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Everything posted by EmmetK

  1. EmmetK


    Anyone want to smell Presidential? How about a Trump scented candle? TRUMP2024 MAGA
  2. He's been doing a lot of overestimating and underestimating recently. I'm beginning to worry about my honey. I've recommended therapy to him, but all of the good therapists are booked solid for months and years. The dems, libs and wokesters that haven't gone into hiding have booked their therapy thru 2028! TRUMP2024 MAGA
  3. Innuendo, lies, slander, anonymous sources, blah, blah, blah.. Ulysses S. Grant was well known alcoholic. That didn't stop him from graduating West Point and being one of the greatest generals in US history. It also didn't disqualify him from being elected President. John Kennedy was a known womanizer. He especially loved Hollywood actresses, i.e Marilyn Monroe, Angie Dickenson. Yet he was still elected President, and considered successful during his 3-year Presidency. The left was not successful using this strategy defeating Clarence Thomas, Brett Kavanagh, or Donald Trump. It won't work on Pete Hegseth! TRUMP2024 MAGA
  4. Using anonymous sources to accuse someone of alcohol abuse is about as despicable as it gets. But I would expect no less from the American left. Go Pete Go! Confucius: Those who talk the most, say the least. TRUMP2024 MAGA
  5. EmmetK


    In case you have any digestive issues, I'm sure that Dementia Joe's caretakers will be happy to give you one of his Pampers... Oh, and btw, "eating" has only one "t". Linda McMahon can't be sworn in soon enough. I'll ask her to make senior citizen education part of her plan. ALL ABOARD THE MAGA EXPRESS! GET YOUR TICKETS NOW
  6. someone sounds a bit jealous...... Nobody is jumping fences to get a photo op with you. Are they? Lol. Too bad, you'll get your turn. Maybe if you are a good boy on the Trump Train..... we'll see. Just make sure you don't get run over by the MAGA EXPRESS like.... well, you know who. TRUMP2024 MAGA
  7. EmmetK


    I think you need to cut down on your caffeine. So I am having second thoughts about giving you this Trump coffee mug for TRUMPMAS TRUMP2024 MAGA
  8. Yeah. EXACTLY like Trump! And it didn't stop Trump from being elected President twice. So Pete getting confirmed as the DoD Secretary should be a walk in the park. Go, Pete, Go! Trump2024 MAGA
  9. No State dinners in Paris. But he was treated like a conquering hero, and given the royal treatment that he justly earned and deserves. He won't be President for another 6 weeks, yet all the world leaders are looking to get on board the Trump train. TRUMP2024 MAGA
  10. Senator Tom Cotton, one of the best vote-counters on the Hill (the polar opposite of Allan Lichtman aka Tweedle Dee Dee) tweeted that he expects the Senate to confirm all of President Trump's nominees. Can't wait for the swearing in of Pete Hegseth as our next Secretary of Defense. He is EXACTLY the right man for this job. TRUMP2024 MAGA
  11. EmmetK

    Trump's Women

    The Look of LOVE It looks like Dr. Jill wants a ride on the Trump train... and she wants to ride on Trump's lap! TRUMP2024 MAGA
  12. EmmetK


    For my sweetie, If you want your car to have the sweet smell of victory... here is a perfect stocking stuffer... TRUMP2024 MAGA
  13. Is this how you refer to America's new majority? The multi-racial, multi-ethnic coalition that not only re-elected President Trump, but also gave him a Republican House and Senate. I think it's about time for you to get on board the Trump train. ALL ABOARD the MAGA EXPRESS GET YOUR TICKETS NOW! TRUMP2024 MAGA
  14. EmmetK


    Something for my Sweetie, @Suckrates to dangle around his neck while we are doing the Electric Slide at one of the Make America Great Again inaugural balls..... TRUMP2024 MAGA
  15. EmmetK

    Trump's Women

    Maybe it's time to start a new thread: Biden's women...... TRUMP2024 MAGA
  16. EmmetK


    Would anyone like a couple of jars of Donald Trump's Drained Swamp Water? You can wash your hands with it before you sit down for your Christmas dinner? Personally endorsed by President Trump himself! It can be purchased on ETSY - 2 jars for $20. TRUMP2024 MAGA
  17. Dictator? Lol. Dictators aren't democratically elected. He was given a sweeping mandate by the American people, winning ALL SEVEN SWING states, the US House and the Senate. Please don't turn this thread into one of your many Trump-bashing threads. You saw how successful that was on November 5th. The topic is the fall of the Assad regime. Try to stay on topic..... TRUMP2024 MAGA
  18. Donald Trump 2024: This will truly be the Golden Age of America. TRUMP2024 MAGA
  19. You may want to include your name on that list......
  20. I beg to differ. It was my sweetie @Suckrates who tried to turn this into a Trump-bashing thread with his nasty comment. I merely responded to his taunts. It's been over a month, and he still hasn't recovered from the election results...
  21. Another loser is the far left cable stations like MSNBC and fake news CNN. They lost half of their viewership since the election. MSNBC And CNN Ratings Slashed In Half Post-Election https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2024/11/27/msnbc-ratings-slashed-in-half-post-election/ And the hateful race monger Joyless Reid, in particular, has seen her ratings plummet into the toilet since the election... It couldn't have happened to a nicer person! Media MSNBC's Joy Reid loses roughly half her viewers since the election, primetime hosts also struggle https://www.foxnews.com/media/msnbcs-joy-reid-loses-roughly-half-her-viewers-since-election-primetime-hosts-also-struggle Poor lefties.... LOL! ALL ABOOOOARD!
  22. The National Police Association Endorses Kash Patel for FBI Director: A Proven Leader to Restore Integrity, Justice, and Public Trust https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/the-national-police-association-endorses-kash-patel-for-fbi-director-a-proven-leader-to-restore-integrity-justice-and-public-trust-302324475.html Establishment federal law enforcement officials, Democrat politicians, and the fake news media immediately protested Patel’s nomination----And THAT , as they say, is reason enough for the Senate to confirm Kash Patel as the next FBI Director. ALL ABOARD THE MAGA EXPRESS!
  23. While we are on the subject of BIG LOSERS, how is your candidate doing these days? Staying sober I hope. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN TO THE VICTOR GO THE SPOILS
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