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Everything posted by Tomtravel

  1. Cartagena only if you like sticky hot weather in a city. Beaches are not too nice and you need to commute (boat, car) somewhere for a nice beach. Old city is nice. Friend of mine says Hilton Cartagena has own ok beach, no vendors getting on your nerves, he likes spending time there. If we exclude romantic affairs, I liked mostly central areas like Pereira, Salento, Cocoa valley (excellent hiking), Guatape, Santa Rosa de Cabal thermal waters. I will try next time Tayrona Park, Cali and some parks not too far from Bogota. Pereira Salamander Sauna was interesting, mostly rather empty, but always few hot guys ready for action. I saw one young and very attractive massage guy but I was ready for that day. I was never bored in Bogota and it has many cool places just to hang around, lots of students. Medellin is surprisingly touristic and only place where I saw something like a crime - kids stealing something/running away and police chasing them, it was 3am Sunday morning in a center which was filled with semidrunk tourists (me included)😀. But its true - the weather and the scenery is beautiful.
  2. I come from a country and city which was pretty violent in the end of 80s and most people were poor when I was a teenager. Young dont care so much, life and opportunities are all ahead! In some respect, going to Colombia is a bit like time travel, back to “live now” mood, taking some risks but in a very pretty environment and with many hot guys! Language is never an issue - if both want to communicate, they find a way.
  3. Viva was nicer then Ryanair. We are trained in Europe to fly in horrible conditions, so Viva was pleasant.
  4. Maybe large hotels? I had a massage in the spa near Pereira, Termales Santa Rosa de Cabal (I had a hotel credit to use) and all masseurs I saw were ladies. I was quite bored. The thermal pools, views of the mountains and waterfalls were absolutely worth the trip. Maybe its easier to find a guy (easily doable in Cartagena), take a hot shower together (spa part) and then whatever you like 😀.
  5. Claro mobile worked very well, but I was not streaming videos. Easy to purchase extra data if you need. Just walk in to Claro sales point and say you want a sim with data or more data. Hotel Vilar America reception was selling Claro sim cards. All hotels I stayed (3..4 stars, not hilton, holiday, etc) had good wifi. Plenty of atms, BBVA bank had no fees on my cc, you may want to withdraw several times as atm had limit (600 or 300k). I had euros with me but I used atms and paid often with cc. Top restaurants accept cc, local eateries cash. PS I saw from the bill that overnight visitor cost was 24k peso in Vilar America hotel. Daytime visitor was free, ID stayed at the reception until he left again.
  6. This happened on the fourth week in Colombia and I had one similar experience on week two in Bogota North, near Santa Fe Mall, but in that case I insisted drive back to the hotel (the flat included a dog, a cat and a rabbit, and was a bit too much zoo ambiente). I also met someone in a party in Cartagena and my short experience showed that guys tend to be polite, well behaving and very social - constantly around friends (I am from the north europe, where people go to parties also alone, but in Colombia at least with one buddy). I still did my online „profiling“ and would not get in touch with guys with strong ghetto vibe (most likely my loss, since I met them at parties and they were friendly guys). Traffic in Bogota can be slow and I understand that trip to my place adds lots of time in their busy schedule.
  7. I am naturally curious person..and the target was also very attractive. However, I found more than expected!
  8. I share an interesting adventure from December 25th in Bogota. Everything was closed and streets empty, so I checked grindr around 10.30am. A hot muscle guy caught my attention, though I thought its an escort. Anyhow, I contacted, we chatted, he said its his birthday (27). Ithought it’s a way to get a “gift”. We had a whatsapp call and he seemed to be a nice guy and the flat was also nice. He lived quite far from Chapinero in Bogota North-East, about 45 min with uber. I took with me 100Kpeso, reduced the cc limit to 100 eur and took my secondary mobile phone with me (in case it gets ugly, losses are insignificant). I arrived at the place (I recognized the football stadium from the flat window I saw in whatsapp call), he was not at home, I ordered uber back to the hotel and then he arrived with mopo. He was hot and nice. We went to his flat, I met his neighbors and I thought it was not a very smart setup to rob me. In the flat there was another muscular guy and I was a bit concerned about my safety. It was his brother with whom he shares the flat. I was still a bit uneasy. The brother is also a muscle guy, and both are into older guys (let’s call my date Gabo). Gabo also has a nice face, the brother is a bit more raw (though if separately presented, I would take both). Anyhow, Gabo said we will go to cafĂ© nearby. They had their breakfast, I had in the hotel and asked, what happens next. They said we would travel to the party. Uber was soon ordered, and we drove to Bogota-Suba. I thought it must be their favorite restaurant. We arrived at one park and they were looking for something. I asked where is the restaurant – reply, we