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VancBCMan reacted to a post in a topic: Vietnam Bar Boys
VancBCMan reacted to a post in a topic: Vietnam Bar Boys
VancBCMan reacted to a post in a topic: Vietnam Bar Boys
VancBCMan reacted to a post in a topic: Vietnam Bar Boys
VancBCMan reacted to a post in a topic: Vietnam Bar Boys
VancBCMan reacted to a post in a topic: Vietnam Bar Boys
VancBCMan reacted to a post in a topic: Vietnam Bar Boys
Nathan_B reacted to a post in a topic: Vietnam Bar Boys
Will7272 reacted to a post in a topic: Vietnam Bar Boys
splinter1949 reacted to a post in a topic: Vietnam Bar Boys
Twinks, twinks, where are they, what bars, names? stay on topic
catholic church sold orphans, slaves, there are no saints in this world except hot twinks working in GOGO Bars
Oh dear slavery was in america & colonies never in the UK, segragation was in america & colonies never the uk, as for slaves being sold to america the catholic church was also heavily involved in this too, the brits sold slaves so did europeans so did everyone. Only america made slavery legal in there country
i would love too is their any good bars for twinks in pattaya this month other than sunee, has boystown got boys working in bars again end of july they had none or a handfull
You guys are very argumentive, its ok to criticise viet boys working in thai bars without accusing the poster of being anti vietnam, laos boys, burma, cambodia are all great working in thai bars, viet guys its not their bag they don't dig it, good luck to them, i hear there great for massage here, yes i believe they are, massage parlours there trained for good service, bars are not. I've slept with great viet students in the UK 1 who took me out for dinner at his expense, however i am batting 100% bad expierence here with them from 2 boys working at bars both with a air of violence around money, hundreds of tricks here no problems, 2 problems with viet boys in bars, that's life maybe they hate the bar jobs, my feedback from mammasons from a few bars was the same both thai customers & farang were very negative on them. whether you want to heed the advice or not that's up to you, each to there own.
No i think trump is a idiot so was bush, so was obama & biden has dementia, i liked Bill clinton, i maybe right wing but i can like left wing people, i love the enviroment too & against shooting animals, your mixing right wing Americans up with right wing brits, we are not breast fed guns in the UK, & we did not have slavery neither, problem with the UK is race problems in america spread all over Europe, which is unfair as europe did not have slavery in there countries only america did. segragation all belongs too america a black man is shot in america Floyd & stautes are down all over europe & canada, i failed to see why american slavery & segragation is europes problem. America needs to grow up, fix there country & stop dumping racism & killing blacks onto europe, we are sick of picking up the cheque for red neck cops shooting blacks. we are brought up in the UK not to see a difference in color no one gives a hoot what color you are, being gay i only see a difference when specific religons or races target gay people.
I totally agree however as a new poster if anyone has the audacity to criticise sunee plaza the bar owner expats from winner boys & nice boys are calling you a nazi & a racist, i understand they love the place i do not & expressed that through my posts & quite fairly warned newbies of the motor bike risk there, when you can not criticise a establisment it becomes a communist society, there is a handful of posters here who are just pushing sunee non stop, i went there through there bad advice for the first time ever, i only ever visited boystown in 22 years. There are alot safer & great places in pattaya, jontien or boystown, sunee is mad max for motor bikers.
The point being woke poeple ignore reality while burnings burn behind them & say folks nothing to see here just another peaceful woke democratic demo, i am both left wing & right wing, left wing people swing one way, everyone that dissagrees with them is a racist & a nazi you are so formula you are comical. Im a racist against vietnam yet am married to singaporean, you are aware they are both orientals? and i am living in asia to sleep with orientals what planet are you on? i am racist against muslims? no i hate people who hate gays, yet to find a single muslim who likes gay people, why dont you visit muslim countries they are still hanging gay people in many of them, do they belong in gay areas like sunee or boystown no they damn don't they despise gay people so what the hell are they doing there. when they stop hanging 12 year old boys for being gay in muslim countries then i will stop hating there bahaviour to gay people https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1084534/IRN_CPIN_Sexual_orientation_and_gender_identity_or_expression.pdf between 4,000 and 6,000 gay men and lesbians had been executed since the 1979 Islamic revolution reports from uk home office 6000 gays executed 1 muslim country for being gay, you might find muslims funny, i don't. they despise gays & i sure the hell ain't going to pretend they like gays they don't & they do not hide it either. i deal in facts not woke cuckoo land.
