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Everything posted by Brianbdberlin

  1. I'm not surprised at all, everytime he posts I wonder if the other person is at age at all
  2. Hopefully it will get better! I generally into muscular guys
  3. It seems like like VCL massage has some good option to me
  4. There are some very hot bodybuilders on Hunqz and TBF in Milan
  5. While Japan does not use RM or Hunqz, they do have many choices when it comes to Massages or Escorts. I usually use these sites for searching (I speak Japanese myself but you can use Google translate for these sites) https://www.gclick.jp/search_list.php?pref=13&genre=7&type[]=6&start=26 The business trip option would be for boys and you can choose the are and type you are looking for. Just be sure when you reach out to check if they accept Foreigners, many will list they do not serve (I'm guessing due to language barriers) https://tokyo-gay.com/index.html Here is another one! This site is for Massages and they have an English page: https://gay-massa.com/ The shops are also very active on Twitter and you can start here: https://twitter.com/tokyo_gaynavi If you are heading there soon, have a great trip!
  6. https://topboy.tokyo/index.php https://olive-salon.net/staff/ These two take foreigners and has English version
  7. I agree. I personally have tattoos but I think there’s a point it gets too much
  8. And most of the businesses do provide private rooms as well. They are usually really clean. The boys will bring towels and others needed as well if you request out calls
  9. I haven’t had any with problem always stayed at big chains
  10. While Japan does not use RM or Hunqz, they do have many choices when it comes to Massages or Escorts. I usually use these sites for searching (I speak Japanese myself but you can use Google translate for these sites) https://www.gclick.jp/search_list.php?pref=13&genre=7&type[]=6&start=26 The business trip option would be for boys and you can choose the are and type you are looking for. Just be sure when you reach out to check if they accept Foreigners, many will list they do not serve (I'm guessing due to language barriers) https://tokyo-gay.com/index.html Here is another one! This site is for Massages and they have an English page: https://gay-massa.com/ The shops are also very active on Twitter and you can start here: https://twitter.com/tokyo_gaynavi If you are heading there soon, have a great trip!
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