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Everything posted by Kostik

  1. It's a great parody. How Biden and his dementia are accurately depicted 🤣 document_5393549329644403317.mp4
  2. Ha ha! It's for sure that chairman Xi tolerates murderers and maniacs from the United States as long as they bring money. Yes. Those who are now in power in the United States do not expect to live even a couple of years. You have a gerontocracy . What 10 years? 🤣 When the SVO began 2 years ago, someone on these forums retold what he had read in American propaganda. And then it was funny to read, it was full of self-confidence. Now history repeats itself. Your propaganda is also very funny to read The whole world is watching US citizens turn into vegetables. For the most part, residents of the United States are suitable only for fertilizers. It is clear why your propaganda talks about others in such a way. It is clear why the United States started the Ukrainian conflict in 2014, it is clear to everyone why the United States, as always, began to destroy civilians, as it used to.
  3. Funny. Semiconductor chips are manufactured by China, other countries cannot even come close to it. You are right about one thing, the United States is in the first place in theft and murder, in illegal invasions of other states, in the absence of freedom of speech and the power of propaganda. Is this from the same propaganda lie as the sharp decline of the Russian economy? 🤣
  4. And tell me now about homophobia in Russia. I am not in Moscow right now (I hope the site administration will not reveal where I am writing from now, although this is the soul of Russia) I returned from a beer bar that my gay friend keeps, I had a great time with interesting guys. Oh, horror, I was also in the company of Ukrainians who fled the Kiev regime after 2014. They could have done it, they have relatives in Russia.I feel sorry for those who could not escape from the Kiev regime. But we also talked about the USA. When LGBT was criminalized in Russia, your government was silent, but what can you expect from old people with dementia? But when the thief and bandit Navalny died, your crazy grandfather started talking. By the way, thanks to your impotents, on Monday I will receive +5% of the capital invested on Thursday. Our market was expecting Armageddon, but it didn't happen, as I expected I'm sorry, I'm drunk right now, if you start to object to me, I probably won't be able to answer until tomorrow.
  5. Genocide... Illegal invasion of 9 countries, 11 million civilians killed. An endless wave of violence, kidnappings, murders. And these are the three depicted in the photo. Yes, you are right, genocide is US policy
  6. I give a standing ovation to the sources of information that you cite. One is a lying propaganda agency, the other is just a clown and a drug addict.
  7. You described the US policy in the world very accurately.
  8. It seems the old bitch hasn't retired from politics. And instead of raising grandchildren, out of habit he is engaged in organizing murders, justifying genocide. American propaganda continues to lie to you. 🤣 video5379855874393130392.mp4
  9. What else is the US propaganda lying about? Be sure to keep us informed. 🤣 I see that you are very offended that the US state and its citizens are despised and hated all over the world, even by its minions. So American propaganda comes up with something for the faithful zombies 🤣
  10. What an interesting zombie behavior. As soon as they hear about the lack of freedom of speech in the United States, which is undoubtedly true, as soon as we recall the names of freedom fighters from the oppression of the current political system in the United States who were killed there, American zombies immediately begin to remember Putin and Russia. This is a very funny behavior. Did propaganda teach you this? No, don't answer, this question doesn't need an answer. 🤣
  11. I read in some media that the active phase of reconstruction will begin on March 1 (But I didn't find any confirmations). They plan to finish everything within 2 years. These billboards are located at the beginning of Jomtien.
  12. Perhaps this is the joke of the day! Look for lists of banned publications in the USA. Censorship and propaganda reign in the United States.
  13. During the large-scale renovation, Jomtien Street 1 will become one-way. The traffic pattern in the picture.
  14. As it is said correctly. There's not even anything to add.
  15. And his rival is a murderer and a maniac, and even a drug addict. He is currently suffering from dementia. "God save America." 🤣
  16. The traditional replacement of phrases and facts for American propaganda. Although why wait? American propaganda rejoices at the loss of life in the war that the United States unleashed
  17. Oh! I see the fertilizer issue is bothering you a lot. This is not surprising, in the United States, more and more people are becoming suitable only for fertilizer. By the way, your troops fertilized the soil of Afghanistan with their bodies in vain, the Taliban restricted the distribution of drugs after the Americans cowardly fled. But drugs were so lovingly grown by American soldiers on the graves of friends
  18. I don't expect such victims of propaganda to understand anything. Zombies are not able to understand. You don't have access to other points of view. In the USA, the most severe censorship, everything that does not coincide with official propaganda is removed. The American authorities are most afraid of the truth and are making every effort to ensure that no one sees the truth. The media in the USA, England and its colonies, in Europe belong to the same political forces, respectively, everything is written according to the same rules and censorship But you are funny, it is always interesting to watch zombies 🤣 video5373246168832684797.mp4
  19. Yes, yes. The sect of witnesses of freedom of speech in the USA is already included. They believe in what is not, in freedom of speech in the USA, funny
  20. You should stop taking strong drugs. They make you look like your puppet dictator with Biden's dementia. We don't know each other. Although your illness probably tells you otherwise.
  21. You already have 77% of young people just fertilizer. They are good for nothing else. And the dream of your dictatorship is to do so all over the world. That's why you start wars, murder and violence. It is clear why your propaganda writes this nonsense. He needs the zombies from the USA not to suffer so much. Still, it's nice to see how the truth makes you sick.
  22. Oh! You are a worthy slave of your propaganda. You act like all American media.🤣
  23. All the media that is imposed on you are censored. You are only allowed to read propaganda. And your propaganda will not tell you about the prisoners of American political prisons who are being tortured and killed. As everyone knows, the United States has the largest number of political prisoners in the world. You are not given the opportunity to see events from other points of view, so that you never start to think. Your hosts don't need this. It's easier to control zombies. In general, it is necessary to go into the Politics of this forum less often, otherwise it is very funny to read American propagandists. You can't laugh so much.🤣
  24. document_5370791590728058763.mp4
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