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Everything posted by dscrtsldnbi

  1. It should probably be also mentionned that gay sex is illegal over there and regarded as a criminal offence punishable by lengthy prison sentences, as far as I know.
  2. I fully agree: the symbols are indeed quite confusing... I love the fact that, when reporting escorts' cock sizes, they - just in case - start with feet rather than just inches and meticulously state that the former are always zero. Pedants' dream! 😂 P.S. Another thing... The penultimate symbol looks like a glass/cup. In some cases, it has a head on top but in other cases, it doesn't. Does it mean to show that some of the boys display strong preference to beer? Or is it not glass/cup at all but something else?? 🧐 P.P.S. I am rather mystified by Takanori (21 y.o., cock size - zero foot 6 inches): both top and bottom symbols are shaded in his case. Basically, the only things that are not shaded are 'glass/cup' (if it is that) and 'smoke', and he is 'S' (straight). So, does it mean that, when with a client, the guy just drinks (strong preference to beer) and smokes? Rather niche market for this particular sort of entertainment, I presume... 😎
  3. Sweet memories, by the sound of it, @Riobard P.S. Why did they put Matt LeBlanc on their front cover, I wonder... 🧐😎
  4. Thanks, @Thomas_88. As someone from London, I know these delights very well: pre-pandemic, I was a Eurostar Carte Blanche holder for many years as I was travelling to Brussels at least monthly. I've had some very good and long-established contacts there, as a result. It is 'All change' now as I haven't been to Brussels since February 2020. (Never thought I'd ever miss Brussels, I must admit.) As for Villa Giani - I am deeply ashamed to admit that prior to joining this forum several weeks ago, I have never heard of this place, for which I curse myself now! Years wasted!
  5. I very much hope these are euphemisms: 😂
  6. Thank you, @Baska.
  7. Indeed, Google shows right now RT from NY to BKK for mid-Jan 2023 with 1 (or 2) reasonable stops (up to 4h duration only) for less than £800 (i.e. about $950 at the current exchange rate) - and not just one but several options.
  8. My feelings exactly, @Slvkguy!
  9. The more I read this and other relevant threads, the less I want to sample Egypt.
  10. Thank you, Thomas. I've perused these and other links on Hunqz/Romeo and Rentmen as well. I just hope someone will have personal recommendations. But thank you very much anyway!
  11. Hello, Thomas. Good reliable professional top services will be of my primary interest but equally good reliable professional bottom services might also be considered. Thank you in advance.
  12. I might be going to Hurghada in December (it is not decided/confirmed yet) but reading this and other related threads doesn't any confidence: I've never been to Egypt before and, by the looks of things, having some fun there is at best a very complicated and quite risky business. Will it be possible to engage hotel staff and how wise will it be? Any tips and advice for a first-time visitor will be very much appreciated. Thank you in advance.
  13. Any recent updates on Brussels at all? Used to come there on a monthly basis before the pandemic but my last visit was in early March 2020, and my usual contacts seem to have left the place since. Any recommendation for a good reliable escort will be highly appreciated. Thank you!
  14. dscrtsldnbi

    Bali scene?

    There were plenty of massage places then, @fedssocr. You went to Banana Spa, by the look of things, and I am not surprised the visit wasn't that memorable. Apps do work there very well - provided you use VPN (most of them won't work without VPN) and could be very useful. Actually, if one stays in Ubud, resorting to apps might be a better option than relying on delivery services from Kuta. As for MBs... My assumption has always been that pretty much anyone and everyone who is online there and isn't a Westerner, is a MB and I've never been proven wrong.
  15. dscrtsldnbi

    Bali scene?

    That will be very much and very genuinely appreciated, @floridarob. Thank you so much!
  16. dscrtsldnbi

    Bali scene?

