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Everything posted by omega

  1. That's actually insane. What happens to the "key money" if the landlord goes bankrupt after investing it in some scam?
  2. It would seem that way, and might be obvious if it were one team working on both features. However, there is probably multiple teams involved, politics, workloads etc. Correct. I generate a new email "mask" for each website, yeah. I can choose for a random one that looks like something like 8*kshaj*@mozmail.com so that it provides an extra layer of anonymity, or I can choose my own that would look like facebook@*myuser*.mozmail.com. The Firefox Relay app tracks all the email addresses, and which websites they were generated on, so you always know what you signed up using. Seperatly, I also use a password manager to automatically generate and save long and secure passwords.
  3. I have an email address that I've had for many years. However, I now use Firefox relay for signing up to websites and for mailing lists. It basically generates a unique email address, and forwards any emails sent to that address to your main email. Because I generate a unique email for each website, it makes it harder for hackers to cross-match my accounts. I.e. they can't easily use data leaked from one website to attack my account on another. So in short, I change my email address both never and all the time Facebook has an algorithm that may match you through many different means. Potentially you both have set which college you went to, and your ages. However, your old friend may have locked down who can send him friend requests; so Facebook essentialy has to say "sorry you can't add him", even though they suggested the connection. Usual right hand doesn't know what the left is doing situation in a big company.
  4. There will be preliminary reports, and recommendations for immediate safety improvements where needed. The goal of Air Accident Investigations are to uncover the every aspect of what went wrong in an incident. The investigators need to fully follow every thread on every little detail of that night so that they capture exactly why it happened and how it happened. That takes time, and should not be rushed.
  5. I would doubt the Police General got any more involved than getting quoted by the press. Why was this guy singled out? My guess would be that one of the victims in the case complained to the police. And the Police used the most relevent laws available to them.
  6. The catch is that if you don't like it, you've paid money for something you didn't like Go explore your curiosity.
  7. It was one of the cheapest when I stayed. But that was during the last Christmas Holiday period. Yeah, the rooms are lovely and large. Alot of space, and as you say, like an apartment
  8. Yes, I stayed there. I took a boy back, no issues. Oh wait... I'm thinking of a different place @21 Saladaeng
  9. For me, I appreciate the innocence of it. It's idealistic in it's presentation of love, for sure. But it's a lot more honest to what actually happens for many teenagers first experiences. It's a little cringe, sure... but then teenage love is cringe.
  10. Season 3 is now on Netflix. Highly recommended watch. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heartstopper_(TV_series) Nick and Charlie are the main characters, played by Kit Connor and Joe Locke.
  11. Technology is great. I'm very tech orientated. I don't think technology will save the bars. Those that thrive are adapting to the changing customer desires. Those that don't adapt will die with their loyal clientelle. Sadly for us Farangs, the adaption for the bars is accomodating the desires of Asian customers.
  12. Fully agree... tech has it's uses. In boy bars isn't one. Though the real technological solution would be to have a website only served by the Bars WiFi, (so that Farang must visit bar to see who is on rotation) that displays profiles of all the boys on show, linked to their number tag, and when you want to call boy over, you do it on the website and boy's drink is automatically ordered at the same time. That's how I would do it
  13. There should be a health warning that pops up before you read most UK news websites. They "adapt" stories to ensure maximum clickbait rage. I'd be very surprised if the facts of the story were accurate. They frequently have to retract and remove articles because the people involved in the article complain and threaten to sue. It still makes them money, because they get clicks for the 24 -48 hours the story is live; and thats about the useful lifetime of an online article anyway. I'm for genederless toilets. Privacy assured by cubicles. And let society address the root of the problem of why women feel like they need safe spaces from men.
  14. Proof? Can't just take him at his word... 😈
  15. Sure, but I said "For me...". It's my view on it, and I'm happy to discuss the philosphical issues
  16. For me, they should enjoy the work. In an ideal world, everyone would do work that they enjoy. In making certain choices, I can encourage that ideal world to exist. Or at least pretend to myself it does. That said, reality is reality. Someone doing sex work who doesn't enjoy doing sex work is being exploited. But is the exploitation different if someone who doesn't enjoy mining for cobalt or diamonds or whatever, does so because the altenative is starving to death?
  17. No idea who they are. They look similar for sure. But there is significant differences in facial featues when you look closely.
  18. A few points. 1. Younger generations tend to be less wealthy at their stage of life than the generations that came before them. The don't have the same wealth to spend. Wealth distribution is skewed very heavily towards the older generations at the moment. Rent/Mortgage costs as percentage of income is much, much higher than in the past. 2. There is a lot more acceptance and freedom at home. They don't feel the need to escape half way around the world to enjoy gay fun. 3. There is lots of exciting options closer to home for a gay holiday. 4. Grindr. So much easier to meet guys closer to home, even those in relatively rural areas. 5. Younger guys have little interest in the 'farang sit, farang drink' model. They want a party.
  19. The FBI advice is clear: Use your own charger, cable and use an electrical socket. All three must be used to maximise safety. You are right, the data transfer capabilities of the cable can be used to inject spyware or malware on to your device if you plug the cable into a compromised port - whether thats a charger plug you've borrowed, or a public USB port. However, USB Cables themselves are not safe. They can contain a computer chip that injects spyware into your device when plugged in. Use your own charging equipment, and preferably bought from a reputable supplier.
  20. omega


    It's not only with MBs. Sometimes people you treasure as friends will take money from you and drop out of your life to avoid repaying. But... sometimes the risk pays off.
  21. The politics extends into the Army, as well. There are is factionalism there too.
  22. MOST infections are asymptomatic. Some are not, probably in those with weakened immune systems, and as such may suffer more severely. There is also the risk that asymptomatic infections mean that tracking the virus is harder, giving it space to mutate into something serious again. That said... the media always have had the tendency to overhype public health threats.
  23. I like something left to the imagination, sometimes
  24. This is my new favourite thread
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