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Heba as-sa3udeya

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Everything posted by Heba as-sa3udeya

  1. How mégalomaniac you are. This site is not just about you and your clones ( really few as far as i can see and always the same ). There’s a lot of users often anonymous as i have been who consult this site just for simple tips. But it becomes harder and harder because you and your clones monopolize all the discussions.
  2. This confirme my first impression. Divas who use this site to flatter their egos but who are completely useless to give advice.
  3. Well.. very predictable, the english speaking troll is back as already said avoid english it attracts clingy people.
  4. Pretty sure that no one met you in Egypt. Considering the number of message you send me I must have touched a sensitive point. Anyway no matter how many miles you have I was able to assess the uselessness of your advice for Egypt or Rio where i am now.
  5. By the way in another post concerning the arabic world you claim to have visited only morocco and plan to visit tunisia. And now you write 6 times in cairo… you are totally mythomaniac Mickey. About me it’s my first time in rio, i confess it and i didn’t know that the pointe was closed sundays AND tuesdays.
  6. Right. Not in your league. I don’t have your tips for Walt disney world resort. The way you list your travels as if they were trophies is pitiful. I will not insult you by listing my travels.
  7. My fan club doesn’t want to leave me… Mickey mouse in florida who give tips for egypt without ever having been there and the english speaking troll queen of the politicly correct… i missed you. Today i wanted to escape the crowd so i went to the pointe but it was closed. Surprising.
  8. So you and your clones are the intersteral void. nothing can be more empty than « all in the eyes » empty and dangerous, very dangerous for a new comer in Egypt. If you don’t understand it ( i mean you can’t) i have no interest in exchanging with you « blame your misfortune on your inability to read his intentions correctly grasshopper » . I will translate to my egyptian friends. you are not just useless you are dangerous.
  9. I will send a report at the end of my stay in Brazil. For the names i’m not sure to remember them.
  10. Monday at pointe new faces again and again… this country is a paradise !
  11. Stick and stones
  12. dogs always bark in packs
  13. The only time i was almost the victim of a raid by the egyptian police was when i let myself be lured by the lustful eyes of a handsome egyptian. it was in a busy public toilet. the handsome man was actually a policeman. He served as bait. dozens of gay egyptian were arrested this day and i imagine that they know how to recognize willing eyes …. Luckily i had my passeport and they did n’y arrest me. but i can imagine what happened to the gay egyptians… so dscrtslnvbi be careful. even with masseurs ( he won’t be a policeman but he could bad react) if you like one of them, ask for a massage, get naked during the session and let your hand wander. You will know quickly if the masseur is availaible in return for a supplement that myst be determined before taking action.
  14. It’s all in the eyes with arabs and indians ???!! take care of thé bullshit some people write here. sometimes desire and lure of profits have the same eyes. in egypt’s hotel thé best way is to go to the gym and ask one of the coaches you like if he’s doing massage (same word in egyptian). I think you can imagine the following. anyway in most hôtels in egypt you have masseurs. Most of them are not reluctant to deeper massages.
  15. Thanks Forrestreid for those fresh but not happy news.
  16. Sunday too is not a sauna day. but … some pleasant creatures in 117 made it easy.
  17. I tried many guys. Reiterate with two. no regular. did i answer correctly ?
  18. There is massive muscular boys looking like bodybuilders. Tuesday i had the impression that the club had reached an agreement with the gyms in the neighborhood because the muscular young people were arriving in large numbers. yesterday, thursday, i was in 117. it was depressing. Just 10 or 15 boys, carribean type. Only one caught my attention. Thursday is not sauna day.
  19. I left at 7:30 and there were still handsome guy arriving.
  20. 117 is an other dimension. perhaps 50 to 100 boys this thursday. That’s impressive
  21. Actually monday was the only day you had to queue for a cabin. On this occasion i discovered the third floor that i did not even suspect. today will try 117
  22. I’m now in Rio. In Leme, more exactly, a very nice neighborhood. Sunday, the pointe is closed. I did, however make good use of it on thursday, friday and saturday. 117 open today but i need rest. Tomorrow closed. So i will discover it next days. Apparently new meio mundo still exists. If this is confirmed i will try it too. Rio worth the trip, an endless city to stroll, and for those who speak a latin language ( italian, french, … ) , you can manage without difficulty. Avoid english it attracts clingy people. i will send a report for those who are interested later. obviously not for haters.
  23. Hey guys ! it’s racist to say that some black people have a strong and particular smell ? you’re completly in denial of reality. you know that some north european with very white skin don’t tan but turn red …. Oh sorry it’s racist
  24. Is there lubes and condoms within easy reach in those saunas ?
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