go to the flat. It must be clarified, I speak experimental Spanish and use google translate. Well. I took a photo of the park and sent it to my primary mobile phone which was in the hotel (so that the investigative team would have some clues if I don’t come back). Soon 5 guys arrived, one had a daughter, and I decided it's not organized crime, most probably. We went to buy beer (my money was refused) and then to the flat, to the rooftop and indeed there were about 15 people, beer, music and aguardiente/schnaps. So from 1-4 pm we had a working class style rooftop party, which was very fun with dancing, chats, etc. I was the exotic gringo guest. I learned about the guys and their life. Around 4 pm soup was served. I thought, it's all a very exciting anthropological experience, but what about my hot date? Around 4-5pm, Gabo said we leave now and go back to the flat. Great news! But 5 people joined us. I learned one guy (who seemed to be informal leader), also a gay guy (there were 4 other gays guys age 25-30) wants to fight and we took him out from the party and walked around the area, which was full of people celebrating I guess Xmas. Grilling food on the street, drinking, dancing and even singing. I had a feeling that people were a bit surprised about my presence and some dangerous looking guys (my stereotypical thinking) offered me potato chips. The trouble maker was deemed to be calm and we took an uber to the flat (before we waited for a 20 min taxi, and then I offered my uber). I thought, maybe they just come with us for a short last drink... We arrived in the flat and flat decoration started. I asked if more people will arrive. Yes, about 10. True, more beer, pizza, cake, 10 people, all brothers (4 additional, straight), sister, mother, lesbian couple, etc. Party lasted until 11. I was thinking about my date
 . Everybody was very nice, gifts, singing, Gabo in tears, Gabo again happy. More drinking (especially the sister and one young rather dumb brother). Around 11 pm, I was getting tired of constant blasting latin music, beer and thought, what to do. Around 23, Gabo, his sister and dumb brother, who made borderline homophobic jokes, were crying. Gabo’s muscle brother (who btw also fancied me!) said, don’t worry, it's normal, they always cry together because Gabo is gay and life is not easy. Well.. I asked Gabo when we have one-on-one time, he said tomorrow, but I can stay there. Well. Better with a hot guy, then alone. I went to sleep in his bedroom. Guests did not leave and soon came exhausted Gabo to sleep with me. Sex in such a small flat with some guests roaming nearby was unrealistic. I cuddled with him and managed to taste of his nice large dick, but then it was about 8am and guests started to wake up. I decided it’s better to go back to the hotel, since it's 24 hours since I left and no fun to be with the family, some with strong hangovers (sister). We agreed to meet later that day, but we were too exhausted. However, we agreed to meet the next day and indeed I landed my date for sex, nearly 36 hours after the first kiss, again at his flat. He has an incredible body and though I am a bottom guy, I could not get enough of his muscled thighs and stone hard glutes😊. I originally planned a nice dinner and visit to my hotel; but he was not so eager to come to Chapinero (I offered uber). After sex we went to his friend's place, who made chicken and rice. We chatted and gossiped, he went to the gym (with the trouble maker friend) and I ubered again to the hotel and the next day departed from Colombia. Unfortunately, the meeting took place on the last day.. . Learning: sometimes the risks are worthwhile, let things go as they go, don’t stress too much, think less. I thought, even if I would not have sex, the opportunity to peek into the life of young bogotanos was great. Gabo and his family left the day after to the Caribbean coast, where they originally come from and from the whatsapp pictures I could see, the holiday consisted of food, dancing, beer and beach. I plan to continue this friendsip when I am again in Bogota. PS maybe some forum members have also met this guy or his brother? The pic is from the streets of Suba.
  9. This Industry club was pretty fun with the most enthusiastic erotic dancers (seemed like the last dance on the earth). I was there in the beginning of December with a holiday friend from Bogota and saw one very sexy sporty young black guy, who was somehow not so much engaged. I said my friend - look, a hot guy. My friend replied let me check if he is ready for threesome. The reply was thank you very much, but I am only gay curious (whatever that means). Coke use was as open and pretty intensive. Basic vodka with orange or cola mixer was included in the entrance price until 1 or 2 am. Beer was extra cost. We left 3 am (the end of party) and then grindr messages came around 4am - among others from 20 y skater guy - hi, i saw you in the club, lets meet. However the logistics effort was too big and we agreed a threesome for the next day, but then we were in other places and I was just lazy to coordinate, mostly because I was pleased with my friend. Bottom line - act on the spot and take the boy with your uber.😾 I liked the club, the other one - Oraculo - was kind of gay mainstream, more expensive and more like „keeping up the appearances“ style. But has hot barmen and guests. The pic is from Industry club.
