Hairy men are easy to find in pH ?
Or most of them shave their body ?
it was my biggest disappointment in brazil…all sauna’s men are shaving their bodies
Thank you so much GWMinUs
it’s a real pleasure to read you.
you say that you find your friends on Roméo, so you just meet gay people ?
or do you have some G4P ( my favorits) experiences to share with us ?
Nomadic boys is too mainstream.
i need underground stuff.
i was in nepali restaurant yesterday and the garçon was gorgeous. Halfway between indian and Chinese.
The character of a city is given by its architectural heritage and/or its visual identity. Sao Paulo is not on the top considering its gigantic size.
that’s what i was trying to say
but anyway i envy you to be there
So what interest for a solo traveler ? Except the sauna ? There is not much to visit in one of the ugliest city in the world. But maybe i’m too radical…
That’s exactly what bothered me in Rio’s saunas. The boys were si professionalized that i could no longer have the slightest illusion and therefore the excitement waned. I have seen them pass so much from one client to another. This is also why thailand doesn’t interest me. I’m looking for a destination with slightly less professionalized money boys… to find the illusion back