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Everything posted by RobinHood
It feels like a lifetime when you trying to look front, left, right, and behind while walking just to dodge hundreds of idiot arabs on bikes the time was to go there and back, you could not pay me a million to go back there. Every thai business is closed or leaving that soi they have all had enough, maybe you know more than them too. Thais are complaining in there hundreds about these idiots for years no one wants to live there any more.
https://thepattayanews.com/2022/08/23/over-30-middle-eastern-allleged-motorbike-racers-arrested-in-pattaya-last-night/ https://thepattayanews.com/2019/07/06/police-arrest-and-fine-multiple-young-arab-nationals-for-racing-motorbikes-in-pattaya/ Apparently the TV stations & mewspapers are trolling the same information i am too, please stick with facts not fantasy, i am from the UK we don't tell porkies, i am aware many who post here own bars in sunee but stop telling lies to people.
"In this post it's Arabs and Indians. in another it's Vietnamese. You seem to harbor a hell of a lot of prejudice. " I know of no muslims who promote homesexuality, everthing they say about gay people is negative including muslims knighted by the Queen in the UK, thats a basic fact. Homosexuals are hanged in many muslim countries so don't play the racist card, indians, never seen 1 in a gay bar in my entire lifetime there culture is nagative to gays too, so if they both cultures by up all the businesses in pattaya near boystown is that positive or minus?????????? Of course any sane gay person wants cultures & races that respect gay people living near by, thai people are deeply respectful of gay people, muslims are not neither are indians, yes i want thai people living there i came to thailand to live not iran to live. Covid caused a vacumn the thai authorities filled it with muslims and indians in pattaya & there only based in Boystown & sunee the 2 gay areas, i would rather thais moved back. I also have a singaporean partner & i am white so stop calling me a racist, i am dead against cultures that hang gay people including children which are muslim ones. As for vietnam i said i met wonderful viet guys in the UK studying there, however the boys working in the bars in thailand are very bad, a fact verified by numerous mammasuns.
https://thepattayanews.com/2022/08/23/over-30-middle-eastern-allleged-motorbike-racers-arrested-in-pattaya-last-night/ https://thepattayanews.com/2019/07/06/police-arrest-and-fine-multiple-young-arab-nationals-for-racing-motorbikes-in-pattaya/ As you see from the links you will see the chaos in pattaya, i live in thailand i am not a tourist, so i have some grasp of what goes on here. These arrests have been going on for 10 years & tourists have been injured & killed by bykers at the sunee entrance road.
Yeah Pattaya used to be heaven, now its not, thats covid to blame, we could all trick tourists to waste their time in pattaya, but at the moment pattaya is dead from covid & flooding, bangkok is recovering the bars have boys in them now & some are young now, Fresh Boys has perked up alot and has some cute guys 25 or more. There are serious problems in pattaya at the moment the abandoned gogo buildings, arabs & indians buying up premises all around boystown, message parlors etc & thai business owners deserting boystown, arabs & indians do not frequent gay bars & arabs by religon are dead against gay people also factual, this is all taking place in boy gay areas not hetro areas. sunee & boystown is totally being overun with arabs & indians buying up buildings there, this is not ideal for gay people, because i never see them in bars there & eventually i see them causing trouble with gay people. Even boys i used to know worked in pattaya bars are moving to bangkok for customers, i hope 1 day pattaya will return to heaven again, but not this year it wont & unless thais move back into boystown its finished.