    P.S. I found this: https://cocograndespa.com/price-list/ I've never used Coco Grande, so can't comment on their quality. The overal review rating is rather low though (just 3.1). They do explicitly offer delivery to Ubud but note the charge (IDR 500k). The reviews are here: https://www.travelgay.com/venue/coco-grande-spa-seminyak/#reviewtop Note 'they are constantly asking for extra tips' and 'prices are higher than in other places' bits though. I'd be cautious.
  17. dscrtsldnbi

    Bali scene?

    In olden times, some (but not all) of Kuta/Seminyak massage parlours were also offering outcalls to Ubud, as far as I know. Obviously, they were expensive and had to be pre-booked in advance as it could easily take 3-4h to get from Seminyak to Ubud (and that was reflected in the price for the delivery service). I know of this service but have never used it (as I have never stayed in Ubud). Maybe, the same arrangement still works now. It is worth checking on particular massage salons' websites.
  18. dscrtsldnbi

    Bali scene?

    You are most welcome, @tm_nyc, and thank you. As for Ubud, I won't be of much help: I've visited pretty much every corner of Bali over the years, but all these were day trips. I've been to Ubud several times but I've never stayed there / had the chance to sample the local goods: I strongly prefer the beach, so I always stay in Seminyak. I doubt the scene there is any different from that of Kuta/Seminyak but unfortunately, I can't give you any practical pointers. Apps could be of help, I think. Obviously, they work only via VPN but they do work. Some prior online research should also help, of course. I should probably mention that, in my experience, finding some good options at the hotel you are staying is also always on the books. It doesn't work all the time but I've had pleasant surprises there - and I am talking about the staff, not the guests. Regular staff may not be alowed into the guests' rooms (but even that could be resolved if there is enough incentive and will from both sides) but the management is free to roam everywhere and, as I have said, I've had most pleasant surprises. It works especially well if you are a return guest and well-known at the hotel.
  19. dscrtsldnbi

    Bali scene?

    Thank you @macaroni21. First of all, I do distinctly remember many full-on-body contact during massage while in Bali. The way it happens differs from what normally happens in Thailand (I do have some Thai experience but it is more limited than my Balinese one). During the 'regular' massage session (i.e. the first 45-60 min of your 'massage' experience), nothing happens. The masseur remains dressed and he will - very gently but firmly - place your hands and arms on the massage table in a way that guarantees no 'accidental' touches. Then, when you are on your back (and most likely, fully erect by that time) and he is finishing your regular massage, he will ask you 'Do you still want extras?' Remember, you have to pre-agree the extras - be very specific what you want - before the regular massage session starts. When you say yes, he will lock the door to the room/cubicle and remove all his clothes very quickly. Now, if you want a full naked body-to-body massage, you should tell that to your masseur before the regular session starts. If he refuses (that happens very rarely), you simply go back to the front desk and request another performer. As the full body-to-body massage has already been pre-agreed, this is what he will start with now - and 15-20 min later, he will move to other