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Everything posted by Phoenixblue

  1. Who is being Anti-semetic? You were the one who mentioned Israel in the first place? You were the one proclaimed himself a racist and wanted to stick a medal on your chest for being one! Share that in your local Likud chat group.
  2. Shame on you. I will not go into detail to reply to your hate filled post, that would dignify your position and that is something you absolutely do not deserve. You take pride in being a racist hateful bigot? Well if the is what your ideological background calls for then feel proud to stick that medal of shame to your coat. Shame really, and you are the last person to talk about genocide or the Holocaust.
  3. The situation in the Occupied territories is very different than that in France and more complex. A people living under occupation don't have the luxury to pretend to live normal lives. I wish that was not the case but it is. Again @EmmetK is speaking from a right wing ideological perspective which is not helpful at all. Thank you @stevenkesslar for your balanced view, you did justice to people who don't have a voice to speak.
  4. Do we need to draw up a list of all undesirable, unwanted and dangerous groups of peoples based on nationalities? I,personally, do not think any particular group of people as a collective whether it's by nationality or race or faith or whatever singular factor to be inherently "bad." This sort of generalization is unscientific and counter intuitive. I would rather put emphasis on myself to strive to be a better person, God knows there's plenty of messed up people on this planet and I don't want to be part of that.
  5. Thank you for your empathy.
  6. What does living in a sheltered life have to do with this all. I honestly am trying very hard to understand your logic. You said that Muslims are homophobes and that they are dangerous to run into at night, so please help me understand; would you be afraid to walk in say, Dubai or Istanbul or Kuala Lumpur as a Gay man or a tourist? If that were the case then it would be sensible to warn others about traveling to North Africa or the Middle East since they would be, in your opinion, taking a risk?
  7. Out of curiosity, where they Chinese or Asian by any chance?
  8. Well done! Being in the prime of your youth 💪 I'm sure you're having the time of your life avoiding those savages
  9. Oh I believe you and what better way to demonstrate that than by looking at Muslim fanatic Ron DeSantis. In any case I was merely trying to help you out by giving you tips on how to avoid interacting with muslims or other brown third world savages by avoiding traveling through their airlines or stopping in their countries.
  10. Excellent. Since you are so proudly "Muslim phobic" please don't fly Emirates, Etihad, Qatar Airways or Turkish Airlines. Kindly refrain from having stopovers in Dubai, Doha, Istanbul on your way and don't forget to not visit Turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia not to mention Dubai. There are plenty of places where you nurture and grow in hate for muslims, arabs and brown people of all sorts and types. Have fun!
  11. Carnivorous dinosaur footprints found in Thailand? 🤔 Was it Farangosaurus before going extinct ?!
  12. Please excuse my ignorance but are the amounts you mentioned in US$ ?
  13. Thank you @floridarob! I have now narrowed my search to either Colombia or Brazil. Do you think that for a month's time trip I can cover both countries in one trip or shall I just stick to exploring one since I'm a newbie?
  14. Thank you very much for your help. I agree that Brazil is more suited for first timers visiting S America looking for fun with men. I will certainly look through the travel reports posted on the forum. I plan to travel late February/ early March.
  15. I apologize if I sounded vague. I am a newbie when it comes to S. America that's true. I certainly am not looking for scoring if that means free time with men, it's only one month after all. To be more precise I am looking for hiring and I appreciate the advice I got thus far from Gentlemen here. I'll look for GPs from saunas in Colombia or Brazil. I'll look up the travel reports from the area and hopefully gain more insight. Thank you for your help!
  16. To be honest I want to visit S. America to see guys like this! where can I find them ? gorgeous hunk.mp4
  17. I would like to thank you all for your wonderful tips and advice, very grateful Just to clarify, the only country I visited in S. America was Bolivia and that was long ago. I am trying to organize a trip to be a sort of beginners introduction to that part of the world for sightseeing but more for men. I had seen the reports about the gay scene in Colombia and from that am very excited about the guys there! To be honest I only speak very basic Spanish and no Portuguese so that, I guess, would be an issue I must deal with. I have been to Thailand numerous times and while I certainly love the guys there, I really am also attracted to Latin men I want to have a nice time with men from there. It is something I have been planning to do for a long time. I don't really have any expectations, just take things as they come. Once again, thank you to all that took time to reply to me give me help and advice. I appreciate your kindness!
  18. Hi, I am hoping to visit Latin America early next year and am trying to plan a travel itinerary. For a month's time visit should I visit more than one country or more? I have in mind a visit to Mexico and Colombia vs going to Brazil and Argentine. Would appreciate any tips and pointers Thank you!
  19. This is disturbing. How frequent does this sort of thing happen and what can one do for protection?
  20. So this on Youtube and thought it might be an interesting one to see. Mind you it's a lady sex worker describing her experience. I don't know if male workers are the same?
  21. Life is a balance of simplicity and complexity and the way to be happy is to strike the right balance. I like Thailand because, in my opinion, it is relatively simple, more relaxed and easy going. Best wishes 🌹
  22. I agree 100% with what you wrote. Sex is not love and sex is not a substitute for love. I think of Sex in terms of an addiction, I get the fix and get the high and then move on.. that's it, nothing substantial. Sex can be awesome and wonderful and all that yes and that is why we have it and travel across the world to have it but it cannot be a substitute for companionship, only love can be. To be honest I crave companionship and I feel that much more happier if I had it in my life. I'm 51. I feel that time is running out to find a mate, something that I really want. So I will travel east and west, spend money in foreign lands to have sex with strangers and come back the same way I started. This is a topic that I think alot about and I hope that my incoherent thoughts made justice to what I am trying to convey I hope you all find love and companionship and a happy and fulfilling life 🙏🌹
  23. Addiction is an medical condition and as such requires professional mental and physical therapy intervention. In this case moral support has an auxiliary effect but still is relevant. It is sad when young people's lives are cut short but there is only so much a person can do to help but to know that you played a part, however small, to alleviate their suffering males it that much more worthwhile. There are rehab centers that you can help your loved ones tackle their addictive impulses if you want to go all the way and being there for them. Most importantly it is the isolation that drives addiction, the demons of desolation. If it was my loved one's life on the line I will do all that it takes and I will sure as hell won't let them demons win 🌹
  24. All it takes is some kind words and empathy. Being their for others, even if it be by moral support, makes all the difference. Maybe others need to feel you care about them.
  25. I am very sorry for your loss. Be well and take care 🌹
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