" Rarely do those who base their pugilistic ability on lifting weights win bar fight or a street fight. It's determined by totally different skills and experience.Regarding Vietnam boys, you're either incredibly unlucky or making this stuff up as you go along. You claim that you're "...not against Vietnam.." but in the same sentence caution us to" ...say no & move on..." if we ever find ourselves thinking about going with a Vietnamese." my point is this if these 2 vietnam boys i met over a period of 3 years were willing to start a fight with someone who is very fit, one wonders what they do to older guys in there 70's, i am tring to warn the older guys to avoid them, as for being incredibly unlucky well 22 years, hundreds of wonderful times with great thai guys, 2 terrible times with 2 vietnam guys, 100% says alot and i have talked to alot of mammasans on this issue & they say the same thing thai customers would not OFF them. So either you know more than the mammasons & me who have lived here for 20 years, as for making it up, give me a break i am trying ro help not hinder people, forums are supposed to give good advice. Vietnam is a troubled country & volitile something you cant seem to grasp, wars etc, of course modern day kids are affected by the killings there & in cambodia, thailand is the land of smiles no wars & there culture is different & there is less poverty here & crime, if you want to look at veitnam through rose colored glasses good look to you. Thailand is a wonderful country & peaceful no fighting etc & thats a great reason to live here, hovever their are dangers here & the vietnamese are them, they will not join queues at airports or at borders or taxi stands they go straight to the front, they are very antagnostic people, probably from their tortured history.
Always agree what service you want from a boy before you off him whether its through the mammason or the boy, that way you will not be dissapointed, especially kissing as the straight ones will say no once you get home if you don not pre ask, however in order to be offed they will say yes in the bar & mentally they are prepared to follow through, & how many hours you will use there service i always say 2hours max, you will get drama queens who only want to be there for 20 minutes & will whine non stop until you cum. To weed the drama queens out agree the time before you go.
IN 22 years of living here and hundreds of GOGO boys & wonderful fun, i have had problems with only 2 boys from bars both vietnam & both trying to extort money, their is a air of violence around them, i lift weights, but getting into arguments or fights in thailand is a very bad idea the laws here are very severe for fighting, the thai bar owners are aware of there problems but still employ them, always ask where the boy is from, & if they ever say vietnam no matter how good looking they are, please say no & move on thai & laos boys are the best followed by cambodia, vietnam boys are great if you want to train to be a kick boxer or psychiatrist, & no i am not against vietnam i have slepts with nice guys in the uk from vietnam, but bar boys here are a menace from vietnam.
Please be honest in reports here i feel i wasted my time going to sunee based on inaccurate info here on winners boy, nice boys they were both no good, winners was empty with 3 kids sitting with their clothes on a table outside, nice boys had 4 old guys on the stage, and to get there was a nightmare 30 minutes of dodging hundreds of arab motorbike kids & none of them have driving licences, i think you have expat bar owners at sunee promoting this area in this forum, hence the biased comments. In 22 years of living here this was the worst & most scary time in thailand going down that soi at sunee, for gods sake take a cab if you need to go there.
The latest arrests of arab kids in their hundreds going down sunee plaza main road was last month, this is a fact it was all over the news in july i was never so terrified in my life, it was like going down a motor bike race track with no pavements. & multiple tourists have been injured & killed by these lunatic kids also facts, as for posters saying they were not affected well if you go on foot in the evening you would be. There are thousands of news reports on this problem. Boystown has always been my favourite in 20 years i have never been to jontien, but even i had to go there because of the lean pickins in boystown, look lady bars are busy as hell from what i seen, but boys town is empty and arabs and indians are buying all the property here, this is not racism, the problem is they do not frequent gay bars as a race, so they are a minus to the area when they are dominating the streets around boys town, & i forsee violence from these arabs to the gay community there soon if thai businesses keep moving out. I love thailand i lived here for 22 years in bangkok, pattaya used to be the best for bars now bangkok is.
When i went to pattaya in late july it was empty boystown 5 boys usually in 3 bars and no one dancing, very old boys, jontiem complex was better, my best trick was on gayromeo in pattaya, pattaya is dead on its feet it has been completely taken over by indians and arabs all around boy bar areas.
Forget about sunee plaza its a nightmare getting there & their is about 2 hundred idiot arab kids on motor bykes just mindlessly going back & forwards up the same street they have killed tourists in this soi a few times, it was the worse expierence of my life, the police pretend to make arrests every year, but it has been going on their for 10 years, the locals are furious. No matter what anyone says avoid it., honest facts, look it up on google arab kids pattaya arrests the latest this month.