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Marc in Calif

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Everything posted by Marc in Calif

  1. Please prove that any one of the factual statements is false. Did you not go to the linked evidence, which is VERY specific? Just as an example, can you prove that the following facts are false? The US dropped more bombs on Afghanistan in 2019 than any other year since the Pentagon began keeping a tally in 2006, reflecting an apparent effort to force concessions from the Taliban at the negotiating table. According to new figures released by US central command, US warplanes dropped 7,423 bombs and other munitions on Afghanistan, a nearly eightfold increase from 2015.
  2. The Center Theatre Group hasn't closed shop at all. Tha't's just BS. What are you talking about? 💩 There are two productions currently playing onstage, with two more opening in the next 10 days.
  3. Why would I deny facts? I never did deny that. But Drumpf was a warmonger. He escalated existing wars and military actions. He brought the US perilously close to new wars. And he didn't try to end some of the "endless" wars. https://responsiblestatecraft.org/2021/01/20/trump-the-anti-war-president-was-always-a-myth/ ... Trump did escalate conflict in theatres of war he inherited, repeatedly brought the country to the brink of new wars, and recklessly threw around U.S. power with no regard for the many lives it would cost. The “anti-war” candidate, like those before him, was a pro-war president. Escalating Inherited Wars — Despite repeated PR stunts, Trump did not “bring the troops home” or “end endless wars.” In fact, Trump consistently added fuel to the fire, increasing troop levels, deepening reliance on private contractors, and dramatically scaling up aerial warfare. Where an end to endless war requires repealing the 2001 and 2002 Authorizations for Use of Military Force, Trump expanded conflicts under both. His term saw four consecutive years of growth of an already out-of-control Pentagon budget. And loosening even the minimal restrictions that were already in place, he expanded the United States’ deadly and unaccountable drone wars. Not only did Trump not end the wars he promised to, he worsened them, dropping more bombs, stoking further conflict, undermining the prospects of peace, and massively increasing the rate of civilian deaths. All in on Yemen — U.S. support for the Saudi- and UAE-led intervention in the war in Yemen is one of the most egregious examples of destructive militarist foreign policymaking in years. Not only did Trump do nothing to end U.S. complicity himself, he repeatedly used his veto power to override bipartisan majorities in Congress that tried to stop U.S. military involvement and block the flow of arms to the conflict....
  4. Quite a turn of phrase! 🤡
  5. There's actually a word for that: a mondegreen.
  6. None of those deplorables are great with comebacks -- or words in general. They can only resort to their old right-wing memes and fake accusations. Here's one of them: Joe Biden wears diapers. But then there's actual reality: Donald Drumpf has actually been seen wearing diapers (with trousers on backwards). And who can ever forget this eye-searing image?
