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Everything posted by omega

  1. I think parenting also needs to consist of educating their children about the 'adult' world, at levels appropriate to the age and physical development. Too many have this idea that their kids should be kept innocent and ignorant until they're actually adults. The case above might have been prevented if the poor kid had felt able to get support from his parents instead of judgement and punishment. Parents must do better to create that level of trust and confidence. That said, the absolute sick scum that did this... just no words can express the rage.
  2. Not all heroes wear capes. The longer you keep the scammers talking to you, the less time they have to scam some poor gullible confused innocent soul of their life savings.
  3. I'm a little on the fence with surrogacy. Like sex work, it can represent financial indepdendence for women (and men, but lets focus on women for now). But it can also be extremely exploitative, and turn women into slaves used for their bodies. I think surrogacy laws should protect the surrogate mother as the priority, and provision whatever clauses are needed to protect such women from exploitation. But I'd urge any couple seeking surrogacy to re-consider adoption instead. There are many children in this world who do not have parents, and we have many would be parents without children.
  4. I'd be tempted to say form over function, but I can't see that plastic tape around your ankles is more aesthetic than nice pair of socks. Maybe that's all she had?
  5. I remember seeing some article or other, that looked at the numbers of death occuring at each age over 60. There is a spike in deaths after 65 that slowly flattens as the age approaches 80, where it plateuas for a bit before rising again after 95ish. If I recall those numbers right. A hypothesis is that after a life of working, and we suddenly just stop, we lose that purpose in life, get depressed and just kind of give up. The first illness after that comes along and just takes us. I've still got a fair distance to go until I'm able to retire, but that sticks in my head. I have to make sure I have a purpose after I stop working.
  6. Covid usually takes a few days to incubate before symptoms appear. It's not likely you got it there. You may however have infected your man of the moment.
  7. Guy noted OP's email address triggered a password reset... google sends the authentication code to confirm identity... OP gives it to guy... OP loses access to his google account. Probably account would be sold to hackers. Every other website/accounts that gmail is used for is now susceptible to being hacked. Authentication codes are only for you to use on a website. Never give them to anyone.
  8. I hope you put on a vaguely German or Scandinavian accent, just to really sell the "its normal to be naked at the sauna" vibe
  9. Chile. And yes, it's a very sucessful and stable democracy. It's only very slightly behind most other "advanced" nations.
  10. Very, VERY, wise. Very much a worldwide shortage of tops
  11. For reference, when was this? One of the reviews on the agoda says:
  12. Isn't the problem primarily the scam... They offer to sell you fake money worth $20,000, for just $1000. You send the money. They don't send the fake money. What are you gonna do? Complain to the police that you tried to buy counterfeit money?
  13. This is a common problem for all major currencies at the moment
  14. Your language is quite confusing. For example: "And this need I'm describing isn't a huge thing in my life, just something I want to take care of" The language implies that you think that you're going to have this experience, and that's it. Your urges will be satisfied, and you can get on with your life. Consider that it might be like just any other itch... the more you scratch it, the more it itches. And you potentially will cause damage every time you give in to the urge to scratch the itch. When you talk about issues and hesitencies, you're quite right. People do. And not just about sexuality, but about a whole lot of things in life. Generally the advice is to get support to work through those issues, and overcome the hesitencies. I don't know what your particular issues and hesitencies are, but I'd urge you to think about whether flying half way round the world is going to solve them. In a nutshell, I'm urging you to resolve the issues and hesitencies, with proper help and support, whatever they are Good luck
  15. Worth considering, that for a boy to be getting close to the average wage in a western country, they'd need to be getting a trick for 1500 baht every day of every month in a year. And from my limited, beginner experience at this... they don't get a trick every day.
  16. I'd be very wary about buying second hand or "fake" branded computers if you're ever going to use it for accessing sensitive and important websites or info, like banking and other financial services. There is a strong possibility that these devices may come with spyware designed to capture your personal details and open you up to being scammed. It might be on there from the activities of the previous owner. Buy new & buy genuine would be my advice.
  17. I'm going to guess that OP does not use English as his first langauge. Thus browsing through these forums looking for those nuggets of good advice is substantially harder work than it might be for others. Further it's useful for new threads to pop up to refresh the information. Does finding a post from 3 years ago describing a sauna have any relevence to how that sauna is today?
  18. I nearly went to SR, on my most recent trip, but I was using some expiring Miles I had with Thai Airways to book, and Chaing Mai was more in budget for the miles. Maybe next trip I will look into Cambodia; Men's Resort sounds like a lot of fun
  19. Has there been much of a detriment to Thai society since Cannabis was legalised? Beyond the huge number of cannabis shops that is?
  20. You've jumped from the ingredients are expired and rancid, to irrational fears about not knowing whats in the oil and sauces. Ingredients are cheap in Thailand, because it is an extremely fertile country with a constant growing season. Undoubtedly the street vendors are not buying A grade, Michelin star level ingredients. That doesn't mean the food isn't fresh, delicious or edible. The one respect in which you may have a point is the welfare standards of the animals they rear for food; but this point applies to any restaurant that uses locally sourced meat or poultry.
  21. Absurd comparison. You're correlating poor quality processed food with freshly cooked food made with relatively basic, fresh ingredients. One indeed does have a choice. One can hold an irrational fear of bad ingredients and miss out on tasty, freshly cooked cheap food.
  22. I think one can be judicious in their choices. If you see the same vendor, at the same place, day after day (or night after night), and it is popular with locals, then I think you can assume it is a safe place to eat.
  23. More money for boy drinks
  24. You think you'll see it cut your bar bills ?
  25. Aviation regulators have a very good policy of avoiding placing blame on people. They will investigate the incident, they will determine what went wrong, and crucially, what needs to be changed so that this does not happen again. That might be changes to aircraft design, changes to airports, changes to the words used to give clearances, or additional training requirements for pilots or ATCs. Unfortunately our media and our politicans have trained us to have a psychological need for someone to take the blame, even if it is not the right person. It makes people feel better just"knowing" the answer. Even if it is not the right one. In this case, alot of people are jumping to conclusions already, and laying blame with the pilot of of the Dash-8 plane based on what little information the media has been given. For example, I've seen a report that the stop lights at the junction where the Dash-8 was supposed to stop were not working. I don't know how accurate that is, but the Air Accident report will detail everything.
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