  24. Ouch!
  25. omega


    XKCD is full of amazing comics The key things are legnth: It's far better that your passwords are as long as possible, because it just takes more time for a computer to guess. Some websites have good security, and they will lock your account after x attempts. And that's awesome if you're using a unique password for each site or app. If you don't and you re-use the same password on a less secure site, then it might get exposed; either via brute force attempt, or by the site itself getting hacked and passwords being stolen. Then they try it on the secure app/site... The MFA is really useful because it adds an additional factor of authentication that requires physical access to a specific device. SMS isn't great for this because it is possible for hackers to spoof your number (if they know it) and have MFA codes sent to themselves.
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