  7. Yeah, as if you really care about dead non-white children. 🙄 We already know your vile racist views from other posts. Stop acting like you're concerned about any of the dead children in the Middle East. Your clownishness drumpfs your pious accusations. 🤡
  8. The bike would instantly fall over because NOTHING can hold up that immense tub of lard. 🐖 🐽🐷 And because Drumpf can barely balance himself standing upright, who expects him to balance on a bicycle seat? 😃
  9. That's because you've proven that you don't know how to do your own homework. 🤡 Sourcing information means being willing to say where you found it. But you're afraid of doing that. If you actually had the source, you would be OVERJOYED to share it to prove us wrong. 😘
  10. It's so funny that you get excited -- and even orgasmic -- by reading polls a year before the 2024 election. 🤡 Keep going, if it makes you so enthusiastic. You'll be wiping all the egg of your face AFTER the election. 😁
  11. There were no Republican candidates in the poll at that time. So the people who the New York Times polled at the time changed their minds -- perhaps many times before the 2012 election That's what polls do: they track opinion at only the time when they are adminstered. Your exquisite trust in any current poll is amusing. And it leads you to make foolish statements. But I hope you keep believing in Drumpf and his chances to win another election. The grief you experience will be all the more devastating when it comes! And it will... because voters' opinions change. ⌛
  12. Yes, the left-wing New York Times poll from September 2011 predicted that left-wing President Barack Obama's chances for re-election had dropped significantly: President Obama’s support is eroding among elements of his base, and a yearlong effort to recapture the political center has failed to attract independent voters, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll, leaving him vulnerable at a moment when pessimism over the country’s direction is greater than at any other time since he took office. You're very smart to trust New York Times polls. They are ALWAYS predictive of election results in the year preceding a presidential election. 🤡🤡🤡
  13. You've obviously never been on gay forums -- or, for that matter, any forum where free discussion is the norm. When someone states an idea or plan, people are going to comment on it whether you like it or not. They're not breaking any rules or guidelines. Remember: You're not in the Navy anymore, Seaman. You've repeatedly cursed at other members since you joined these forums. You've proven yourself to be a right arsehole (yeah, that's one of your cursewords) yourself. 🍑 I'm sure the door will slam painfully on your 🍑 when you leave here. We'll all shout simultaneously, "Good riddance!" 😘
  14. Nice to see you finally surrender, 4-5-6. You found an image and text somewhere online. It appears to have appeared in the notoriously lying and cheating News of the World. But we don't even know THAT for sure. And you don't remember where you did this "homework" of yours after we asked for a source for several days. 🤣 NO other publication in the world has claimed that Jade Cabbage has a broken beard. No searches turn up that particular fact -- or any other statement that the Jade Cabbage was dammaged and repaired (as you originally and erroneously statement). You won't find that fact it either. Only YOUR one, single, lonely unsourced image... yeah, that's believable. 🤡
  15. Again, you don't read very widely about theatre. Steppenwolf Theatre announces staff cuts in the wake of falling revenue, drop in attendance Tony Award-winning Steppenwolf in Chicago -- probably the most honored regional theater in the U.S. -- recently imposed staff cuts and eliminated open positions. "Unfortunately, like many non-profit theaters across the country, Steppenwolf Theatre Company has been negatively impacted by a protracted post-pandemic economic recovery for our sector and the rising cost of inflation. To be sustainable well into the future has required some very difficult decisions. We found that factors keeping our subscribers from coming back included traffic concerns, safety concerns and not wanting to come into the city, and long-lasting COVID concerns." And of course it's happening all over the country: Many US theaters have been contending with similar financial challenges – namely decreasing donations, low attendance rates post-pandemic, and high production costs. Chicago’s Tony Award-winning Lookingglass Theatre has announced a year-long pause in new productions and layoffs impacting 50% of its staff. The Public Theater in New York City, one of the nation’s most prestigious and successful nonprofit theaters, laid off 19 percent of its staff in July as a financial crisis sweeps across the field. The move, which cost about 50 people their jobs, followed a 13 percent layoff (and program cuts) at the Brooklyn Academy of Music Smaller theaters and institutions such as the Oregon Shakespeare festival and the Dallas Theater Center also have dealt with similar cuts and cancellations. And of course it's also happening in Los Angeles, the home of "countless" (!!!) theatre companies: Theater is back, but its recovery is proving to be perilous (Los Angeles Times, May 11, 2022) — After nearly two years of pandemic closures, live theater has returned. But attendance is down and operational costs are soaring.... A recent study conducted by a group of arts organizations, L.A.'s Performing Arts and Reopening Survey, found three troubling trends: Both operating capacity and audience attendance are down to almost 50% of pre-pandemic levels, and ticket revenue is about one-third of what it was before COVID-19 struck. https://larchmontbuzz.com/larchmont-village-life/opinion-we-need-theater/ Local theater was fraught even before the pandemic with the 2019 passage of California AB5, which was meant to protect freelance artists but has decimated the economics of the “blackbox” theater community where new talent and productions traditionally percolate...
