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Heba as-sa3udeya

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Everything posted by Heba as-sa3udeya

  1. I had lot of fun in syria ( before the war Of course ) and lebanon. Morocco algeria and Tunis are intéressant too but not my top
  2. Thank you for this honest report In my opinion Egypt is a waste of time As I have already written here egyptians are among the least beautiful arabs and are bad in bed but question of taste…. i had much more fun in other Arab countries and it’s pretty sure that you will enjoy colombia much more i Hope so
  3. Exciting In cities ? Countryside ? where did you getting them off ?
  4. They look so bland not the cuban men i’m dreaming about
  5. So Floridarob how was it ?
  6. Oldaddy’s contributions made me want to visit this country full of straight boys willing to get sucked but this thread cools me down
  7. Nice report roughjoke The straight boat men are not available ?
  8. Are you serious ? Ecuador at the top ? Ahaha in their dreams This ranking is completly false
  9. European don’t need visa too
  10. No report ?
  11. Airbnb just follow Santiagodc’s advice to choose one but like Santiagodc i preferred to let the boys find an apartment to rent for an hour. it’s a little bit more expensive but much more secure ( but dont’t be as stupid as me: first time i gave money to the boy and tell him to find the apartment … of course he disappeared - just tell him to find the apartment and then you pay directly the owner)
  12. So i’m back from Sousse tunisian boys - Specially straight boys - are really gorgeous in my opinion Arab men have the highest sex appeal in the world but it’s subjective of course - and among Arab men Tunisians are in my top five. Their strong and Hairy legs make me crasy So i walked the « «main road for finding guys » and sat at the « two places » But didn’t see so «many many guys that parade by » as described by Santiagodc. But i saw lot of old european gays who didn’t seem very enthusiastic. at both places « the guys for services » weren’t my type : too skinny, too effeminate or too young. But on the « corniche » or in the neighbouring streets i met a lot of gay for pay men and actually THEY choose you ( strong gaze and growl). They weren’t among the most handsome men you could meet in the street but more boys next door. in bed, you really feel yourself in the hands of straight macho men. They kiss, know how to suck tits and fuck your ass without delicatess. My body is yet full of hickeys and bruises… that was hummm so delicious. They cum quickly though. my place and appartement for rent I had luck too in the medina with a young man who spoke me in a very directive manner and almost raped me in his grand mother’s ruined khan Forget Matmata i only saw old women there In Chenini, the boys weren’t attractive In conclusion, sex was really hot ( for those who like G4p) and i love the way i have been desired in bed. Men don’t just pretend. they really want to have fun with you. but i’m frustrated not to have been able to put the sexiest in my bed I will go back in Tunisia because among the country i visited it’s the one where my body had the more pleasure.
  13. No you’re not the same for me racism and so cliché
  14. Not very fair to post their face it’s really dangerous for them
  15. Cinéma Palace closed
  16. I arrived yesterday in Sousse i went on pilgrimage to the Santiago’s cafes and i can feel Santiago’s soul everywhere Perhaps will i meet him When it comes to men i’m still a little defensive i haven’t yet been seduced to be continued… If you don’t speak arabic french is understood everywhere
  17. Will be in Sousse soon has someone fresh news ?
  18. So i answer to myself because i’m right now visit Berlin. i did experiment tabasco from wednesday to friday. I felt very well there. Absolutly not as dangerous as described here. If you don’t behave stupidly and if you have some experience of romanians who prostitute themeselves. Almost all boys are Gypsy romanians. They look like middle eastern sure but you must be deeply ignorant to take them for arabs. i tried some of them in half hour rent rooms in the corner. It was fine. don’t do anything in the toilett it’s à bar. Thanks to Olaf, Andreas and Heiko for their kindness.
  19. Recent updates about tabasco or other hustler bars in Berlin ? Are they just crowded friday and saturday night ?
  20. Be careful for DSK taking a shower in front of the hôtel staff was the beginning of the end
  21. they'd be more take charge and be the dominant masculine partner I was hoping for… it sounds as good and clear as possible Thank you
  22. In usa you don’t have any spots with G4pay men ? I was in rio last year and it was great but i have much more pleasure with g4pay boys from romania or arabic countries in dirty place of my city in Europe. So i’m very surprised that in USA you don’t have dirty places like that. Latino fan’s club atmosphere is really dead ?
  23. Did you enjoy the Christmas markets ? Specially in der Hauptbanhof ? boys are gym queens ? Or real G4pay ?
  24. A real testimony of what egypt is … a problem’s soup
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