  10. Colombian peso and in thousands. Current rate is 1 USD is about 5000 (5 K) peso. So 250 K peso is 50 USD.
  11. I had in Bogota case where I chatted with a nice guy few days and then he proposed he would visit me and would bring bottle of wine to share and chat. I said, sure, but bring ID with you, there is a registration process for security and I have to meet you in the lobby. He got nervous, why we meet in the lobby and why he cannot come directly to my room. Then the profile dissapeared. Later I thought few red flags were there: dissapearing grindr pics, proposal to drink wine which he would bring (unusual; they guy did not look like „wine guy“); reaction to the security procedures. Other guys presented their IDs without hesitation. I felt Bogota mostly safe (I am from Europe) and was not too concerned. Its a misleading feeling, one must think of safety even if you dont feel threatened.
  12. Tipps were periodically removed from the strap and handed over to the security guy or girl who were supervising the stage. But I did not see massive tipping and I am not sure larger bill would make too much difference. But I saw few guys who were not shy as well, used by the strippers to show what tricks they can perform.
  13. Lotus is an area next to the dance floor in upper part of Theatron, where strippers perform. I was told the naked strippers (i think 4) were from Brazil. Well, nobody was shy. It was Thursday evening and all willing (including non-tipping) could interact with strippers „in various ways“, by 2.30am there was not even lots of crowd around, so everybody could get few slaps with a large dick on their face 😄. The performing boys seemed to have fun with all! There was a discussion if they could be hired - since they rotate, when leaving the stage, they could be contacted (and some visitors did) and maybe a nice card with phone number presented for followup. The strippers were super hot beefy Entrance - Thursday 15K (ID required, I had copy of passport), drinks 25K. Many bought bottle of whisky or vodka with mixers. Security was high. The audience was nice crowd, circuit boys though would go to El Mozzo club (I was told). Btw-everybody is filming everything in Lotus. Guys themselves, guests, their gfs, bfs, strippers.
  14. Ohh..the testing site, yes it was second floor past Hyatt.
  15. I was on the 4th or 5th floor (last), used elevator and then stair. Bedroom, kitchen and balkony. In fact two balkonies. Small flat.
  16. I stayed in Beyoglu, Ülker sokak street, was quiet and ok area, close to Marmara Taksim Hotel. It was in 2021 when pandemic was still going on but Turkey was few countries which allowed tested visitors. When leaving, test was again required and i remember a test center in Taksim square where covid test was made withouth touching my nose. The swab stopped 3 mm before the nose😄
  17. Hornet has more guys then grindr. I have met many guys in the airbnb in Istanbul center (affordable local hotels are not visitor friendly). Small terrace and view of the Bosporus strait. One really hot and fit guy liked older guys with bold head (I am), well I was happy to fulfill his fantasy. One guy was probably a thieve - he was nervous and strange, next day I realised my cc is gone, not sure when and how he managed. I saw in the banking app purchase attempts in the same evening.
  18. I am in the anal cancer screening (once a year) since I have abnormal cells (AIN 1,2). Sample from the anal wall (specialised surgeon will take it) must be inspected in lab to confirm pre-cancer or cancer cells, there may be nothing visible. Anal cancer is rare, science is not aligned how to treat them in pre-cancer stage (like abnormal cells) some even question why then to screen those abnormal cells. If it develops into cancer, then treatment is standard. I dont see or feel anything, its really game on the cell level. My doc said if they develop further he removes them with laser. They may come back or not.
  19. I eventually had a date in my lodge. The care taker was a bit surprised. The Guy (24) was sweet and sexy, he travelled by matatu ca 30km to meet me. Electricity was off, so the aircon. It was humid and 30 Celsius. The staff was walking around to fix the grid. I did not give up though 😁, was worth. I had my "Security clearance" whatsup call with him before and decided its safe. I meet also 2 young guys for a beer, however they we're looking for western bf, and generally were a bit boring and not my types. Heard lots of local gossip and a story how one westerner was drugged and his money and all the things found a new owner. Kenyans are proud and educated people. Universities are across the country, so many guys around even in provincial capitals (and a traveling gay daddy is great option for them and for some fulfillment of their fetish). I think in less touristic places are less tricksters. But then a westerner would stood out in its Expedition.
  20. I was last week in Nairobi and now near Mombasa. Nairobi is in African standards clean and reasonably safe (not so much after dark though). International hotels allow visitors (they like money and are in a hospitality business). Grindr is exploding, but expect many tricksters and conmen. Pictured are often not the reality. Many guys are probably sincere but they look a bit rough and hotel security will be surprised when you enter hotel (xray or just sitting guy checking). I did not have courage to try out. In beach resort found a massage guy with own booth and he did extra, was ok. I guess experienced gay expats can have good time. Main thing to consider that most guys have smaller or severe income issues. And Africa is anyhow intense for European, so keep your head cool😀. ps while gaysex is illegal, the extreme worse case is an extortion. White guys are still somehow respected (colonial past pluss money), so the extertion is mostly problem for locals (“we tell your relatives”). Racism is sometimed an issue between locals (kenyans-somalis-hindus), not so much for visitors.
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