  16. The blurb I quoted above was from the Center Theatre Group's own promotion of the production on its website (it's still there): Direct from an acclaimed run on Broadway comes an OKLAHOMA! that looks and sounds like America today. Furthermore, all regional theatres -- as well as those on Broadway -- were greatly affected by the pandemic. In the following years, ticket sales and subscriptions were slow to recover. But the recent CTG production of “Slave Play” enjoyed a mostly sold-out run at the Mark Taper Forum. Despite being extremely "woke," it had relatively huge attendance. So the argument that "wokeness" killed the CTG is based only in your own mind.
  17. The case is still wide open, bub! This is your ONLY evidence? 😊 You conveniently forget that this blurb is from News of the World, a notorious British tabloid that had to close in 2011 because of way too many errors, scandals, and phone hacking charges. The most recent owner? Rupert Murdoch, of course. AND you very conveniently forgot to add a URL/link so people could examine the original source.
  18. So little Pooty Poot is thinking about Russia when he yawns and falls asleep? His nation must bore him very much! 🤣🤣🤣
  19. Um, the 2022 Los Angeles production was essentially the same as the award-winning Broadway production. You know: the same characterizations, the same musical arrangements for a very small band, the same dialogue, and the same "plot." The production had been fully reviewed after it opened on April 8, 2019 at the Circle in the Square Theatre. You didn't know anything about it even before the Tony Awards? Moreover, attentive gay theatre lovers would have read the original reviews and would also have watched the excerpt that the cast performed on stage at the 2019 Tony Awards on June 9, 2019. There were also photos everywhere of the cast with their instruments and even the production's wheelchair. From Center Theatre Group's website for the 2022 LA production: This is OKLAHOMA! as you’ve never seen or heard it before—reimagined for the 21st century and the Tony Award Winner for Best Revival of a Musical. Direct from an acclaimed run on Broadway comes an OKLAHOMA! that looks and sounds like America today. Funny and sexy, provocative and probing, “A smashing Oklahoma! is reborn. Daniel Fish’s wide-awake and altogether wonderful production is thrilling!” (The New York Times) https://www.centertheatregroup.org/tickets/ahmanson-theatre/2021/oklahoma/ Do you not read reviews of new novels before you purchase them? Do you see a movie without knowing anything about it, its cast, or its director? And do you complain about a Stephen King novel's terror, saying you had no idea it would be so scary? 😊
  20. And miss all the 4-5-6 foolishness? 🥳 No, but thank you anyway!
  21. Well, they fortunately received your ticket money. 😘 You were "willing to buy tickets" although you hadn't bothered to read the reviews and other writings about the original Broadway production of Oklahoma -- and its "plot" -- before you (and your partner) attended the show. Then you complained mightily about its wokeness. You even called it Wokelahoma. Ah, I remember it well! 😊
  22. What kind of tiny dictator makes childish and foolish complaints about "lack of sleep" when attending important meetings?
  23. He won't provide the evidence because that particular piece of art was NEVER broken and repaired. We know the three pieces that WERE broken: two teacups and a plate. And that is definitely not, as he wants people to think, an incident that was TRIVIAL! Those three pieces were valued at $75 million. Scottie has been desperately trying to find a source -- ANY source -- that will back up his original claim. But he can't because such a source doesn't exist. 🤡
  24. @scott456 always fails at his Gotcha game because he doesn't realize he actually has to be able to back up his statements. It's like a blind man trying to play tag. 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️
  25. Thanks for correcting your comment by supplying the name of the specific work you were talking about (in an image with three different works). Why didn't you say so in the first place instead of saying "this art piece"? 😂 So when was it broken and repaired? Is it on display now? Do you know for a fact that it was damaged in 2022 when two teacups were broken and a plate was dropped at the museum? You seem to think that you're somehow discrediting @PeterRS for not knowing something about a particular piece of art -- something that YOU don't even know yourself! 😎
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