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Everything posted by kokopelli3

  1. I do know an older gent by the name of Bill who frequents the bars in the Complex. About 82 yo, tall and thin and has been living in Thailand for many, many years.
  2. Without trying every bar it would be difficult to answer any of your inquiries. Best to do personal research and find what best suits you. However there is one bar that stands out regarding boys and the way they treat their customers, and that is M Bar.
  3. All I know is wait and see.
  4. Soon as you become "friends" with a boy, you will take on his responsibilities such as money and health care and a host of others. I know having had a bf for 24 years plus some other "friends". If you are wealthy then no problems but otherwise big problems. Only way to avoid problems is to not have a boyfriend. Although I know a few farang, with money, why have long term boyfriends and are satisfied.
  5. Not sure about Bangkok, but Pattaya weather has been somewhat cooler past week or so . Rain has been not continuously at all, mostly lasting an hour or so but not enough to deter going out and about.
  6. In Winner Bar last night, about 10 boys on stage but few customers. I think the boys get bored when no customers for them to entice? One boy is very well endowed but forget his number, however he is very nice. His name is something like AhChen but they all seem to have alternate names. The boys do appreciate small tips (40 Baht) unless they sit with you, in which case 100+ is more appropriate.
  7. Here is a short video of Supertown, I mean Jomtien Complex.
  8. Most like Walking Street is Jomtien Complex aka Supertown. A large area with many bars and massages shops but no go-go bars although there are a couple of bars with boys dancing on a stage or between the tables. Boyztown area has 5 go-go bars plus other gay bars. Sunee Plaza is a bit of a ghost town with just two go-go bars and two beer bars. But Winner Bar in Sunee has some nice lads to make it worth the visit. And there is also Nice Boys there.
  9. Motion Wellness is located in the Center Condo Complex.
  10. It was always not that way! Some years ago one or two guys would organize a get together to which any and all were invited and, sometimes drinks were free to one and all. But as time went on this dwindled away with the diminishing gay scene. Even more recently gay bar owners sponsored a party night with free food for anyone and some still do. But, no doubt, it is increasing difficult to break into the social network.
  11. In my experience it is not at all easy to meet gay expats in Pattaya without some sort of connection such as a friend of a friend. Wish I could assist you better. There are often parties being held at the gay bars where many guys go for the food and drink which may give you an opportunity to meet other gays. And you could casually strike up a conversation at a gay bar with someone by introducing yourself and having a chat.
  12. There is also a shoe shiner who primarily works in Jomtien for many years. Known him for a long time but not many guys wear leather shoes anymore so his business is down but he does clean up sneakers/trainers/athletic shoes. Give him a try when in the Complex.
  13. Not quite correct; many of the staff from Panorama and Castro did participate in the parade on 8 June.
  14. Amazing, at least the writing skill of the journalist!
  15. I would estimate that 50% of the Chinese customers, more female than male turn and leave immediately after entering ToyBoy. Could be 2,4, 6 customers who enter as a group at one time. It varies from day to day so no precise figures. Perhaps they are intimidated by the scantily clad males or maybe they are looking for something more akin to BBB or who knows? Normally I am there about 9 pm to 10 pm, after that I am not sure of the dynamics other than many Chinese do go to BBB.
  16. Boyz, Boyz, Boyz and Toy Boys are as different as day and night! In BBB the dancers just stand on the stage, in their jeans, from about 9pm until show time while at Toy Boys the dancers are wearing the briefest of briefs and move about on the stage and flirt with the customers. Drinks are 350 in BBB and 250 in Toy Boy. BBB relies on their Chinese customers while Toy Boy attracts both Farang and Chinese. What is weird is there may be 2 to 6+ Chinese customers walk into ToyBoy, look around, and then walk out for no reason at all. The ones who walk in BBB do so about 10 pm and stay for the show.
  17. I have seen Bob here and there but primarily in the company of a mutual friend of about the same age at some sort of social function. Most recently at a birthday party in Jomtien Complex.
  18. I did a little research on Thai nicknames and found the following site which may help in understanding nicknames. https://www.bananathaischool.com/blog/thai-nicknames/
  19. GOP/GOLf is just a name, same as "orson" your screen name.
  20. I was 60 on my first visit so , in comparison, you are a young traveler! Enjoy every minute of your adventure.
  21. There is still one, the same, security guard walking his beat in Sunee.
  22. The owner's name is Mama Pea (spelling ?
  23. Tuberculosis is a frequent complication of HIV+. I had one Laos friend die from TB who had HIV another friend with HIV also has TB.
  24. There is a go-go bar in Boyztown proper where the drinks are 250 Baht but, I believe, the second drink in on the house. Whether this applies to one and all I don't know, maybe just to good customers??? Not to tease you.😁
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