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Everything posted by Foolish

  1. The first series this year that excites me! Tay tawan fan/polca here 🥰
  2. Erm, to be frank, nobody care whether they are thai or not as long as they are cute haha.
  3. @Department_Of_Agriculture has attemped to answer other points and, although having been asked several times, he has deflected his answers away from this particular controversial statement. It is time he responded to it Who knows the owner of the museum? If he does identify himself as a Jew and is proud of being one, then I don't think that DOA is being antisemitic. It's like stating a fact. Sometimes it could also be a cultural thing. What is offensive to westerners may not be to Asians. For example, it's not uncommon to identity someone based on their race/religion in a small community rather than by name among the older generation. It's not by malice but simply as a form of identification. For example, my dad usually call one of his friend as "keling-kia huan" which translate as Indian Muslim. And among that circle of friends, they know who my father is referring to. Although this term is not often used nowadays cos some find it offensive but its still fairly common among the older folks.
  4. Anyone know if you have to tip the boy or is it optional?
  5. I found the boy and he agreed to take the test cos he want to know too. But the result is not conclusive, so he will go for a proper test and will update me. Just to make it clear, I don't blame him, it's just bad luck. He is a very sweet person but he made some bad choices in his personal life.
  6. I guess I'm just paranoid. Usually I'm more careful and since i dun like anal sex, i never tot of getting prep. I got pep just in case. So if he is indeed poz, i took the first dose within 24 hours.
  7. It was not bb sex. I was fingering him and I absentmindedly wank off with the same hand. It had his rectal fluids on it.
  8. Did something foolish yesterday night, now I'm worried. I'm not on prep now so i went to get pep at the red cross this afternoon. But I'm thinking is it possible to get the boy to take a home hiv test for peace of mind. I have the test kits and I'm willing to tip him to take the test.
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