parts of the 'extras' that you've pre-ordered. He will definitely climb onto the table for the extras. I've had this service many dozens of times over many years, and I have been very rarely disappointed. As to the traffic and where to stay... The trafic was still bad in 2019 though they did try to introduce one-way streets with dubious results (it will take you much less to get to your destination but then it will take you twice as long as before to get back to your hotel — so overall, you still spend the same time in traffic jams). My advice is to walk. If you place yourself strategically (see below), it won't be more than a 40 min - 1h maximum leisurely stroll from your hotel to the massage parlour. It not only saves the money but is very pleasant, actually. I always stay at beach front hotels, which means I'll have to walk 5 min to Seminyak Square and about 40 min to Jl. Sunset Road. Massage parlours are rather scattered all over Kuta/Seminyak but the bars - if that's what you are after - are very compactly packed by Marriott Courtyard, which is about 10-15 min walk from the beach. As I recall, Primera Hotel Seminyak (it is a 3-* place, I think) and Marriott Courtyard (slightly more upmarket but still very affordable) are - literally - nextdoor to the bars, they are within 1-3 min walk from them and are on the same street. Elegantz and Adam's Apple are on the same street (effectively) but within 30 min walking of each other. It is slightly to the north of Seminyak proper and about 1h walk from the bars. They are on a street that goes away from the beach into the island (Jl. Batu Belig that later on becomes Jl. Tangkuban Perahu). If you stay somewhere near W Hotel and take the short route, it will be a 10-15 min walk from the hotel to Adam's Apple (Adam's Apple is closer to the beach while Elegantz is much further down). Generally speaking, walking makes much more sense than taking a cab: you'll spend the same time getting to your destination but walking is free. If you choose to stay near the bars, it will be about an 1h walk to get to Elegantz and Adam's Apple. This is when you should consider if taking a cab will be more sensible. You can take a cab to get there and walk back, for example (popping into a restaurant or a bar on your way back to your hotel). Overall, there isn't a magical place where you can stay and be within 5-10 min walking distance from everything: while (almost) all the gay bars are compactly located at the same place, massage parlours are scattered all over, and depending on which one you'll end up fancying more, you'll still need to travel there. Having said that, the scary reports of hours spent in Balinese traffic jams are often exaggerated: it might be true if we are talking long-distance travel but if we are talking covering a distance of 3-5 miles maximum, it is most certainly a huge exaggeration. Yes, you might spend 25 min in a cab doing a journey that normally takes only 7-10 min, but it is not that bad. I hope the above helps! I'd still be very much interested to know how Seminyak looks now, in late 2022: remember, all my information is based on my personal experience of November 2019. I do wonder how the pandemic affected them all. I did a quick Google search and it looks like all the places mentionned above (apart from M-Spa at Paul's Place) are still operational and, surprisingly, their price level is still (approx) the same as I remember from 3 years back. But what about the level of service? Any recent trip reports, anyone? Thank you all in advance!
  20. dscrtsldnbi

