yes, there was a construction at the bar level ( back of the bar) that was primarily rooms walls, but nothing major or disruptive
I had such a great time, I am leaving Barcelona with nostalgia, I met several guys that not only were super hot but treated me very nicely. It is a Greek/Albanian guy that is kind of the Alpha in Thermas, he kept me on a tie leash - we always went to my room to have the best time, he was very affectionate and wild; he passed me around with the boys that he trusted would be my type and would treat me well.
I kind of overdid it the last two days, and now I'm suffering the effects of having little sleep and a lot of sex (both harsh and tender). I'll miss the boy at Thermas, but I think I was lucky every day I attended. Between 5 pm and 8 pm on Saturday and Sunday, it was really busy. Many boys only work there on weekends. There are many Venezuelan boys, and I believe I have them all: four hot Venezuelan men of various mixed races, all of whom were stunning. I didn't realize how beautiful one of them was until I took him out to dinner; in the restaurant's lighting, you can either expect disappointments or wonderful surprises; however, with him, I was astounded by how attractive he was. His type was more akin to a middle eastern supermodel. I made another attempt to see him, but he only visits Thermas on Saturdays, and was unable to schedule a private meeting at my hotel.
Something I noticed is that at least 6 guys from Thermas posted their ads on Hunqz all Sunday, most of them were guys from Saturday. then I didn't see their ads again. I only have one private in my hotel from Hunqz, a Colombian young boy with a lot of stamina.
I am leaving Bcn, happy and nostalgic for the great guys i met during this trip. Once back home i will post more details.
For now, I am exhausted and i need a vacation to recuperate from this vacation
forgive my typos: tired and happy,