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Everything posted by kokopelli3

  1. Ii has been less than a few weeks ago when PeterRS reappeared on the forum and now seems to have disappeared once again? I do hope he returns!
  2. As I am told, it will be a restaurant. That was from a staff member from across the Soi at 4 T Bar. True or not, I don't know.
  3. German style food restaurant.
  4. Once again the pickpockets struck on a Baht Bus from Pattaya to Jomtien! A farang friend got on a crowded bus with a wallet full of money and multiple credit/debit cards and got off with no wallet. Again, don't carry more money than you intend to spend and never carry credit/debit cards, drivers license, etc. If you must carry credit cards take a motorcy taxi or Bolt car or carry a secure shoulder bag with it in front on you, not on your side. And be especially careful if you have been drinking! Be wary of anyone(s) engaging you in coversation or pushing, prodding you or offering you a seat. Otherwise, enjoy your ride.🤑
  5. In Pattaya, the gay sex season is pronounced between high and low seasons. In high season Boyztown and Jomtien Complex are busy, in low season they are moribund.
  6. They are known as tumbleweeds, an invasive Russian thistle.
  7. Londoner, here is the info my friend provided regarding a good legal office. He has used this man for 25 years and claims he is excellent; he and his staff speak excellent English. K.T. International Law and Business Sathaporn Sriyoha, Attorney Telephone 038 710 611 2 Mobile 081 914 2282 email - sriyonha99@hotmail.com 183/78 Moo 10, Soi Post Office 13/2, Pattaya (Soi Post Office is just off of Pattaya Second Road, just past Royal Garden)
  8. A good friend has recommended a lawyer who he regards highly in Pattaya. He did give me his card but, at the moment, I cannot find it! But I will look further and will ask my friend for the name. Sorry I cannot be more helpful at the moment.
  9. One very important thing to be aware of is pickpockets! Mostly women and often with an accomplice. Keep your hand on your pocket or keep your items in a shoulder bag. Carry only the money you plan to use that day and never carry your Passport. If a woman shifts from one side to the other and sits next to you, you are a target!. They are quite clever and can snatch your wallet just as you reach to push the off buzzer. Also as your board the bus be wary of someone offering you a seat next to them. Even some farang are an accomplice and may try to divert your attention. These pickpockets can use a stolen credit card to get money from your account. Hope I didn't discourage anyone from riding the Baht Bus but best to always be aware. I learned from experience.
  10. The proper way, as taught to me by a Thai, to flag down a Baht Bus is to hold your right arm straight out in a somewhat down position. Not to hold it up and wave to the driver. Of course anything works. The price is 10 Baht but that does not mean you can't give more. Often on a longer ride, especially when the bus is nearly empty, I give 20 Baht and once gave 100 Baht during the lean times of Covid when one driver and his family provided me a ride in an empty bus..They were grateful. As for deviating from the "regular" route, that is quite often coming from Jomtien to Pattaya at Pattaya Tai. Often the drivers will turn into Pattaya Tai and then make a U turn and go back toward Jomtien.
  11. Soda opens at 11:00 am. You can Google Soda Massage Jomtien and get more info about them.
  12. At the back, across from TukCom, there is a massage shop which at times has had some younger and hotter boys. But that may depend on the time of day, etc. Worth checking out. For best results there is Soda Massage in Jomtien Complex with lots of lads.
  13. The message shop is still there as is the mamasan . Many of the boys are the same as a few years ago. I would not label them as "rough trade".
  14. How many years ago was that show? 15 years or more?
  15. Possibly the bar is Club Lounge once known as DoDo bar. The dancing is by the boys, not the patrons.
  16. I don't even remember the people I know and see everyday! Many of my friends keep mixing up the names of mutual friends. Maybe Alzheimer's ?555
  17. Semen, aka cum, does not have a high protein content, unfortunately.
  18. It was reported on Sawatdee Forum that the new name is "Boys nighclub"
  19. The name of Nice Boys has been changed to something that everyone can relate to but nobody can remember! Guess someone will have to go there and write the name down !
  20. Good Boys is closed. The only go-go bars in Sunee Plaza are Winner Boy and what was once labeled at Nice Boys but most recently the name was changed somewhat, but still same location. There are 2 Tomboy bar located on Third Road. 4 Season Tomboy and Win 89 Tomboy. 4 Season may be temporarily closed..
  21. Sitzpinkler is the answer! Meaning to sit and pee which is common in Germany. Plus in Thailand there is the bum gun to wash yourself. Also Arab men who are cut normally do not use urinals but sit in a stall to relieve themselves. https://bigthink.com/strange-maps/sitzpinkler-german-men-pee-sitting-down/ And not to be outdone, the Japanese also have a word for the sit down position, suwari -shon, which is even more prevalent than in Germany
  22. Highly encouraged by doctors, to make extra money, for no good medical reason.
  23. Here is a link to Sawatdee Forum with a thread about Diamond Club. https://sawatdeenetwork.com/v4/showthread.php?23041-Diamond-club&highlight=diamond+club+pattaya+boys
  24. Definitely not Club Lounge (formerly DoDo Bar). Club Lounge is known for the boys dancing between the customer's tables. Likely Bar and Song.
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