You one of the few realist here, unless you have good insurance cover or are prepared to spend a million baht for medical bills is sunee worth the risk? cars parked on both sides no pavements, motorbikes front & back reminds me of dodgem cars, the punter walking is the dodgem with no protection while the idiots on bikes ram into you when you are not looking. What alot of people here forget to point out is when you have a hundred bikes revving up in a single tiny soi it is impossible to determine the direction of the danger all the time, i have lived here for 22 years i am used to bikers texting while driving but they are lone drivers easy to spot on quiet sois, these idiots are not because of their numbers & erratic driving. They will change drivers half way down the soi or turn around mid way down, they are so mindless & eratic they are all accidents waiting to happen, i know chaos when i see it, at least at mbk junctions with hundreds of bikers it is organised chaos they wait for traffic lights they observe the road, these muslim kids do not see jack shit there all laughing & high, one of the worst expierences of my life. I am a hod carrier come close to falling off ladders a few times i know hard work & i know risks, these idiots are not thai & are not responsible like thai people are.
well i hope you continue to be lucky, they left a very left me with a permanent dislike of ever offing them again in thailand, on at least 3 occasions in 2019 the only decent looking guys have been viet boys in bangkok bars, each time i said no when i found there nationality was.
Well i guess i was very unlucky 2 boys & both projecting a violent undercurrent regarding money, considering i have always tipped 2100 baht since i came to thailand alot more than most people, it was something to warn people about, i have never had this problem with thai pr laos or cambodian boys in bars, only viet ones, you said your boys were massage ones, massages guys tend to be better trained for customer service, bar guys are not, maybe that is the difference between your expierence and mine.
No i live in bangkok for 22 years & slept with hundreds of gogo boys in bangkok & pattaya so i guess i know something about thai people & culture which are the best in the world in my opinion.
Well apparently its all a figment of my immagination & the hundreds of pattaya residents, the police arrests, the TV crews, newspapers its all lies, we all can be a ostrich with our head in the sands or we can face reality & try to warn others. You remind me of the CNN news reporter standing in front or burning police station behind him, in portland saying the george flloyd demonstrators are very peaceful & not causing trouble. Thats why CNN is dead & has there worst viewing figures ever.
Winner Boys, Nice boys, the only ones open end of july week end when i visited, both useless, i read in this forum there were 20 kids working at winner boys in june or july, the reason i posted here was about the wrong information posters are posting here that tricked me to go there, i am puzzled how the hell would i know about all these loony arab kids on motorbikes unless i visited sunee, i was so infuriated about this incident i looked it up on line to see what people are doing about these lunatic kids, i was astounded to see its been going on for 10 years & they are doing nothing & that people have been killed by them, yet it still goes on. These idiot kids are unwanted guests in this country most of them have over stayed there visa's & there families are bribing the police to bail them out, they are unlicensed, no insurance, they run you over your left with millions of baht in medical bills, while they zoom off on their bikes.
www.facebook.com/100005160398993/videos/734747111005846/ This is sunee plaza road you will see a few times if you watch it a while 10 bikes in a row go bye chasing eachother in 2 seconds, and bikes coming from every angle, this what pattaya residents put up with 24 hours a day, they complain about them racing through the night while they sleep, police make arrests once a year for 10 years, people die, but it goes on. This alot quieter when i went down they were in full swing, my heart goes out to the pattaya residents who endure this nonsense, don't visit bars in sunee for your own safety. I fely very intimadated with my partner, from the bikes and hundreds of crazy muslims high on drugs.