    Bali scene?

    I think it might be a good time to revive this topic and see if there are any up-to-date reports on what's happening in Bali now (Seminyak and Kuta in particular). I was visiting Seminyak for many years and my last time there was in November 2019 and I can only confirm the excellent succinct summary of @camsi1975. I've never been a fan of bars but Mixwell, BaliJoe and the bars nearby were still going strong then. (If you don't know, gay bars are tightly packed next to each other at Jl. Camplung Tankuk within 2-3 min walk from Marriott Courtyard. If you are into this kind of entertainment, it is both convenient - you don't have to cross the island to get from one bar to another - and inconvenient as it might be quite some distance from where you are staying.) The easiest and safest way to find company over there is to use M2M massage parlours, of which there are many. M-Spa at Paul's Place (Jl. Kayu Aya, just opposite the flea market and 2 min walk from either the Seminyal Square or the Oberoy Hotel, Ku De Ta club or Seminyak Hotel) has always been my favourite for the simple reason that it was - literally - 2 min walk from my favourite hotel. Admittedly, it was the main attraction of Paul's Place: the place was a bit seedy but the quality of the massage was generally quite high. It was a proper massage parlour rather than a poorly disguised knocking house though a happy ending at the very least was always implied in their service. Sadly, Paul's Place (i.e. both M-Spa upstairs and a lovely antiques' shop downstairs run by the same gang) was closed in early 2019 - to my utter devastation. I'd be very much interested to know if the place has been re-opened: Google says it is only 'Temporarily Closed' now while several months ago it was marked as 'Permanently Closed'. When I was there in November 2019, some preparations for a full refurbishment of the building were taking place (that was long overdue in any case) but, presumably, because of COVID, nothing was happening (as far as I know) for more than two years. It will be a huge shame if Paul's Place is gone for ever as it was a legendary institution of Bali serving the clients for several decades, as I was told at the time. When I was there last time, the price of a 90 min massage was circa IDR 300-400k (proper high-pressure full body massage, done very professionally) with IDR 200-400k expected for the 'extras'. Overall, you should expect to pay IDR 600-700k for the whole experience, which, as I was told, might go up to IDR 1000k or even more if you have some very particular requests. I've never paid more than IDR 700-750k though. To get the most of your experience, it would be most advisable to explain to the manager downstairs (very briefly) what your expectations are, as far as the physical/anatomical characteristics of your masseur are concerned, so that he could point the right guy to you. As soon as you are in the room, it is most advisable to be very direct and, firstly, order the 'extras' in advance of the massage and agree on their details. The boys there never looked too close at the clock and in most cases, delivered what was requested quite well. The selection was also reasonably wide-ranging: up to 4 guys working the shift, mostly in their early 20s but professionally trained as masseurs; once or twice a week, a daddy was there too (mid-40s, good shape, surprisingly well-endowed, good masseur but rather cocky and arrogant). I've never had any problems with them asking for additional tips/more money (sadly, this is rather common in other establishments) as, as a regular client, I was even given a 15% discount from my 2nd or 3rd visit of the season (the discount covers the official price of the massage only, not 'the extras'). You pay for 'the extras' to the boy on copletion and, having had your shower and dressed, you pay for the massage bit at the till on your exit - you can even be given a till receipt, if you need it. Normally, it wasn't necessary to book your time in advance - you just turn up at your pleasure and see if the goods on the display during this particular shift take your fancy. Four-hands massage was also available there (approx. 1.5-2 times the price of a regular massage). Their opening hours were from about mid-day till about 8-9pm the latest, and the last couple of hours were not the best time to turn up as there were only 1 or 2 boys available. Their working hours surprised me first but then it was explained to me that they simply don't want the drunken clientele who could turn up on their way from the restaurant or a bar back to their hotel for a messy quicky as they are difficult to manage. Pretty much any massage parlour I've visited in Kuta and Seminyak operates the same way. They differ only in terms of their interior (some are more upmarket and new, others are less glamourous) and some have more emphasis on massage while others have massage only as an afterthought. I'd strongly recommend go for the former rather than the latter: guys are much more professional there, and you get two services for the price of one (an excellent massage and some good sex to follow). I've never been a huge fan of the Elegantz Spa (I think they simply overcharge for the same service) but if you fancy a more upmarket experience and want to visit a sauna (why would you when you are in the tropics?), then it is the place to go. M2 Spa at Jl. Raya Patitenget would be my preferred choice, under these circumstances, though: in my opinion, they beat Elegantz. Banana Spa and Adam's Apple are on the other side of the spectrum: they are more about sex than about massage and consequently, they don't do either well enough - that's my personal opinion based on my personal experience, of course. Banana Spa position themselves as a club but their concept of a club is an outdoor pool where you are free to splash after your session (why would you?). Adam's Apple is so unremarkable that, while I've been there before, I can hardly remember the experience (it is not necessarily a bad thing, of course). All of these places offer outcalls to your hotels but, in my opinion, it is not worth it: it will be easier and cheaper for you to get a cab to go there by yourself and return back to your hotel. And of course, there is plenty of offer on online apps - disguised as 'massage', mostly. In some cases, they will be professional masseurs but 80-90% of them are not, and what they offer is not worth the money they are asking for it (I am not talking about massage now). Taking them into your room is possible but a bit of a hassle (you'll have to go downstairs to fetch them from the security post at the hotel's entrance). Generally, it is not worth it: just go to one of the (many) massage parlours and have fun safely and cheaply there. I'd be interested to know if anyone has been to XXL Men Spa? What are your impressions? And most importantly, how has the scene changed since 2019? Are M2, Elegantz, Banala Spa, Adam's Apple, etc still open? Are they what they used to be? Or are there any changes? I hope to visit Bali again next year and some up-to-date information will be most helpful. Thank you in advance!
  21. I can't believe that I didn't know about this place all these years. Thank you all so much for the full reports.
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