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Marc in Calif

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Marc in Calif last won the day on November 22 2023

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  1. It's very likely not open during the daytime. But I'm quite sure that it's open after Iftar (the breaking of the fast at about 7:30 pm) each day. Malaysians spend their nights celebrating, eating, and frolicking during the fasting month. And sex is not prohibited after dark. Have fun!
  2. He hasn't posted on that IG account in nearly two years. is is still a valid way to contact him?
  3. Well, there's no way that Losari (which is the most popular and central Makassar beach) is clean and pristine with clear water. It's more like a municipal pier with lots of food and concessions, but nobody swims there. It's a domestic tourism site that's mostly about restaurants, concessions, and other tourist attractions. There's no sand -- just rocks and pavement. The AI description is pretty misleading! However, Pantai Biru and Pantai Tanjung Bayang are indeed much closer to the types of beach that you're seeking. There are many others like them, plus the small islands I mentioned.
  4. Your experience in Mactan Newton township made me think of that partcular complex in Makassar. I think you enjoy modern-ish neighborhoods and enclaves that can give you the amenities you like. On the whole, I think Makassar as a city is more pleasant than Cebu City. However, you own't find the beaches to be the same as in Jomtien. Most of them are public, although a few small areas of sand and beach belong to hotels. It's a city, so the sand won't be pristine and white. Neither is the water (for the most part) clear and blue. It's a port city, so the water is too deep for casual swimming and wading. Typically, you can't walk on sand for kilometers at a stretch. So this will probably be a deal-breaker for you if you need to do your beach walking every day. Not too far from Makassar are indeed nice beaches with clear water. There are also islands where you can explore.
  5. I generally have no problems with streets, sidewalks, pathways, hills, or crowding. Streets in Jakarta are just like streets in hundreds of other Southeast Asian destinations. Don't you complain about walking around certain places? What's your problem? Poor you, Old!
  6. If your goal is to find an apartment or condo with expansive sea views located in a walkable area that is close to some type of gay life, your options in Indonesia are severely limited outside Bali. Very few urban centers have high-rise rentals with expansive sea views and a decent gay life. (Even Bali has no high-rise buildings of the type you enjoy in Jomtien.) In Jakarta there are some, but your transportation options from the northern edges of Jakarta will be terrible. And there won't be much to walk to except golf courses. Moreover, the land beneath your building would very likely experience flooding. Surabaya also doesn't offer you what you're looking for. Its coastal condo complexes are in the far east of the city -- in the mangrove swamps! So your choice is basically a low-rise building in Bali, of which there are many. Walkability and neighborhood-like feelings might be limited. But apps will give you the companionship that you enjoy. Where would I choose? I've been going to Indonesia for move than 50 years, living there for several. My pick for an urban center with a few high-rise complexes that have ocean views would be Makassar, the largest city on Sulawesi island (and in all of eastern Indonesia). It's a lovely "smaller" city (pop. 1.5 million), walkable, with malls and other attractions. It's also close to plenty of day-trip sites. Most of the guys are circumcised (Muslim), and the demographics include immigrants from other islands as well as the hinterlands of Sulawesi, which is itself a huge, amazing island.
  7. Because you posted an image, that video link is unclickable. But here are a couple of direct links to Arthur and Paul videos:
  8. Enough to postpone your move to the Philippines? 😇
  9. Please do not shorten your future reports. They are special gems no matter how long!
  10. Yes. That's why I usually edit and proofread a few times before submitting a comment. Then I check it again after it's published. I've edited my comment above to remove any trace! I think you can still do the same to delete the two sentences where you quoted me.
  11. This day's report was one of your very best! Thanks for including so many details so that those of us who'd like to visit the area will have many options and descriptions. 👏
  12. I was responding to Olddaddy's exact statement: "Russians generally mind their own business." This applies to all Russian people, despite the context of his comment. We know that @Olddaddy is not very observant or careful about most things. He's often not careful about what and how he writes, so I wasn't sure which Russians he was talking about. He should have specifically written "The Russian tourists in Phuket generally mind their own business." The Russians in Bali (and, I'm sure, many other destinations) certainly don't "generally mind their own business." And because we know all too well how a majority of Russian citizens feel about Putin's war, I made the analogy. Being specific is important -- especially for those men like @Olddaddy, who have prematurely entered the land of the hazy and semi-conscious . 🥰
  13. Except when invading and occupying other nations and being proud about it. But that's just a minor point.
  14. So is "knock back" a synonym for "reject" in Australian English? I never knew that one!
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