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Everything posted by Kostik

  1. Yes, yes. In the USA, this is just a business.
  2. I am very amused by the reaction of American propagandists to the truth. It really bothers them. They begin to remember Google, which has censorship, and draw graphs that propagandists came up with for them. It's not for nothing that the main weapon against propaganda is the truth, but you won't be able to understand it. How can a zombie understand a thought? He doesn't have the brain for it. And you talk about Putin here continuously, it is clear that your propaganda has made a gorgeous image. You love him and he doesn't reciprocate, which pisses you off very much. It's funny to watch you, it's always funny to watch zombies swarming around. 🤣
  3. You are just a victim of propaganda. Although what I expect from stupid consumers, you have never been taught to think, you do not have critical thinking, you are not able to find information on your own. You can only consume propaganda. That's what you've been taught since you were a child. You're funny and I just feel sorry for you. Navalny is an ordinary thief who wanted more money. The American government gave him money and demanded that he work it off. Then it killed him when he became useless.
  4. Biden is not a democratically appointed dictator. He uses the state apparatus to eliminate his main competitor, and censorship is currently operating in the United States, restricting freedom of speech. In fact, residents of the United States, England and its colonies, and Europe do not have access to information, but only to propaganda. To say the opposite is an outright lie. And it is often to yourself that you lie.
  5. My opinion is in Bangkok in the Silom area. Pattaya has the most fun on April 18th and 19th
  6. We are waiting for a new series from the clowns from Netflix
  7. I will assume that you do not live in Russia, just as you do not have friends who currently live in Russia. Navalny was not a competitor to Putin. It's just a completely different weight, most Russians don't believe Navalny. Now Putin's support is huge, he will undoubtedly win the next elections by a margin, regardless of who will oppose him. Personally, my vote, which will not be for Putin, will not play any role... There is no point in killing Navalny, especially now on the eve of the elections. This is either really an accident or a sabotage by the US special services. And initially Alexey was really imprisoned for economic crimes. After reading his biography, I had no doubts about the fairness of the accusation, at that time it was almost the norm when the country was ruled by Yeltsin, it was commonplace to steal. He's definitely got dementia now. But previously, he held positions and served on Senate committees that are responsible for unleashing many wars, the deaths of millions of civilians, and violence.
  8. Yes! What a brutal war the US government unleashed in 2014... These are the true maniacs and murderers
  9. She has a hobby that she continues to pursue
  10. You don't know anything about me either. But you are constantly defending the mad dictator Biden, who now has dementia. I hope you won't claim that the United States is a democracy, like many idiots, after reading American propaganda? And on the subject, look who benefits from the murder of Navalny now? Putin does not need it because it will do more harm than good, in Russia they almost do not remember about it, only a few paid articles per year. But the Biden administration (but not to him, he already has dementia) this is very beneficial for domestic political affairs. If a person is not an idiot and has at least the slightest logic, it is easy to draw a conclusion about who benefits from murder and who committed it.
  11. Your colonial ways are understandable. You are used to living at the expense of others
  12. Serial killers from the USA and England need to be kept in check somehow. And they only understand the language of brute force
  13. I see how happy you are when someone dies. It's very strange, maybe it's a disease. It is characteristic of the entire American propaganda system.
  14. It is very funny to watch how stupid American propagandists are angry at the simple truth. Navalny is an ordinary thief, whom your propaganda has elevated to the rank of a fighter. It's funny to look at your attempts, I've stocked up on chips and I'll continue.
  15. What other fairy tales will you tell? You are just a ridiculous, narrow-minded person who believes in the lies of propaganda. You, like most Americans, are being laughed at all over the world. You are despised, hated and just laughed at 🤣
  16. I see your Nazi beliefs getting stronger and stronger. As you applauded the murder of children in Donbass from 2014 to the present, so you continue to do so. Let's remember who your political regime killed: Judge Roll, Ross and Colbert, Thomas Hale Boggs, Nick Begich, Larry McDonald, John Tower, William Colby, Sonny Bono, Melvin Eugene ‘Mel’ Carnahan, Paul Wellstone, Wayne Owens, Thelma Colbert, Shannon Ross, John Roll... The list can be continued indefinitely. But you believe your false propaganda, which told nonsense about every case.
  17. It doesn't matter if you are from the USA, from England or its colonies, from Europe... You are repeating the stupid and false propaganda of America. You're just serving her. Like your colleague above
  18. I'm talking about Navalny. But your false propaganda is telling another nonsense. His death was beneficial only to your authorities. Hillary is laughing happily again that she has another corpse in her arms.
  19. American intelligence agencies have once again killed a man who was serving a sentence for economic crimes. But this will not surprise anyone in the world anymore... Now all the propaganda controlled by the American government will rush to accuse the innocent
  20. 😏I can still see another dose of anger and envy from American propagandists.
  21. I see how the US propagandist is distressed by the interview. The best weapon against lies and propaganda is the truth. It's not for nothing that the lying media in the United States are so furious about this interview.
  22. You've made me laugh again! 🤣 You have taken on the heavy burden of carrying nonsense and propaganda. Your lying media has learned how to draw diagrams.
  23. In the photo, the hag who started the war in Donbas. She and her friends control all the media in the United States, which spread false propaganda among the population. And many imbeciles really believe her. You can only be pitied The USA is hated all over the world, well, except for a small number of pet dogs. Dogs are afraid and pee. Oh! Another propaganda lie from your media! I applaud your naivety 🤣
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